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Works: 1 works in 15 publications in 1 languages
銀行貴賓戶財富管理服務之研究 = = Study on bank's VIP wealth management service / by: 陳啟斌; Chen, Chie-Bein; 劉莉佳 (Language materials, printed)
混合零售通路落實執行顧客關係管理之研究 = = Practically Implement CRM in Hybrid Retail Channels / by: 陳啟斌; Chen, Chie-Bein; 徐英盛; Hsu, Ying-Sheng (Language materials, printed)
國際專業展覽評審模式之研究 = = The Reviewing Model of International Exhibition / by: 黃中甫; 陳啟斌; Huang, Chung-Fu; Chen, Chie-Bein (Language materials, printed)
電商平台廣告模式分析探討 = = Analysis of the advertising mode for E-commerce platform / by: 陳啟斌; Chen, Chie-Bein; 胡家駿 (Language materials, printed)
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技術預測 Logistic regression. Marcov Chain. 決策實驗室分析法 網路層級分析法 從眾行為 mobile direct streaming Python電腦程式 advertising mode Relationship marketing 馬可夫鏈 Dynamic vehicle insurance. 產品屬性 DEMATEL. ANP. 隨選服務 stepwise regression FinTech live broadcast E-commerce 網路行銷 客戶關係管理 關係行銷 Taiwan 50 ETF. Vehicle networking system. 產品知識 DANP. 股票極短線操作 技術分析 Python program 電商平台 廣告模式 Curation Benefits 台灣50 ETF Taiwan stock exchange weighted index. 車聯網 羅吉斯迴歸 虛擬實境 Virtual reality product involvement. 破壞式創新 on-demand 直接通路 Marketing mix e-commerce platform 因素分析 Factor Analysis Fuzzy Measure Fuzzy Integral 動態汽車保險 product attributes. 精實創業 金融科技 lean startup virtual reality (VR) 科技接受模式 Co-niche marketing tactics Omni-channel Operation of very short-term trading 模糊測度 台灣加權股價指數 Neural network. product knowledge. unicorn startup conformity online marketing 策展 Multi-criteria Decision-Making Customer relationship management Customer loyalty 專利分析 類神經網路 總體經濟指標 Macro-economic indicators. 電子商務 disruptive innovation e-Commerce 行動直播 虛擬實境(VR) Direct channel 利基共構 technology acceptance model Purchase intention 效益 發光二極體 產品涉入 獨角獸新創公司 逐步迴歸 擴充實境(AR) augmented reality (AR) Technical analysis 模糊積分 多準則決策 客戶忠誠度
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