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崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer))

Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
老人與海 = The old man and the sea / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Sturges, John; Spencer, Tracy (Projected and video material)
紐倫堡大審 = Judgment at Nuremberg / by: 克藍瑪 ((Kramer, Stanley)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Kramer, Stanley; Tracy, Spencer (Projected and video material)
老人與海 = The old man and the sea / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Sturges, John; Spencer, Tracy (Projected and video material)
四豪傑 = The devil at 4 o'clock / by: 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); 李洛埃 ((LeRoy, Mervyn)); Sinatra, Fran; Tracy, Spencer; 辛納屈 ((Sinatra, Frank)); LeRoy, Mervyn (Projected and video material)
瘋狂世界 = It's a mad mad mad world / by: 克藍瑪 ((Kramer, Stanley)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Kramer, Stanley; Tracy, Spencer (Projected and video material)
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