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洛 ((Law, Jude))

Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
天才雷普利 = Talented Mr. Ripley / by: 明格拉 ((Minghella, Anthony)); 派特羅 ((Paltrow, Gwyneth)); 洛 ((Law, Jude)); Minghella, Anthony; Law, Jude; Paltrow, Gwyneth; 戴蒙 ((Damon, Matt)); Damon, Matt (Projected and video material)
阿飛外傳 = Alfie / by: 夏爾 ((Shyer, Charles)); 托梅 ((Tomei, Marisa)); 洛 ((Law, Jude)); Shyer, Charles; Law, Jude; Tomei, Marisa; Sarandon, Susan; 莎蘭登 ((Sarandon, Susan)) (Projected and video material)
A.I.人工智慧 = Artificial intelligence / by: 史匹柏 ((Spielbergn, Steven)); 洛 ((Law, Jude)); 奧斯蒙 ((Osment, Haley Joel)); Spielberg, Steven; Law, Jude; Osment, Haley Joel (Projected and video material)
冷山 = Cold mountain / by: 明格拉 ((Minghella, Anthony)); 洛 ((Law, Jude)); 基嫚 ((Kidman, Nicole)); 齊薇格 ((Zellweger, Renee)); Minghella, Anthony; Kidman, Nicole; Law, Jude; Zellweger, Renee (Projected and video material)
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