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Aerts, Diederik, (1953-)

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Probing the meaning of quantum mechanics = superpositions, dynamics, semantics and identity : Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches, Cagliari, Italy, 23-25 July 2014 / by: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information: Physical, Philosophical and Logical Approaches (Workshop) ((2014 :); Aerts, Diederik, (1953-) (Electronic resources)
Worldviews, science and us = interdisciplinary perspectives in worlds, cultures and society / by: Aerts, Diederik, (1953-); World Scientific (Firm) (Electronic resources)
Universal measurements = how to free three birds in one move / by: Aerts, Diederik, (1953-); Sassoli de Bianchi, Massimiliano. (Electronic resources)
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