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亞普提 ((Apted, Michael))

Works: 1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
攔截密碼戰 = Enigma / by: 亞普提 ((Apted, Michael)); 史考特 ((Scott, Dougray)); 溫斯蕾 ((Winslet, Kate)); 諾頓 ((Northam, Jeremy)); Apted, Michael; Northam, Jeremy; Scott, Dougray; Winslet, Kate (Projected and video material)
羅馬的榮耀 : = Rome / by: 亞普提 ((Apted, Michael)); 華克 ((Walker, Polly)); Apted, Michael; Walker, Polly; Stevenson, Ray; 史蒂芬生 ((Stevenson, Ray)); 麥奇 ((McKidd, Kevin)); McKidd, Kevin (Projected and video material)
非常手段 = Extreme measures / by: 亞普提 ((Apted, Michael)); 哈克曼 ((Hackman, Gene)); 葛蘭 ((Grant, Hugh)); Apted, Michael; Grant, Hugh; Hackman, Gene (Projected and video material)
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