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Clausen, Uwe.

作品: 1 作品在 4 項出版品 1 種語言
Advances in resilient and sustainable transport = proceedings of the 6th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic 2023 / by: Clausen, Uwe.; SpringerLink (Online service); Dellbrügge, Marius.; Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (2023 :) (書目-電子資源)
Advances in production, logistics and traffic = proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary Conference on Production Logistics and Traffic 2019 / by: Interdisciplinary Conference on Production, Logistics and Traffic (2019 :); Clausen, Uwe.; Langkau, Sven.; Kreuz, Felix.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Efficiency and innovation in logistics = proceedings of the International Logistics Science Conference (ILSC) 2013 / by: Clausen, Uwe.; Ten Hompel, Michael.; Meier, J. Fabian.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)