Tuosto, Emilio.
Works: | 0 works in 3 publications in 1 languages |
Trustworthy global computing = 9th International Symposium, TGC 2014, Rome, Italy, September 5-6, 2014 : revised selected papers /
Maffei, Matteo.; Tuosto, Emilio.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Web services and formal methods = 10th International Workshop, WS-FM 2013, Beijing, China, August 2013 : revised selected papers /
Tuosto, Emilio.; Ouyang, Chun.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Coordination models and languages = 21st IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2019, held as part of the 14th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2019, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, June 17-21, 2019 : proceedings /
COORDINATION (Conference) (2019 :); Nielson, Hanne Riis.; Tuosto, Emilio.; SpringerLink (Online service); International Federated Conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques (2019 :)
(Electronic resources)
Web services
Software Engineering.
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages.
Operating systems (Computers)
Logics and Meanings of Programs.
Computer software- Validation
Software architecture
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
Management of Computing and Information Systems.
Operating Systems.
Formal methods (Computer science)
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters.
User Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.
Software engineering.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Computer networks- Security measures
Computer security
Electronic data processing- Distributed processing
Computer Science.
Computer software- Verification
Systems and Data Security.
Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks.
Computer science.
Computer Communication Networks.
Computer System Implementation.
Computer network architectures.