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Wang, Yu-Hsin

Works: 2 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
〈遺精後記〉創作自述 = = Creation research of “the epilogue of the last seed”/ by: 王昱心; 呂瑋倫; Wang, Yu-Hsin (Language materials, printed)
Muyut : = 齊丹‧亞勒茲創作自述 = Cidal Alic solo exhibition: "Muyut" (Disappear) / by: 齊丹.亞勒茲; 南澳; Nan'Ao; 王昱心; Wang, Yu-Hsin (Language materials, printed)
Samilingang以莎卡蘭部落Dalimalau家族的生命故事與創作實踐 / by: 鄧雪真; 王昱心; Wang, Yu-Hsin (Language materials, printed)
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the Only Son gaya 共生 house name 花蓮石材產業 綠色生命週期 craft design Sagalan(莎卡蘭)部落 美感經驗 台灣基督長老教會 貓眼閃玉 平林遺址 jade creation 林榮里玉石村 原住民當代藝術 Atayal 審美 seediq nation 五感體驗 aesthetic education elementary school arts and humanities curriculum design 工藝產業 商業模式 Lala Ban新社香蕉絲工坊 樹皮布工藝 Amis 台坂村 tjuwaqau部落 家屋名 samilingang(古老的) northern Paiwan tribe oral tradition ethnic aesthetics 泰雅族 Nan'Ao 自我認同 cutrural practice 織布 家族譜系 business model typography Tjuwaqau Tribe Cikasuan people 永續設計 Old Dalai Tribe 口述歷史 Visual Narrative 台灣玉 Taiwan jade Post-pandemic Era 故事 Artistic Creation 人與土地 Ri-Xing Type Foundry practice of creation physical sense Taiban Village Daren Township visual narrative 七腳川人 sustainable design green lifecycle masean(穩重的) Tjavatjavang 水泥雕塑 身體意象 dmahur 里漏部落 body adornment art Atayal patterns 創作實踐 Queer 90s Kid symbiosis grounded theory 族群認同 ethnic identity 力拿恆部落 羽冠 visual narration Cultural elements 圖像創作 玉石創作 Cat′eye Nephrite Lin Rongli community Indigenous Peoples Contemporary Art Creative Practice weaving 身體裝飾 lidaw tribe 國小藝術與人文 sensory experience 九〇後酷兒 mountain forests 魂生製器 阿美族 傳統信仰 bark cloth craft traditional belief 說故事 visual storytelling 石材剩材 Sagalan tribe masean 杵臼 Image Creation Pinglin site 複合媒材創作 seediq 美感教育 泰雅圖紋 山林 studio work KAMARO'AN craft industry Lala Ban Banana Weaving Workshop, Kavalan Tribe, Hualien 紮根理論 活字排印 Rinahem Commuity creative practice Hualien’s stone industry 口述傳統 samilingang 排灣族 達瓦達旺 文化元素 舊達來部落 Paiwan Oral History 金銀細工 gold and silver work 消失的創作呈現 Self-identity Body image Aesthetic 後疫情時代 lidaw pakimad mixed media story 課程設計 獨子 Traditional Taiwanese Genealogy humans and the land Hunshen 日星鑄字行 繁體中文鉛活字 traditional Chinese lead movable type 身體感知 視覺敘事 Tingpih 工藝設計 leftover stones 北排灣族 resbyterian Church in Taiwan Mortar and pestle disappearing creation and presentation Composite Media Creation Concrete Sculpture 南澳 tminun 賽德克族 文化實踐 複合媒材
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