Renault, Eric.
作品: | 1 作品在 10 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Smart and sustainable agriculture = first International Conference, SSA 2021, virtual event, June 21-22, 2021 : proceedings /
Boumerdassi, Selma.; Renault, Eric.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Agriculture (2021 :); Ghogho, Mounir.
Machine learning for networking = first International Conference, MLN 2018, Paris, France, November 27-29, 2018 : revised selected papers /
Renault, Eric.; Boumerdassi, Selma.; SpringerLink (Online service); MLN (Conference) (2018 :); Muhlethaler, Paul.
Mobile, secure, and programmable networking = first International Conference, MSPN 2015, Paris, France, June 15-17, 2015 : selected papers /
Boumerdassi, Selma.; Bouzefrane, Samia.; Renault, Eric.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Mobile, secure, and programmable networking = second International Conference, MSPN 2016, Paris, France, June 1-3, 2016 : revised selected papers /
MSPN (Conference) (2016 :); Boumerdassi, Selma.; Renault, Eric.; Bouzefrane, Samia.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Machine learning for networking = 4th International Conference, MLN 2021, virtual event, December 1-3, 2021 : proceedings /
Renault, Eric.; Boumerdassi, Selma.; Muhlethaler, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (2021 :)
Machine learning for networking = second IFIP TC 6 International Conference, MLN 2019, Paris, France, December 3-5, 2019 : revised selected papers /
International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (2019 :); Boumerdassi, Selma.; Renault, Eric.; SpringerLink (Online service); Muhlethaler, Paul.
Mobile, secure, and programmable networking = 5th International Conference, MSPN 2019, Mohammedia, Morocco, April 23-24, 2019 : revised selected papers /
MSPN (Conference) (2019 :); Renault, Eric.; Boumerdassi, Selma.; Leghris, Cherkaoui.; Bouzefrane, Samia.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Machine learning for networking = 5th International Conference, MLN 2022, Paris, France, November 28-30, 2022 : revised selected papers /
Renault, Eric.; Muhlethaler, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service); MLN (Conference) (2022 :)
Mobile, secure, and programmable networking = 4th International Conference, MSPN 2018, Paris, France, June 18-20, 2018 : revised selected papers /
Renault, Eric.; Boumerdassi, Selma.; MSPN (Conference) (2018 :); Bouzefrane, Samia.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Machine learning for networking = third International Conference, MLN 2020, Paris, France, November 24-26, 2020 : revised selected papers /
International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (2020 :); Renault, Eric.; Boumerdassi, Selma.; Muhlethaler, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Computer security.
Software Engineering.
Communications Engineering, Networks.
Information Systems and Communication Service.
Computer and Information Systems Applications.
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
Computing Milieux.
Software engineering.
Electrical engineering.
Information Storage and Retrieval.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Sustainable agriculture
Machine learning
Artificial Intelligence.
Machine Learning.
Computer networks
Computer science.
Computer networks.
Information storage and retrieval.
Computer Science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Systems and Data Security.
System Performance and Evaluation.
Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks.
Computer System Implementation.
Computer Appl. in Social and Behavioral Sciences.
Mobile computing
Computer Applications.
Computers and Education.