United States
作品: | 1 作品在 2 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Environmental deceptions = the tension between liberalism and environmental policymaking in the United States /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Cahn, Matthew Alan,, 1961-; United States; United States
Roosevelt to Reagan : = a reporter's encounters with nine presidents /
United States; United States; Donovan, Hedley.
Mandarins of the future : = modernization theory in Cold War America /
Gilman, Nils, (1971-); Developing countries; United States; United States; United States
Congress behaving badly = the rise of partisanship and incivility and the death of public trust /
Ahuja, Sunil.; United States., Congress; United States., Congress; United States; United States
Barry Goldwater /
Goldberg, Robert Alan, (1949-); United States; United States., Congress.
Packaging the presidency : = a history and criticism of presidential campaign advertising /
Jamieson, Kathleen Hall.; United States; United States
The politics of information : = problem definition and the course of public policy in America /
Baumgartner, Frank R., (1958-); United States; United States; Jones, Bryan D.
Chicano politics : = reality and promise, 1940-1990 /
United States; United States; Gomez-Quinones, Juan.
The presidency, Congress, and divided government : = a postwar assessment /
Conley, Richard Steven.; United States; United States
Goldwater /
Goldwater, Barry M. (1909-); United States; Casserly, Jack.; United States., Congress.
Afghanistan and the Vietnam syndrome = comparing US and Soviet wars /
Tripathi, Deepak.; United States; Afghanistan; SpringerLink (Online service); United States; Soviet Union
The American century = the rise and decline of the United States as a world power /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; White, Donald Wallace.
Veto bargaining : = presidents and the politics of negative power /
United States; United States; Cameron, Charles M. (1954-)
Committees in Congress /
Smith, Steven S., (1953-); Deering, Christopher J., (1951-); United States., Congress; United States., Congress; United States; United States
Shaky ground : = the '60s and its aftershocks /
United States; United States; United States; Echols, Alice.
The modern presidency & civil rights = rhetoric on race from Roosevelt to Nixon /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; Pauley, Garth E., (1971-); 榼tats-Unis; 榼tats-Unis
When affirmative action was white : = an untold history of racial inequality in twentieth-century America /
Katznelson, Ira.; United States; United States
The Columbia history of post-World War II America /
United States; United States; United States; United States; Carnes, Mark C. (1950-)
The two reconstructions : = the struggle for Black enfranchisement /
Valelly, Richard M.; United States.; United States; United States
The press and the modern presidency : = myths and mindsets from Kennedy to Clinton /
Liebovich, Louis.; United States; United States
Liberating theory /
United States; United States; United States; Albert, Michael, (1947-)
Presidents and the politics of agency design = political insulation in the United States government bureaucracy, 1946-1997 /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Lewis, David E., (1970-); United States; United States
Clark Clifford = the wise man of Washington /
United States; United States; Acacia, John.
Environmental deceptions : = the tension between liberalism and environmental policymaking in the United States /
Cahn, Matthew Alan,, 1961-; United States; United States
Civil defense begins at home : = militarization meets everyday life in the fifties /
McEnaney, Laura, (1960-); United States
The fall of the house of Roosevelt : = brokers of ideas and power from FDR to LBJ /
United States; United States; Janeway, Michael, (1940-)
God is a conservative = religion, politics, and morality in contemporary America /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; Heineman, Kenneth J., (1962-)
No caption needed : = iconic photographs, public culture, and liberal democracy /
Lucaites, John Louis.; United States; United States; Hariman, Robert.
Passages to the presidency = from campaigning to governing /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; Jones, Charles O.
Cold War civil rights : = race and the image of American democracy /
Dudziak, Mary L., (1956-); United States; United States
The neoconservative revolution = Jewish intellectuals and the shaping of public policy /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Friedman, Murray, (1926-); United States
Presidents and the press = the Nixon legacy /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; Spear, Joseph C.
The tides of reform : = making government work, 1945-1995 /
Light, Paul Charles.; United States; United States
Political innovation in America : = the politics of policy initiation /
Polsby, Nelson W.; United States
Presidential speechwriting = from the New Deal to the Reagan revolution and beyond /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; Medhurst, Martin J.; Ritter, Kurt W.
Economics, bureaucracy, and race : = how Keynesians misguided the war on poverty /
United States; United States; Russell, Judith, (1946-)
The presidency, Congress, and divided government = a postwar assessment /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Conley, Richard Steven.; United States; United States
Trade secrets of Washington journalists : = how to get the facts about what's going on in Washington /
Weinberg, Steve.; United States
Powersharing = White House-Cabinet relations in the modern presidency /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; Warshaw, Shirley Anne, (1950-)
Talking about a revolution : = interviews with Michael Albert, Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich, Bell Hooks, Peter Kwong, Winona LaDuke, Manning Marable, Urvashi Vaid, and Howard Zinn /
South End Press Collective.; United States; United States
Foreign policy and the press = an analysis of the New York times' coverage of U.S. foreign policy /
Berry, Nicholas O.; United States; United States
Rolling on the river = the best of Steve Neal /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; Neal, Steve, (1949-); United States
Laughing matters : = humor and American politics in the media age /
Baumgartner, Jody C., (1958-); Morris, Jonathan S.; United States; United States; United States; United States
Issue evolution : = race and the transformation of American politics /
Stimson, James A.; Carmines, Edward G.; United States; United States
Suburban warriors : = the origins of the new American Right /
McGirr, Lisa, (1962-); United States
Goldwater = a tribute to a twentieth-century political icon /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States., Congress.; Rentschler, William H.
The fall of the house of Roosevelt : = brokers of ideas and power from FDR to LBJ /
United States; United States; Janeway, Michael, (1940-)
Forgive us our press passes : = the memoirs of a veteran Washington reporter /
Waldman, Myron S.; United States
The strange death of liberal America /
United States; United States; Brauer, Ralph.
Airwaves = a collection of radio editorials from the Golden Apple /
New York (State); United States; United States; NetLibrary, Inc.; Westchester County (N.Y.); Westchester County (N.Y.); O'Shaugnessy, William.
The president's call = executive leadership from FDR to George Bush /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; United States; Michaels, Judith E., (1948-); United States
Organizing the Presidency
Pfiffner, James P.; NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; United States; Hess, Stephen.
The Democrats' dilemma : = Walter F. Mondale and the liberal legacy /
United States; United States., Congress.; Gillon, Steven M.
Why presidential speech locations matter = analyzing speechmaking from Truman to Obama /
United States; United States; SpringerLink (Online service); O'Brien, Shannon Bow.
The state of the nation : = government and the quest for a better society /
Bok, Derek Curtis.; United States; United States; United States; United States
In the shadow of war = the United States since the 1930's /
NetLibrary, Inc.; United States; United States; United States; Sherry, Michael S., (1945-); United States
The new imperial presidency : = renewing presidential power after Watergate /
United States; United States; Rudalevige, Andrew, (1968-)
Inventing the "American Way" = The Politics of Consensus from the New Deal to the Civil Rights Movement
Oxford University Press.; United States; United States; United States; Wall, Wendy; United States
Historic documents of 1976.
United States; United States.; Congressional Quarterly, inc.
Boundaries of dissent : = protest and state power in the media age /
United States; United States; United States; United States; D'Arcus, Bruce.
Elbridge Gerry's salamander : = the electoral consequences of the reapportionment revolution /
Katz, Jonathan N. (1968-); United States; United States; Cox, Gary W.
The intellectuals and the flag /
Gitlin, Todd.; United States; United States; United States; United States
The long war : = a new history of U.S. national security policy since World War II /
United States; United States; United States; Bacevich, A. J.
Cold War- Social aspects- United States.
United States.- Reform.
United States- Politics and government- 1989-1993.
Administrative agencies- Management.- United States
United States- Politics and government- 1933-1945.
African Americans- History- 1863-1877.
United States- Politics and government- 1865-1877.
United States- History- 1945-
Religion and politics- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Moral conditions.
Bureaucracy- United States.
Affirmative action programs- History- 20th century.- United States
African Americans- Economic conditions- 20th century.
榼loquence politique- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- 榼tats-Unis
American wit and humor- History and criticism.
Voting- History- 20th century.- United States
Election districts- United States.
Public spaces- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
State, The- History- 20th century.
Mass media- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
United States- Social conditions- 1960-1980.
Mass media- Political aspects- United States
Photojournalism- History- 20th century.- United States
World politics- 1945-
US Politics.
Political Leadership.
United States- Military policy.
Afghan War, 2001-2021- United States.
International Security Studies.
United States- Politics and government- 21st century.
Environmental policy- United States.
Afro-Americans- Civil rights- 20th century.
United States.
Civil defense- United States.
Johnson, Lyndon B.
United States- Officials and employees- 20th century.
Freedom of speech- United States.
Politicians- United States
Westchester County (N.Y.)- Politics and government
Presidents- Election.- United States
Nixon, Richard M.- Adversaries.
Government and the press- History- 20th century.- United States
Social change- Philosophy.
United States- Intellectual life- 20th century.
National security- History- 20th century.- United States
Jews- Intellectual life- 20th century.
Political oratory- History- 20th century.- United States
Presidents- Language.- United States
Rhetoric- Political aspects- United States.
Culture politique- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- 榼tats-Unis
Discours politique- 榼tats-Unis.
Mass media- Political aspects- United States.
Political parties- History- 20th century.- United States
Etiquette- United States.
Lawyers- Biography.- United States
Political Science and International Relations.
Intellectuals- United States
United States- Economic policy- 1961-1971.
Foreign Policy.
Soviet Union- Politics and government- 1945-1991.
United States- Economic conditions- 1945-
Political activists- Interviews.- United States
Janeway, Eliot.
Cabinet officers- United States.
Westchester County (N.Y.)
Conservatism- History- 20th century.- United States
Liberalism- History- 20th century.- United States
National characteristics, American.
Administrative agencies- United States.
African Americans- Legal status, laws, etc.- 20th century.
Race discrimination- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Race relations.
Goldwater, Barry M.- Political and social views.
Noirs am歋ricains- Droits- 20e si墈cle.
Pr歋sidents- Attitudes ethniques.- 榼tats-Unis
Pr歋sidents- Langage.- 榼tats-Unis
榼tats-Unis- Relations raciales
Executive power- History- 21st century.- United States
Apportionment (Election law)- United States.
Speeches, addresses, etc., American- History.
Legislative and Executive Politics.
Nationalism- United States.
Nineteen sixties.
Nineteen seventies.
National security- United States.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975- United States.
Quality of life- United States.
United States- Social conditions- 1945-
Divided government- United States.
Government and the press- United States.
Presidents- Staff.- United States
African Americans- Civil rights- 20th century.
榼tats-Unis- Politique et gouvernement- 1945-1989.
Mexican Americans- Politics and government.
Presidents- History- 21st century.- United States
Political culture- United States.
Protest movements- History- 20th century.- United States
Presidents- Press coverage- 20th century.- United States
Donovan, Hedley.
Poverty- Government policy- 20th century.- United States
Social sciences- Methodology.
Peace and Conflict Studies.
American Politics.
United States- Politics and government- 1989-
Radicalism- United States.
Afro-Americans- Legal status, laws, etc.- 20th century.
Democracy- History- 20th century.- United States
Racism- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
Reporters and reporting- Washington (D.C.)
Presidents- Transition periods.- United States
Janeway, Elizabeth.
Janeway, Michael,- Childhood and youth.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.- Friends and associates.
Government executives- Selection and appointment- 20th century.- United States
Presidents- History- 20th century.- United States
Election law- History.- United States
New York (State)- Politics and government- 1951-
Right and left (Political science)- History- 20th century.
Nixon, Richard M.
Economic development- Philosophy.
Developing countries- Economic policy.
English language- Rhetoric.- United States
Businessmen- Political activity- 20th century.- United States
Elite (Social sciences)- Political activity- 20th century.- United States
Political activists- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Social conditions- 20th century.
Executive power- History- 20th century.- United States
Veto- United States.
Protest movements- United States
United States- Social conditions- 1980-.
Popular culture- History.- United States
Rhetoric- Political aspects- United States
United States.- History- 20th century.
Press and politics- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Foreign relations- 1945-
Diffusion of innovations- United States.
Politics and government
Governance and Government.
United States- Intellectual life- 21st century.
Counterculture- History- 20th century.- United States
Manpower policy- History- 20th century.- United States
European Politics.
Policy sciences.
Conservatism- United States.
Administrative agencies- Reorganization.- United States
Executive departments- United States.
Advertising, Political- United States.
Celebrities- United States
Presidents- Election- 20th century.- United States
Social change- Developing countries.
Johnson, Lyndon B.- Political and social views.
Whites- Civil rights- 20th century.- United States
United States- History, Military- 20th century.
Jews- Politics and government.- United States
Presidents- Racial attitudes.- United States
Presidents- Biography.- United States
Intellectuals- Political activity- 20th century.- United States
Nationalism- History- 20th century.- United States
Executive power- United States.
United States- Politics and government- 20th century.
Visual communication- Political aspects- United States
World politics.
Cultural Policy and Politics.
United States- History- 1961-1969.
Policy sciences- United States.
Terrorism and Political Violence.
United States- Race relations
United States.- Committees.
United States- Politics and government- 1989-.
Presidential candidates- United States.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.- Influence.
New Deal, 1933-1939.
Political culture- History- 20th century.- United States
United States.- Voting Rights Act of 1965.
African Americans- History- 1877-1964.
War- Social aspects- 20th century.- United States
Goldwater, Barry M.
Speechwriters- United States
Speechwriting- History- 20th century.- United States
Public opinion- United States.
Protest movements in mass media- History- 20th century.
Political culture- History.- United States
Photographs- Political aspects- United States
New York times.
Statesmen- Biography.- United States
Occasional speeches- History.- United States
Political Communication.
Radicalism- History- 20th century.- United States
Presidential candidates- United States
Economic assistance, Domestic- History- 20th century.- United States
Federal government- Information resources management- United States.
United States- Politics and government- 1945-1989.
Liberalism- United States.
Party affiliation- United States.
Political parties- United States.
Legislators- United States
Journalists- Biography.- United States
Civil service reform- United States.
Presidents- United States.
African Americans- Politics and government.
African Americans- Suffrage
Political parties- History.- United States
Reconstruction (U.S. history, 1865-1877)
Editorials- New York (State)
United States- Foreign relations- 1945-1989.
Communication in politics- History- 20th century.- United States
Communication politique- Histoire- 20e si墈cle.- 榼tats-Unis
Rhetoric- Political aspects- 20th century.- United States
United States- Politics and government- 1945-1989
Democracy- History.- United States
United States.- History- 21st century.
Clifford, Clark M.,
Political oratory- History- 21st century.- United States
Presidents- Travel- United States.
Rhetoric- Political aspects- 21st century.- United States
Popular culture- History- 20th century.- United States
Mondale, Walter F.,
Racism- Economic aspects- 20th century.- United States
Afghanistan- History- Soviet occupation, 1979-1989.