Chih, Wen-Hai
Works: | 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
網路社群使用者使用利益前因與結果變數之研究 = = The Study of Benefits of Use for Members in Social Network Site: The Case of Facebook : 以Facebook(臉書)為例 /
吳鈺萍; 池文海; Wu, Yu-Ping; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
創新產品缺失引發消費情緒反應及報復行為之研究 = = Consumer Behavior of Emotional Response and Retaliation Induced by In-novative Product Failure:An Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom MOD : 以中華電信MOD為例 /
方建發; 池文海; Fang, Jiann-Fa; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
應用社會認知理論探討網路口碑效果之研究 = = The Study of Applying Social Cognitive Theory to Explore the eWOM Effect /
張天霖; 池文海; Chang, Tien-Lin; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
消費者對行動銀行創新抵制因素之研究 = = The Study of the Factors of Innovation Resistance for Mobile Banking Customers /
江魁元; 池文海; Chiang, Kuei-Yuan; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
有口皆碑之漣漪效應 = = The Sound of Ripple: The Study of Facebook Fan Page User’s eWOM Intentions from Double-edged Sword Perspectives : 以雙面刃觀點探討Facebook粉絲專頁口碑意圖之研究 /
林冠宇; 池文海; Lin, Kuan-Yu; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
電子書口碑與分享意願之研究 = = The Study of WOM and Willingness of Sharing for e-book /
林欣潔; 池文海; Lin, Hsin-Chieh; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
臉書(Facebook)成員實際使用前置因素之研究 = = The Study of Antecedents of Actual Use for Facebook Members /
池文海; Chou, Ting-Yin; Chih, Wen-Hai; 周婷茵
(Language materials, printed)
品牌社群及品牌對顧客公民行為影響之研究 = = The Study of the Influence on Customer Citizenship Behavior of Brand Community and Brand /
池文海; Chih, Wen-Hai; 林庭妤; Lin, Ting-Yu
(Language materials, printed)
以推敲可能性模式觀點探討虛擬社群中知識分享行為 = = The Study of Knowledge Sharing Behavior in Virtual Community from the Perspective of Elaboration Likelihood Model: The Case of Facebook : 以Facebook(臉書)為例 /
黃嘉儀; 池文海; Huang, Chia-Yi; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
網路學習社群中知識分享行為前因變數之研究 = = The study of the antecedents of knowledge sharing behavior on the web-based learning community: The empirical study of Yamol online test : 以阿摩線上測驗為例 /
池文海; Chih, Wen-Hai; Lin, Chien-Yao; 林建耀
(Language materials, printed)
消費者網路購物重複購買意圖前因變數之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents of Repurchase Intention for Consumers Online Shopping: The Empirical Study of Yahoo! Kimo Shopping Website : 以Yahoo!奇摩購物中心為例 /
黃惠寶; 池文海; Huang, Hui-Pao; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
品牌熱愛前因與結果變數之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Love:An Empirical Study of Apple Brand : 以Apple品牌為例 /
池文海; Chih, Wen-Hai; 陳志閔; Chen, Chih-Min
(Language materials, printed)
社群網站正向口碑前因與結果變數之研究 = = The Study of Antecedents and Consequences of Positive WOM for Social Network Sites -The Empirical Study of Fashion Guide : 以Fashion Guide時尚美容網站為例 /
蔡鳳珠; 池文海教授; Feng-Chu Tsai; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
不同特質網路消費者再購意圖前因變數之研究 = = A Study of the Antecedents of Repurchase Intention for Different Characteristics Online Consumers :An Empirical Study of Yahoo-Kimo Shopping Website : 以Yahoo奇摩購物為例 /
蔡宗良; 池文海; Tsay, Tzong-Liang; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
正向電子口碑前因變數與結果變數之研究 = = The Antecedents and Consequences of Users' Positive eWOM : An Empirical Study on Fashion Guide : 以Fashion Guide美妝網站討論區為例 /
劉建良; 池文海; Liou, Chien-Liang; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
消費者重覆購買意圖前因變數之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents of Consumers Repeat Purchase Intention-The Empirical Study of : 以博客來網路書店為例 /
Chih, Wen-Hai; 許吉雄; 池文海; Hsu, Chi-Hsiung
(Language materials, printed)
社群網站互動與自我揭露前因與結果變數之研究 = = The Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of Interactivity and Self-disclosure for Social Network Site: The Empirical Study of Facebook : 以Facebook為例 /
Chih, Wen-Hai; 王湘茹; 池文海; Wang, Shiang-Ru
(Language materials, printed)
虛擬社群持續知識分享行為前置因素之研究-以Yahoo!奇摩知識﹢為例 = = The Study of Antecedents of Knowledge-sharing Continuance Behavior in Virtual Communities: The Case of Yahoo! Kimo Knowledge+ /
郭玉美; 池文海; 蘇柏全; Kuo, Yu-Mei; Chih, Wen-Hai; Su, Bo-Chiuan
(Language materials, printed)
社群網站個人與群體層級互動行為模式之研究 = = The Study of the Interaction Model between Individual and Group for Virtual Community Website:An Empirical Study of Fashion Guide : 以Fashion Guide網站為例 /
池文海; Chiang, Yi-Fang; 江佾芳; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
品牌關係利益前因與結果變數之研究 = = The Study of Antecedents and Consequences of Brand Relationship Benefits:An Empirical Study of Smartphone : 以智慧型手機為例 /
Chih, Wen-Hai; 游馥慈; 池文海; Yu, Fu-Tzu
(Language materials, printed)
網路社群成員角色內及角色外的雙路徑行為研究 = = The Study of Online Community Members’ In- and Extra-role Dual Path Behaviors: An Integrated Approach of Individual-, Group-, and Relationship-Level : 個人、群體及關係層級因子之整合觀點 /
許立群; 池文海; Hsu, Li-Chun; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
遷怒與洩憤 = = Anger Expansion and Veting: Process of Customer Emotion Transfering and Anger Expressing : 顧客情緒轉化與宣洩的過程 /
林瑋慶; 池文海; Lin, Wei-Ching; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
以信任觀點分析正、負面口碑對實際行為之影響 = = The Study of Positive and Negative WOM Affecting Actual Behavior from the Trust Perspective-The Empirical Study of Chunghwa Telecom MOD : 以中華電信MOD為例 /
黃逸家; 池文海; Huang, Yi-Chia; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
網頁美學對消費者情緒影響之研究 = = The Study of the Influence of Web Aesthetics on Customers’ PAD /
黃麗如; 池文海; Hwang, Li-Ru; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
消費者對贊助商態度之研究 = = The Study of Consumer Attitudes to the Sponsor-An Empirical Study of Placement Advertisement of Hualien Farglory Hotel in Rolu Travel Blog : 以肉魯旅遊部落格之花蓮遠雄悅來飯店置入性廣告為例 /
張珮綺; 池文海; Chang, Pei-Chi; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
知覺價值結果變數之研究 = = The Study of the Consequences of Perceived Value: An Empirical Study of Use Mobile Applications : 以使用行動應用程式(App)為例 /
徐廷枋; 池文海; Hsu, Ting-Fang; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
媒體豐富理論影響個人認知與行為之研究 = = The Study of Media Richness Theory Influencing Individual's Perception and Behavior /
池文海; Lin, Ju-Hsuan; Chih, Wen-Hai; 林儒萱
(Language materials, printed)
社群網站使用動機及前置因素之研究 = = The Study of Use Motivations and Antecedents in Social Network Site: The Case of Facebook : 以Facebook為例 /
陳道發; 池文海; Chen, Tao-Fa; Chih, Wen-Hai
(Language materials, printed)
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