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Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 1 languages
織.泰雅族樂舞 = Tminun-Atayal music and dance / by: 臺灣音樂館; 傳源文化藝術團 (Projected and video material)
大湖浪起. 山歌樂搖滾 = Hakka Folk Rock with the Talented Musicians of Dahu / by: 臺灣; 臺灣音樂館 (Projected and video material)
傳承.綻放 = = Inheritance ; efflorescence / by: 宋威德; 鍾家瑋; 黃貞瑛; 李珮琪; 陳奕秀; 臺灣音樂館; 黑種籽單簧管合奏團; 陳彥豪 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
傳承.綻放 = = Inheritance ; efflorescence / by: 宋威德; 鍾家瑋; 黃貞瑛; 李珮琪; 陳奕秀; 臺灣音樂館; 黑種籽單簧管合奏團; 陳彥豪 (Projected and video material)
謠唱島嶼 = = Folk songs of our homeland / by: 陳雲紅; 王乃加; 臺灣音樂館; 台北室內合唱團 (Sound recordings, musical performance)
謠唱島嶼 = = Folk songs of our homeland / by: 陳雲紅; 王乃加; 臺灣音樂館; 台北室內合唱團 (Projected and video material)
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