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Cussler, Clive.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Blue gold : = a novel from the Numa files / by: Cussler, Clive.; South America; Kemprecos, Paul. (Language materials, printed)
Ghost ship : = a novel from the NUMA files / by: Cussler, Clive.; Brown, Graham, (1969-.) (Language materials, printed)
Valhalla rising / by: Cussler, Clive. (Language materials, printed)
Dark watch : = novel of the Oregon files / by: Asia; Du Brul, Jack B.; Cussler, Clive. (Language materials, printed)
Arctic drift / by: Cussler, Clive.; Northwest Passage; Arctic regions; Cussler, Dirk.; Cussler, Clive. (Language materials, printed)
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