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Works: 3 works in 4 publications in 2 languages
神獸帶路 : = 南海書院走讀 / by: 粘忘凡; 孫心瑜 (Language materials, printed)
紅磚牆內躲貓貓 = = Within the brick walls : hide and seek / by: 粘忘凡; 蔡豫寧 (Language materials, printed)
精靈上戲 : = 南海劇場傳奇 / by: 孫心瑜; 粘忘凡 (Language materials, printed)
金夕.窩在新北 / by: 粘忘凡; 孫心瑜 (Language materials, printed)
蛙愛.活水新北.金鶴 / by: 粘忘凡; 孫心瑜 (Language materials, printed)
大風吹過竹籬笆 = = The storm over the bamboo fences / by: 粘忘凡; 羅寗 (Language materials, printed)
淡水河邊的神奇馬偕 / by: 粘忘凡; 林淑珍; 貓魚 (Language materials, printed)
回望.當我們同在新北 / by: 孫心瑜; 粘忘凡 (Language materials, printed)
轉角 新北練習曲 / by: 粘忘凡; 孫心瑜 (Language materials, printed)
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