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Verdi, Giuseppe

Works: 1 works in 14 publications in 3 languages
Othello a lyrical drama in four acts(founded on Shakespeare's tragedy)vocal by: Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901.); Boito, Aprigo.; Hueffer, Francis.; 威爾第; Verdi, Giuseppe (Language materials, printed)
威爾第 = Verdi : Falstaff : 歌劇<<法斯塔夫>> / by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 柴菲雷利 ((Zeffirelli, Franco)); 芙蕾妮; 邦妮; 李汶; Verdi, Giuseppe; Zeffirelli, Franco; 紐約大都會歌劇院管弦樂團與合唱團 (Projected and video material)
曲和淚 = Giuseppe Verdi : 威爾第的故事 / by: Matarazzo, Raffaello; Malenotti, Maleno; Verdi, Giuseppe; Andre, Gaby; Crissoy, Pierre; Ferrero, Anna Maria (Projected and video material)
La forza del destino (the force of destiny) an opera in four acts vocal scor by: Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901.); Verdi, Giuseppe; Procter-Gregg, Humphrey.; Piave, Francesco Maria. (Language materials, printed)
威爾第 = Verdi:La traviata rizzi : 茶花女 / by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 涅翠柯 ((Netrebko, Anna)); 賈亞松 ((Hampson, Thomas)); 黎濟 ((Rizzi, Carlo)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Netrebko, Anna; Hampson, Thomas; Rizzi, Carlo; 維也納愛樂 (Projected and video material)
Un Ballo in maschera (a masked ball) opera in three acts vocal score by: Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901.); Procter-Gregg, Humphrey.; Somma, Antonio.; Verdi, Giuseppe (Language materials, printed)
朱瑟貝.威爾第之馬克白 = Giuseppe Verdi's Marbeth ; by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 馬羅可 ((Marrocu, Paoletta)); 漢普森 ((Hampson, Thomas)); 龐特尼 ((Pountney, David)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Hampson, Thomas; Marrocu, Paoletta; Pountney, David; 蘇黎士劇院交響樂團及合唱團(Chorus and Orchestra of the Zurich Opera House) (Projected and video material)
奧泰羅 = Otello / by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 摩辛斯基 ((Moshinsky, Elijah)); 額列 ((Earle, Roderick)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Earle, Roderick; Moshinsky, Elijah; 柯芬園皇家歌劇院管絃樂團(Orchestra of the Royal Opera House); 皇家歌劇院合唱團(The Royal Opera Chorus); Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; The Royal Opera Chorus (Projected and video material)
威爾第 = Giuseppe Verdi : 命運之力 : La Forza Del Destino / by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 葛濟夫 ((Gergiev, Valery)); 卡拉謝夫 ((Karasev, Grigory)); 葛釵可娃 ((Gorchakova, Galina)); 普替林 ((Putilin, Nikolai)); 塔拉索娃 ((Tarasova, Marianna)); 亞利薩許金 ((Alexashkin, Sergei)); 莫辛斯基 ((Moshinsky, Elijah)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Marzendorfer, Ernst; 基洛夫管弦樂團(The Kirov Orchestra); 基洛夫合唱團(The Kirov Chorus); The Kirov Orchestra; The Kirov Chorus; Kaiser, Kristiane; Borras, Jean-Francois; Kopinits, Stefanie; Tichy, Georg; Kurz, Michael; 葛里戈利安 ((Grigorian, Gegam)) (Projected and video material)
阿依達 = Aida / by: 威爾第 ((Verdi, Giuseppe)); 史都德 ((Studer, Cheryl)); 摩辛斯基 ((Moshinsky, Elijah)); Verdi, Giuseppe; Studer, Cheryl; Moshinsky, Elijah; 柯芬園皇家歌劇院管絃樂團(Orchestra of the Royal Opera House); 皇家歌劇院合唱團(The Royal Opera Chorus); Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; The Royal Opera Chorus (Projected and video material)
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