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李 ((Leigh, Janet))

Works: 1 works in 6 publications in 1 languages
驚魂記 = Sycho / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); 帕金斯 ((Perkins, Anthony)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Leigh, Janet; Perkins, Anthony (Projected and video material)
海盜 = The Vikings / by: 佛萊雪 ((Fleischer, Richard)); 克茲 ((Curtis, Tony)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); 道格拉斯 ((Douglas, Kirk)); Fleischer, Richard; Curtis, Tony; Douglas, Kirk; Leigh, Janet (Projected and video material)
驚魂記 = Sycho / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); 帕金斯 ((Perkins, Anthony)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Leigh, Janet; Perkins, Anthony (Projected and video material)
諜網迷魂 = The manchurian candidate / by: 弗蘭肯海默 ((Frankenheimer, John)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); Frankenheimer, John; Harvey, Laurence; Leigh, Janet; Sinatra, Frank; 辛納屈 ((Sinatra, Frank)); 哈威 ((Harvey, Laurence)) (Projected and video material)
驚魂記 = Sycho / by: 希區考克 ((Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph, 1899-1980)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); 帕金斯 ((Perkins, Anthony)); Hitchcock, Alfred Joseph (1899-1980); Leigh, Janet; Perkins, Anthony (Projected and video material)
密戰計劃 = Jet pilot / by: 史登柏格 ((Sternberg, Josef von)); 瑟曼 ((Furthman, Jules)); 佛里潘 ((Flippen, Jay C.)); 李 ((Leigh, Janet)); 韋恩 ((Wayne, John)); Sternberg, Josef von; Furthman, Jules; Flippen, Jay C; Leigh, Janet; Wayne, John (Projected and video material)
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