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Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.)

作品: 1 作品在 4 項出版品 2 種語言
The old man and the sea. Disc 2 / by: Sutherland, Donald, (1935-); Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Cuba (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
For whom the bell tolls. Disc 2 / by: Scott, Campbell.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Spain (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
The old man and the sea. Disc 3 / by: Sutherland, Donald, (1935-); Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Cuba (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
Ernest hemingway = a literary life / by: Wagner-Martin, Linda.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Across the river and into the trees / by: Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
A farewell to arms / by: Tanner, Tony.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
For whom the bell tolls. Disc 8 / by: Scott, Campbell.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Spain (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
For whom the bell tolls. Disc 7 / by: Scott, Campbell.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Spain (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
For whom the bell tolls. Disc 10 / by: Scott, Campbell.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Spain (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
For whom the bell tolls. Disc 9 / by: Scott, Campbell.; Hemingway, Ernest, (1899-1961.); Spain (書目-錄音,非音樂表演資料)
美國文學 World War, 1914-1918- Fiction. Hemingway, Ernest, Older men- Cuba Friendship- Fiction. Military deserters Bullfights. Fishers Older men Ordonez Araujo, Antonio, Hemingway, Ernest,- Farewell to arms. Hemingway, Ernest,- Sun also rises. Hugo, Victor,- Miserables. Rolvaag, O. E.- Giants in the earth. Hesse, Hermann,- Siddhartha. Le Guin, Ursula K.,- Left hand of darkness. Sinclair, Upton,- Jungle. Morrison, Toni.- Beloved. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Cat's eye. Dos Passos, John,- U.S.A. Lewis, Sinclair, Authors, American- 20th century World War, 1939-1945. Novelists, American- 20th century Audiobooks. Big game hunting- Africa, East. Dominguin, Luis Miguel, Bullfighters- Spain Smuggling- Fiction. Heller, Joseph.- Catch-22. Steinbeck, John,- Of mice and men. Wright, Richard,- Black boy. Literature- History and criticism. Dickens, Charles,- Tale of two cities. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Bean trees. Walker, Alice,- Color purple. Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich,- Odin den' Ivana Denisovicha. Austen, Jane,- Persuasion. Bellow, Saul.- Herzog. Morrison, Toni.- Sula. Authors, American. North American Literature. Revolutionaries Spain- History- Civil War, 1936-1939 Hemingway, Ernest,- Homes and haunts- France Ashley, Brett (Fictitious character)- Fiction. Paris (France)- Social life and customs- 20th century. Journalists- United States Guest, Judith.- Ordinary people. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Card, Orson Scott.- Ender's game. Erdrich, Louise.- Love medicine. Doctorow, E. L.,- Ragtime. Swift, Jonathan,- Gulliver's travels. Faulkner, William, Italy- Foreign relations- 1922-1945. Espionage, American. Fishers- Cuba Self in literature. Hemingway, Ernest,- Travel- Spain. Caribbean Area Hemingway, Ernest,- Criticism and interpretation. Short story. Bradbury, Ray,- Fahrenheit 451. Hawthorne, Nathaniel,- Scarlet letter. Salinger, J. D.- Catcher in the rye. Twain, Mark,- Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Alvarez, Julia.- How the Garcia girls lost their accents. Kingston, Maxine Hong.- Woman warrior. McCullers, Carson,- Heart is a lonely hunter. Flaubert, Gustave,- Madame Bovary. Harris, Marilyn,- Hatter Fox. Hemingway, Ernest,- For whom the bell tolls. Literature, Modern. Spain. Adams, Nick (Fictitious character)- Fiction. Hemingway, Ernest,- Last years. Twentieth-Century Literature. Authors, American- Biography.- 20th century Cuba Paris (France)- Social life and customs- 20th century Expatriation- Fiction. Hunters- Biography.- Africa, East Hemingway, Ernest,- Garden of Eden. Autobiographical fiction, American- History and criticism. Male friendship- Fiction. Americans- Fiction.- Bahamas Bimini Islands (Bahamas)- Fiction. Bullfights- Spain. Garcia Marquez, Gabriel,- Amor en los tiempos del colera. Esquivel, Laura,- Como agua para chocolate. Hinton, S. E.- Outsiders. Wharton, Edith,- Ethan Frome. Allende, Isabel.- Casa de los espiritus. Huxley, Aldous,- Brave new world. Davis, Rebecca Harding,- Margret Howth. Dumas, Alexandre,- Trois mousquetaires. Porter, Katherine Anne,- Ship of fools. Fitzgerald, F. Scott- Great Gatsby. Fiction Literature. American fiction. Spain- Foreign relations- Great Britain. Americans- History- 20th century- France Hemingway, Ernest,- Journeys- Africa, East. Hemingway, Ernest,- Islands in the stream. Hemingway, Ernest,- Moveable feast. Riviera (France)- Fiction. Fiction- History and criticism. Dick, Philip K.- Do androids dream of electric sheep? Garcia Marquez, Gabriel,- Cien anos de soledad. Hemingway, Ernest,- Old man and the sea. Wharton, Edith, Venice (Italy) Literature, Modern- United States. World War, 1914-1918 Spain- History- Alfonso XIII, 1886-1931 Safaris- Africa, East. Paris (France)- Intellectual life- 20th century. Americans- Fiction.- Cuba Spain- Description and travel. Austen, Jane,- Pride and prejudice. Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft,- Frankenstein. Tan, Amy.- Joy luck club. Gaines, Ernest J.,- Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman. Steinbeck, John,- Pearl. Stowe, Harriet Beecher,- Uncle Tom's cabin. Dickens, Charles,- Oliver Twist. Emecheta, Buchi.- Wreslting match. American literature- History and criticism. Woolf, Virginia, Literature, Modern- History and criticism. Authorship. Depressions. Espionage, American- History- 20th century. Non-Fiction Literature. Journalists- Biography.- United States Hemingway, Ernest,- Green hills of Africa. Cycles (Literature) Americans- History- 20th century.- France Authors, American- Correspondence.- 20th century Morrison, Toni.- Bluest eye. Plath, Sylvia.- Bell jar. Twain, Mark,- Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Camus, Albert,- Stranger. Irving, John,- Prayer for Owen Meany. Zindel, Paul.- Pigman. Cather, Willa, Short stories. Literary History.