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Works: 1 works in 12 publications in 2 languages
高更 = = Gauguin:Elsewhere : 永遠的他鄉 / by: 雷逸婷; 余思穎 (Language materials, printed)
心與手三部曲 = = Heart and Hand- the paintings of shi song : 奚淞畫展 / by: 雷逸婷; 韓伯龍; 奚淞 (Language materials, printed)
生活照樣繼續 : = 邱建仁個展 / by: 雷逸婷; 何邁; 邱建仁; 蘇嘉瑩; 陳靜文 (Language materials, printed)
立異:九○年代台灣美術發展 = = The multiform nineties : Taiwan's art branches out / by: 林葆華; 雷逸婷; 立異-九○年代臺灣美術發展展覽 ((民94) (Language materials, printed)
你說/我聽 = = Tu parles/J'ecoute = You talk/I listen / by: 雷逸婷; 陳盈瑛; 臺北市立美術館展覽組 (Language materials, printed)
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