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Holland, Tom.

Works: 3 works in 8 publications in 6 languages
蜘蛛人返校日 : = Spider-Man homecoming / by: Tomei, Marisa.; Holland, Tom.; 道尼 ((Downey, Robert, Jr.)); Watts, Jon.; 霍蘭德 ((Holland, Tom)); 華茲 ((Watts, Jon)); Downey, Robert, Jr.; 托梅 ((Tomei, Marisa)) (Projected and video material)
盧比孔河 : = 羅馬共和國的衰亡 / by: 霍蘭 ((Holland, Tom)); 羅馬帝國; Holland, Tom.; 楊軍; 杨军 (Language materials, printed)
In the shadow of the sword : = the battle for global empire and the end of an ancient world / by: Islamic Empire; Holland, Tom. (Language materials, printed)
盧比孔河 = 509-27 BC羅馬共和國的興衰 / by: 梁永安; Holland, Tom.; 霍蘭 ((Holland, Tom)) (Electronic resources)
波斯戰火 : = 第一個世界帝國及其西征 / by: 霍蘭 ((Holland, Tom)); 霍爾 ((Holland, Tom)); 于潤生; Holland, Tom. (Language materials, printed)
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