Leucker, Martin.
作品: | 0 作品在 4 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Formal methods in outer space = essays dedicated to Klaus Havelund on the occasion of his 65th birthday /
Bartocci, Ezio.; Falcone, Ylies.; Leucker, Martin.; SpringerLink (Online service); Havelund, Klaus, (1955-); ISoLA (Symposium) (2021 :)
Runtime verification = 8th international workshop, RV 2008, Budapest, Hungary, March 30, 2008 : selected papers /
Leucker, Martin.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Theoretical aspects of computing - ICTAC 2015 = 12th International Colloquium Cali, Colombia, October 29-31, 2015 : proceedings /
Leucker, Martin.; Rueda, Camilo.; Valencia, Frank D.; SpringerLink (Online service)
Formal methods = 25th international symposium, FM 2023, Lubeck, Germany, March 6-10, 2023 : proceedings /
Leucker, Martin.; SpringerLink (Online service); Katoen, Joost-Pieter.; International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe (2023 :); Chechik, Marsha.
Software engineering
Software Engineering.
Computer logic.
Theory of Computation.
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Logics and Meanings of Programs.
Programming Language.
Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity.
Control Structures and Microprogramming.
Programming Languages, Compilers, Interpreters.
Formal methods (Computer science)
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming.
Special Purpose and Application-Based Systems.
Computer Engineering and Networks.
Performance and Reliability.
Computer science
Artificial Intelligence.
Computer software- Verification
Computer Science.
System Performance and Evaluation.
Computer science.