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Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.)

作品: 1 作品在 7 項出版品 2 種語言
To the lighthouse / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.); Skye, Island of (Scotland); Drabble, Margaret, (1939-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Virginia Woolf reader / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.); Leaska, Mitchell Alexander. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The Waves / by: Haule, James M.; Smith, Philip H.; Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.); Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The waves / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Virginia Woolf by: Woodring, Carl, (1919-) (書目-電子資源)
Orlando : = a biography / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
是星期一還是星期二 / by: 吳爾芙 ((Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941)); 范文美; Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Mrs. Dalloway / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.); Fusini, Nadia. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Novels for students. = presenting analysis, context, and crticism on commonly studied novels /. Volume 8 by: Gale Group.; Napierkowski, Marie Rose,; Stanley, Deborah A., (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Mrs Dalloway / by: Woolf, Virginia, (1882-1941.); London (England) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Biography as a literary form. Pepys, Samuel, English- Scotland Married people- Fiction. Ocean travel Men- History- England England- Social life and customs Pageants- Production and direction Regret Gifted persons. Bulgakov, Mikhail Afanasevich,- Master i Margarita. Steinbeck, John,- Cannery row. World War, 1914-1918- England Married women London (England)- Social life and customs- 18th century. Social classes in literature. Hemingway, Ernest, Lewis, Sinclair, Winterson, Jeanette, Dogs- Fiction. Woolf, Virginia,- Views on authorship. Loss (Psychology) Summer resorts Forster, E. M.- Passage to India. Imperialism in literature. Man-woman relationships- Fiction.- England Man-woman relationships- Fiction. Fry, Roger Eliot, Woolf, Virginia,- Authorship. Marriage- Fiction.- England Parties- Fiction. Women authors, English- 20th century Faulkner, William,- As I lay dying. London, Jack,- Call of the wild. Oates, Joyce Carol,- them. Literature- History and criticism. Alcott, Louisa May,- Little women. James, Henry,- Ambassadors. Woolf, Virginia. Transsexuals- Fiction. Parties Suicide victims Lesbians in literature. Erpenbeck, Jenny, English essays- 20th century. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett,- Fiction. Shaw, Bernard, Playwrights and Playwriting. Animals- Fiction. Literature- Women authors Widowers Women- Social conditions.- England London (England)- Fiction. Novelists, English- Correspondence.- 20th century First loves Middle-aged women London (England)- Social life and customs. Sackville-West, V. Woolf, Virginia,- Criticism and interpretation. Freud, Sigmund, Dreiser, Theodore,- Sister Carrie. Tolkien, J. R. R.- Hobbit. Woolf, Virginia,- To the lighthouse. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Danticat, Edwidge,- Dew breaker. DeLillo, Don.- White noise. Vonnegut, Kurt.- Cat's cradle. Woolf, Virginia,- Waves. Women- Education (Higher) English fiction- Women authors Faulkner, William, Psychic trauma in literature. Roth, Joseph, Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, Orwell, George, British and Irish Literature. Spirituality. Social History. Fantasy. Women authors- Economic conditions. Mothers- Death Skye, Island of (Scotland) British- Travel- South America Young women- Travel- South America London (England)- Description and travel. Literature and mental illness. Gandhi, Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Edible woman. Du Maurier, Daphne,- Rebecca. Fox, Paula.- Slave dancer. Updike, John.- Rabbit, run. Woolf, Virginia,- Mrs. Dalloway. Dostoyevsky, Fyodor,- Zapiski iz podpolia. Ford, Ford Madox,- Good soldier. Tolstoy, Leo,- Anna Karenina. Authors, English- 20th century Authors, English- Psychology.- 20th century Literature, Modern. Families- England Ferrante, Elena. Quixote, Twentieth-Century Literature. Women dog owners- Fiction. England Authors, English- Biography War- Prevention. Woolf, Virginia,- Voyage out. Colonies in literature. Young women- Fiction.- England Married women- Fiction.- England Sex role- Fiction. Novelists, English- Diaries.- 20th century Manic-depressive persons- England Dostoyevsky, Fyodor,- Bratia Karamazovy. Irving, John,- World according to Garp. Kosinski, Jerzy,- Painted bird. Mendez M., Miguel.- Peregrinos de Aztlan. Paton, Alan.- Too late the phalarope. Austen, Jane,- Northanger Abbey. Dangarembga, Tsitsi.- Nervous conditions. Desai, Kiran,- Hullabaloo in the guava orchard. Doyle, Arthur Conan,- Hound of the Baskervilles. Nobility Warner, Sylvia Townsend, Homosexuality and literature- English-speaking countries. Fitzgerald, F. Scott- Great Gatsby. English literature. Moon, Keith, Women poets- Fiction. Flush (Dog)- Fiction. England- Fiction. Women England History Fiction.- Men England History Fiction. Austen, Jane, Lighthouses Large type books. Suicide victims- Fiction. Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Ballard, J. G.,- Empire of the sun. Fiction- History and criticism. Morrison, Toni.- Song of Solomon. Norris, Frank,- Octopus. Woolf, Virginia,- Biographies. Personality in literature. Authors and readers. Biographie. Feminism. Women intellectuals. Race in literature. Women and literature- English-speaking countries. Wharton, Edith, Modernism (Literature) Woolf, Virginia,- Years. London (England)- Social life and customs Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, Garner, Helen, Kadare, Ismail. Krasznahorkai, László. Levi, Primo. Religion and literature- 20th century.- England Religion and Gender. Human-animal relationships- Fiction. 英國小說 Fiction. Women and literature- Great Britain. Woolf, Virginia, Novelists, English- 20th century Conrad, Joseph,- Heart of darkness. Women- History- England Woolf, Virginia,- Correspondence. Young men- Fiction.- England London (England) Triangles (Interpersonal relations) Butler, Octavia E.- Kindred. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de,- Don Quixote. Kerouac, Jack,- On the road. Emecheta, Buchi.- Bride price. Watkins, Yoko Kawashima.- So far from the bamboo grove. Authorship- Psychological aspects. Autor. Women college teachers. Sex in literature. Literature, Modern- History and criticism. Authorship. English literature- History and criticism- 20th century. Authorship- Sex differences. Bellow, Saul. English essays- 21st century. 英國文學 Women authors- Social conditions. Shelley, Percy Bysshe, English fiction- History and criticism.- 20th century Epic literature, English- History and criticism. Modernism (Literature)- Great Britain. Married women- Fiction. Woolf, Virginia,- Diaries. Woolf, Virginia,- Health. Gifted persons Christie, Agatha,- And then there were none. Fuentes, Carlos.- Gringo viejo. Anaya, Rudolfo A.- Bless me, Ultima. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Animal dreams. Hudson, Jan,- Sweetgrass. Young men Women's studies. Schreiner, Olive,- Characters Cather, Willa, Primitivism in literature. Robinson, Marilynne. Auster, Paul, Hrabal, Bohumil, Sebald, W. G. Authors in literature.
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