Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.)
作品: | 85 作品在 6 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Faulkner's ethics = an intense struggle /
Wainwright, Michael.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Highlights of modern literature : = a permanent collection of memorable essays from the New York Times book review /
Berryman, John, (1914-1972.); Porter, Katherine Anne, (1890-1980.); O'Casey, Sean, (1880-1964.); MacNeice, Louis, (1907-1963.); Morley, Christopher, (1890-1957.); Gordon, Caroline, (1895-1981.); Brown, Francis, (1903-1995,); Auden, W. H. (1907-1973.); Spender, Stephen, (1909-1995.)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 8
Napierkowski, Marie Rose,; Stanley, Deborah A.,; Gale Group.
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 4
Napierkowski, Marie Rose,; Gale Group.
The sound and the fury : = an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism /
Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.)
Three famous short novels /by William Faulkner.
Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); Mississippi
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 13
Gale Group.; Thomason, Elizabeth,
William Faulkner = a literary life /
Palgrave Connect (Online service); Rampton, David, (1950-)
Faulkner at 100 = retrospect and prospect /
Abadie, Ann J.; Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); NetLibrary, Inc.; Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference (1997 :); Mississippi; Kartiganer, Donald M., (1937-)
As I lay dying : = authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism /
Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); Gorra, Michael Edward.; Mississippi
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 24
Milne, Ira Mark,; Gale Group.
The Sound and the fury : = the corrected text /
Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); Mississippi
New starts : = performative topographies in literature and criticism /
Miller, J. Hillis (1928-); Zhong yang yan jiu yuan., Ou Mei yan jiu suo.
The sound and the fury : = an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism /
Minter, David L.; Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.)
Reading Faulkner. = glossary and commentary /. Absalom, Absalom! :
Urgo, Joseph R.; Polk, Noel.; Project Muse.; Mississippi
Faulkner at 100 : = retrospect and prospect /
Abadie, Ann J.; Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference (1997 :); Mississippi; Yoknapatawpha County (Imaginary place); Kartiganer, Donald M., (1937-)
The fragile thread = the meaning of form in Faulkner's novels /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Kartiganer, Donald M., (1937-)
William Faulkner and southern history
NetLibrary, Inc.; Southern States; Southern States; Southern States; Williamson, Joel.
Faulkner and the native keystone = reading (beyond) the American South /
SpringerLink (Online service); Oklopcic, Biljana.
The sound and the fury & As I lay dying /
Faulkner, William, (1897-1962.); Southern States; Southern States.
World War, 1914-1918- Fiction.
Yoknapatawpha County (Imaginary place)- Fiction.
Fiction- Technique.
Literary form.
Faulkner, William,- Critique et interpr歋tation
Mississippi dans la litt歋rature
Bellow, Saul.- Seize the day.
Malamud, Bernard.- Natural.
Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasevich,- Master i Margarita.
Bowen, Elizabeth,- Death of the heart.
Thackeray, William Makepeace,- Vanity fair.
Stevens, Wallace,- Criticism and interpretation.
Geography in literature.
Faulkner, William,- Language
Mississippi- In literature.
Hemingway, Ernest,
Lewis, Sinclair,
Faulkner, William,- Sound and the fury.
Novelists, American- 20th century
Snopes family (Fictitious characters)- Fiction.
African American women cooks
Aristocracy (Social class)- Fiction.
Brothers and sisters- Fiction.
Naylor, Gloria.- Women of Brewster Place.
Literature- History and criticism.
Faulkner, William,- As I lay dying.
London, Jack,- Call of the wild.
Oates, Joyce Carol,- them.
Faulkner, William,- Absalom, Absalom!
Ishiguro, Kazuo,- Remains of the day.
Lewis, C. S.- Lion, the witch, and the wardrobe.
Drifters- Mississippi
Faulkner, William - As I lay dying.
Stream of consciousness fiction.
Southern States- Intellectual life- 1865-
North American Literature.
Faulkner, William,
Afro-Americans- Crimes against
Yoknapatawpha County (Lieu imaginaire)
Southern States- Civilization.
Southern States- In literature.
Crane, Stephen,- Red badge of courage.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Dreiser, Theodore,- Sister Carrie.
Tolkien, J. R. R.- Hobbit.
Woolf, Virginia,- To the lighthouse.
Warren, Robert Penn,- All the king's men.
Eugenides, Jeffrey.- Middlesex.
Hesse, Hermann,- Steppenwolf.
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson,
Chess in literature.
Plantation life in literature.
Pregnant women- Mississippi
Fugitives from justice- Fiction.- Southern States
Faulkner, William,- Criticism and interpretation
Yoknapatawpha County (Imaginary place)- Congresses.
Faulkner, William,- Knowledge- Southern States.
Baldwin, James,- Go tell it on the mountain.
Defoe, Daniel,- Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders.
Markandaya, Kamala,- Nectar in a sieve.
McCullers, Carson,- Member of the wedding.
Lurie, Alison.- Foreign affairs.
Saussure, Ferdinand de,
Racially mixed people- Mississippi
Literature, Modern.
Languages and Literature.
Interdisciplinary Studies.
Twentieth-Century Literature.
Mississippi- Social life and customs
Man-woman relationships- Fiction.- Southern States
Authors, American- Biography.- 20th century
Anderson, Sherwood,- Winesburg, Ohio.
Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Handmaid's tale.
Dickens, Charles,- Great expectations.
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor,- Bratia Karamazovy.
Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Surfacing.
Guterson, David.- Snow falling on cedars.
Waugh, Evelyn,- Brideshead revisited.
Blume, Judy.- Forever.
Updike, John.- Toward the end of time.
Translating and interpreting.
Louisiana- Environmental conditions.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott- Great Gatsby.
Domestic fiction.
Faulkner, William,- Technique.
Literatura norte americana (historia e critica)
Bronte, Charlotte,- Jane Eyre.
Gordimer, Nadine.- July's people.
Wiesel, Elie,- Night.
Fiction- History and criticism.
Ballard, J. G.,- Empire of the sun.
Morrison, Toni.- Song of Solomon.
Welty, Eudora,- Optimist's daughter.
Faulkner, William,- Light in August.
Hulme, Keri.- Bone people.
Kingsolver, Barbara.- Poisonwood bible.
Robinson, Marilynne.- Gilead.
Faulkner, William,- Criticism and interpretation.
Race in literature.
New Orleans (La.)- Social conditions- 21st century.
Wharton, Edith,
Southern States- Civilization- 1775-1865.
Southern States.
Mississippi- Race relations
Yoknapatawpha County (Imaginary place)
Illegitimate children
Southern States
Mason, Bobbie Ann.- In country.
Butler, Octavia E.- Kindred.
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de,- Don Quixote.
Kerouac, Jack,- On the road.
Tan, Amy.- Kitchen god's wife.
Oates, Joyce Carol,- We were the Mulvaneys.
Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson,- Characters.
LITERARY CRITICISM / American / General.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Anthropology / Cultural.
Woolf, Virginia,
Literature, Modern- History and criticism.
American fiction- History and criticism- 20th century.
Gender Studies.
Mississippi- In literature
People with mental disabilities
Potok Chaim.- Chosen.
Remarque, Erich Maria,- All quiet on the Western front.
Silko, Leslie,- Ceremony.
Christie, Agatha,- And then there were none.
Fuentes, Carlos.- Gringo viejo.
Banks, Russell,- Sweet hereafter.
Baum, L. Frank- Wizard of Oz.
Wilder, Thornton,- Bridge of San Luis Ray.
Cather, Willa,