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戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel))

Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 4 languages
大地英豪 = The last of the Mohicans / . Disc 2 by: 史道葳 ((Stowe, Madeleine)); 曼 ((Mann, Michael)); 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)) (Projected and video material)
大地英豪 = The last of the Mohicans / . Disc 1 by: 史道葳 ((Stowe, Madeleine)); 曼 ((Mann, Michael)); 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)) (Projected and video material)
霓裳魅影 = Phantom thread / by: 安德森 ((Anderson, Paul Thomas)); 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)); 克雷普 ((Krieps, Vicky)); Anderson, Paul Thomas.; 蔓薇爾 ((Manville, Lesley)) (Projected and video material)
我的左腳 = My left foot / by: 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)); Sheridan, Jim; Day-Lewis, Daniel; 謝利登 ((Sheridan, Jim)) (Projected and video material)
布拉格的春天 = The unbearable lightness of being / by: 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)); 考夫曼 ((Kaufman, Philip)); Kaufman, Philip; 畢諾許 ((Binoche, Juliette)); 歐琳 ((Olin, Lean)); Olin|bLean; Day-Lewis|bDaniel; Binoche|bJuliette (Projected and video material)
林肯 = Lincoln / by: 戴路易斯 ((Day-Lewis, Daniel)); 史匹柏 ((Spielberg, Steven)); 菲爾德 ((Field, Sally)); Spielberg, Steven.; Field, Sally.; Day-Lewis, Daniel. (Projected and video material)
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