CLIP (Workshop) (2021 :)
Works: | 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages |
Clinical image-based procedures, distributed and collaborative learning, artificial intelligence for combating COVID-19 and secure and privacy-preserving machine learning = 10th Workshop, CLIP 2021, Second Workshop, DCL 2021, First Workshop, LL-COVID19 2021, and First Workshop and Tutorial, PPML 2021, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2021, Strasbourg, France, September 27 and October 1, 2021 : proceedings /
CLIP (Workshop) (2021 :); Oyarzun Laura, Cristina.; SpringerLink (Online service); DCL (Workshop) (2021 :); LL-COVID (Workshop) (2021 :); PPML (Workshop) (2021 :); International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (2021 :)
(Electronic resources)