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喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett))

Works: 1 works in 25 publications in 7 languages
五星主廚快餐車 = Chef / by: 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert, Jr.)); Johansson, Scarlett.; 霍夫曼 ((Hoffman, Dustin)); Favreau, Jon.; Downey, Robert, Jr.; 法夫洛 ((Favreau, Jon)); Hoffman, Dustin. (Projected and video material)
絕地再生 = The island / by: 貝 ((Bay, Michael) ); 麥奎格 ((McGregor, Ewan)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Bay, Michael; Johansson, Scarlett; McGregor, Ewan (Projected and video material)
美國隊長 = Captain America : 酷寒戰士 : the winter soldier / . 2 by: 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Evans, Chris.; Redford, Robert.; 羅索 ((Russo, Anthony)); 瑞福 ((Redford, Robert)); Russo, Anthony.; Johansson, Scarlett.; Jackson, Samuel L. (Projected and video material)
美國隊長. = 英雄內戰 = Captain America : civil war / . 3. by: 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert, Jr.)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Evans, Chris; Downey, Robert; Johansson, Scarlett; Renner, Jeremy; Cheadle, Don; 雷納 ((Renner, Jeremy)); 羅索 ((Russo, Joe)); 史坦 ((Stan, Sebastian)); 麥基 ((Mackie, Anthony)); 奇鐸 ((Cheadle, Don)); Stan, Sebastian; Mackie, Anthony; Russo, Joe (Projected and video material)
復仇者聯盟 = 無限之戰 = Avengers : infinity war / by: 羅索 ((Russo, Anthony)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Johansson, Scarlett; Pratt, Chris; 歐森 ((Olsen, Elizabeth)); Russo, Anthony; Russo, Joe; 羅素 ((Russo, Joe)); Olsen, Elizabeth; 普瑞特 ((Pratt, Chris)) (Projected and video material)
復仇者聯盟 = The avengers / by: 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Johansson, Scarlett; 溫登 ((Whedon, Joss)); 伊凡斯 ((Evans, Chris)); 道尼 ((Downey, Robert, Jr.)); Whedon, Joss; Evans, Chris; Downey, Robert Jr. (Projected and video material)
復仇者聯盟 = Avengers : 奧創紀元 : age of ultron / . 2 by: 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); Evans, Chris.; Johansson, Scarlett.; Spader, James.; Jackson, Samuel L.; 漢斯沃 ((Hemsworth, Chris)); Hemsworth, Chris.; 魯法洛 ((Ruffalo, Mark)); 米勒 ((Miller, George)); 道尼 ((Downey Jr., Robert)); 雷納 ((Renner, Jeremy)); 史派德 ((Spader, James)); Miller, George.; Downey Jr., Robert.; Ruffalo, Mark.; Renner, Jeremy. (Projected and video material)
美國隊長(公播版) = Captain America : 酷寒戰士 : the winter soldier / . 2 by: 伊凡 ((Evans, Chris)); Redford, Robert.; 傑克森 ((Jackson, Samuel L.)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); Russo, Anthony.; 瑞福 ((Redford, Robert)); 羅索 ((Russo, Anthony)); Johansson, Scarlett.; Jackson, Samuel L.; Evans, Chris. (Projected and video material)
攻殼機動隊 : = Ghost in the shell / by: 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 北野武; 桑德司 ((Sanders, Rupert)); 彼特 ((Pitt, Michael)); 納法乎 ((Naufahu, Joseph)); 畢諾許 ((Binoche, Juliette)) (Projected and video material)
愛情,不用翻譯 / by: 科波拉 ((Coppola, Sofia)); 喬韓森 ((Johansson, Scarlett)); 雷比西 ((Ribisi, Giovanni)); 莫瑞 ((Murray, Bill)) (Projected and video material)
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