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Europe, Central

作品: 1 作品在 3 項出版品 1 種語言
Real and financial sectors in post-pandemic Central and Eastern Europe = the impact of economic, monetary, and fiscal policy / by: Europe, Central; Olgic Drazenovic, Bojana.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Suljic Nikolaj, Stella.; SpringerLink (Online service); Buterin, Vesna. (書目-電子資源)
A history of Central Europe = nations and states since 1848 / by: Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Austin, Robert C.; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; SpringerLink (Online service); Europe, Central; Europe, Central (書目-電子資源)
Diversity of capitalism in Central and Eastern Europe = dependent economies and monetary regimes / by: Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; SpringerLink (Online service); Europe, Central; Magnin, Eric.; Europe, Central; Nenovsky, Nikolai.; Europe, Eastern (書目-電子資源)