Europe, Central.
作品: | 1 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
Religion and politics in post-socialist Central and Southeastern Europe : = challenges since 1989 /
Balkan Peninsula; Europe, Central; Europe, Central.; Ramet, Sabrina P., (1949-); Balkan Peninsula.
The inhabited ruins of Central Europe : = re-imagining space, history, and memory /
Europe, Central; Europe, Central.; Gafijczuk, Dariusz,; Sayer, Derek,
Roma population on the peripheries of the Visegrad countries : = integration issues and possible solutions /
Europe, Central.; Visegrad Fund.; Pénzes, János.; Radics, Zsolt.
Gendering family policies in post-Communist Europe : = a historical-institutional analysis /
Europe, Central.; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Saxonberg, Steven,; Europe, Eastern.
Group identity- Europe, Central.
Historic sites- Europe, Central.
ART / History / General.
Memory- Social aspects.
Post-communism- Social aspects.
Sex role- Political aspects- Europe, Central.
HISTORY / Europe / Germany
Space and time- Social aspects.
HISTORY / Modern / 20th Century.
Family policy.
Romanies- Social conditions.- Europe, Central
Romanies- Ethnic identity.
Memorials- Europe, Central.
Group identity.
Europe, Eastern.
Romanies- Ethnic identity.- Europe, Central
Memory- Social aspects- Europe, Central.
HISTORY / Modern / General.
Social change.
Europe, Central.
Religion and politics.
Balkan Peninsula.
Sex role- Political aspects- Europe, Eastern.
Historic sites.
Historical geography.
HISTORY / Social History.
Religion and politics- Balkan Peninsula.
Balkan Peninsula- Politics and government- 1989-
Romanies- Social conditions.
Social change- Europe, Central.
Space and time- Social aspects- Europe, Central.
Manners and customs.
Religion and politics- Europe, Central.
Political science.
RELIGION / History.
Sex role- Political aspects.
Intellectual life.
Europe, Central- Ethnic relations.
Post-communism- Social aspects- Europe, Central.
HISTORY / Europe / Eastern.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / History & Theory.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Political Advocacy
Family policy- Europe, Eastern.
HISTORY / Europe / General.
Post-communism- Social aspects- Balkan Peninsula.
HISTORY / Europe / Former Soviet Republics.
Family policy- Europe, Central.