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史達區 ((Sturges, John))

Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
戰雲 = Never so few / by: 辛納屈 ((Sinatra, Frank)); Sturges, John; Sinatra, Frank; 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 羅露布烈達 ((Lollobrigida, Gina)); Lollobrigida, Gina (Projected and video material)
老人與海 = The old man and the sea / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Sturges, John; Spencer, Tracy (Projected and video material)
第三集中營 = The great escape / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 麥昆 ((McQueen, Steve)); Sturges, John; McQueen, Steve; Garner, James; 艾登保祿 ((Attenborough, Richard)); Attenborough, Richard; 葛納 ((Garner, James)) (Projected and video material)
老人與海 = The old man and the sea / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 崔西 ((Tracy, Spencer)); Sturges, John; Spencer, Tracy (Projected and video material)
豪勇七蛟龍 = The Magnificent seven / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 伯連納 ((Brynner, Yul)); 麥昆 ((McQueen, Steve)); Sturges, John; Brynner, Yul; McQueen, Steve (Projected and video material)
OK鎮大決鬥 = Gunfight at the O.K. Corral / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); Sturges, John; 道格拉斯 ((Douglas, Kirk)); Douglas, Kirk; 霍普 ((Hopper, Dennis)); Hopper, Dennis; 蘭卡斯特 ((Lancaster, Burt)); Lancaster, Burt (Projected and video material)
豪勇七蛟龍 = The Magnificent seven / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 伯連納 ((Brynner, Yul)); 麥昆 ((McQueen, Steve)); Sturges, John; Brynner, Yul; McQueen, Steve (Projected and video material)
第三集中營(大逃亡) = The great excape / by: 史達區 ((Sturges, John)); 麥昆 ((McQueen, Steve)); Sturges, John; McQueen, Steve (Projected and video material)
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