作品: | 0 作品在 21 項出版品 2 種語言 |
2014 annual competitiveness analysis and development strategies for Indonesian provinces
Indonesia; Tan, Khee Giap.
Silenced voices : = uncovering a family's colonial history in Indonesia /
Indonesia; Hollander, Inez, (1965-)
Realizing the dream of R. A. Kartini : = her sisters' letters from colonial Java /
Indonesia; Cote, Joost.
To nation by revolution = Indonesia in the 20th century /
Reid, Anthony, (1939-); Indonesia; Project Muse.
Military ascendancy and political culture : = a study of Indonesia's Golkar /
Suryadinata, Leo.; Indonesia; Golongan Karya (Organization)
Eight prison camps : = a Dutch family in Japanese Java /
Bonga, Dieuwke Wendelaar.; Indonesia
Java, Sumatra, and the other islands of the Dutch East Indies /
Indonesia; Java (Indonesia); Sumatra (Indonesia); Miall, Bernard, (1876-1953.); Cabaton, Antoine, (1863-)
Islamic education and indoctrination : = the case in Indonesia /
Indonesia; Tan, Charlene.
Being "Dutch" in the Indies : = a history of creolisation and empire, 1500-1920 /
Indonesia; Bosma, Ulbe, (1962-); Raben, R.
Indonesian women and local politics : = Islam, gender, and networks in post-Suharto Indonesia /
Indonesia; Dewi, Kurniawati Hastuti,
Wives, slaves, and concubines : = a history of the female underclass in Dutch Asia /
Jones, Eric; Indonesia; Netherlands
Poverty and social protection in Indonesia /
Indonesia; Sumarto, Sudarno, (1960-); Hardjono, J. M. (1936-); Akhmadi, Nuning.; Social Monitoring and Early Response Unit (Indonesia)., Research Institute.; Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Questioning modernity in Indonesia and Malaysia
Malaysia; Indonesia; Kahn, Joel S.; Project Muse.; Mee, Wendy.
Words in motion : = language and discourse in post-new order Indonesia /
Indonesia; Foulcher, Keith.; Moriyama, Mikihiro.; Budiman, Manneke, (1965-)
Oost-Indise spiegel /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Graaff, Nicolaus de, (ca. 1617-ca. 1701.); Barend-van Haeften, Marijke.; Plekenpol, Hetty.; Java (Indonesia); Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
Jan Pietersz. Coen : = Bescheiden omtrent zijn bedrijf in Indië/
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.; Indonesia; Coolhaas, W. Philippus (1899-1981.); Colenbrander, H. T. (1871-1945.); Stapel, F. W. (1879-1969.); Coen, Jan Pieterszoon, (1587-1629.); Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
Conflict and confrontation in South East Asia, 1961–1965 = Britain, the United States, Indonesia and the creation of Malaysia /
Great Britain; Indonesia; Southeast Asia; United States; Malaysia; Jones, Matthew.{me_controlnum}
Madurese seafarers : = prahus, timber and illegality on the margins of the Indonesian state /
Stenross, Kurt, (1946-.); Indonesia
The Kenpeitai in Java and Sumatra /
Indonesia; Shimer, Barbara Gifford.; Hobbs, Guy.
Surviving against the odds : = village industry in Indonesia /
Indonesia; Dewey, Alice G.; Dunham, S. Ann; Cooper, Nancy I.
Party politics and democratization in Indonesia : = Golkar in the post-Suharto era /
Indonesia; Tomsa, Dirk.; Partai Golkar.
Democratization in post-Suharto Indonesia /
Indonesia; Bunte, Marco, (1970-); Ufen, Andreas, (1965-)
(Un)civil society and political change in Indonesia : = a contested arena /
Indonesia; Beittinger-Lee, Verena.
Indonesia : = paradise on the equator /
Indonesia; Müller, Kal, (1939-); Zach, Paul.; Lueras, Leonard.; Liu, Gretchen.
No concessions = the life of Yap Thiam Hien,Indonesian human rights lawyer /
Indonesia; Project Muse.; Lev, Daniel S.; Lev, Arlene O.
Indonesian exports, peasant agriculture and the world economy, 1850-2000 : = economic structures in a Southeast Asian state /
Indonesia; Kano, Hiroyoshi.
Island of Bali /
Bali Island (Indonesia); Indonesia; Covarrubias, Miguel, (1904-1957.)
Indonesia and the ASEAN Free Trade Agreement : = nationalists and regional integration strategy /
Chandra, Alexander C.; Indonesia; ASEAN.
Intellectuals and nationalism in Indonesia : = a study of the following recruited by Sutan Sjahrir in Occupied Jakarta /
Legge, J. D. (1921-); Indonesia
De garoeda en de ooievaar : = Indonesië van kolonie tot nationale staat /
Indonesia; Burgers, J. Herman, (1926-)
Roots of violence in Indonesia : = contemporary violence in historical perspective /
Indonesia; Colombijn, Freek, (1961-); Lindblad, J. Thomas.
The Emergence of a national economy : = an economic history of Indonesia, 1800-2000 /
Indonesia; Dick, H. W.
A Country in despair : = Indonesia between 1997 and 2000 /
Indonesia; Dijk, C. van (1946-)
Koloniale inspiratie : = Frankrijk, Nederland, Indië en de wereldtentoonstellingen 1883-1931 /
Indonesia; France; Netherlands; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Bloembergen, Marieke, (1967-)
Objects and objections of ethnography
Indonesia; Project Muse.; Siegel, James T., (1937-)
Resisting dictatorship = repression and protest in Southeast Asia /
Burma; Indonesia; Philippines; Boudreau, Vincent.{me_controlnum}
The Contours of mass violence in Indonesia, 1965-68 /
Indonesia; Kammen, Douglas Anton.; Gerakan Tigapuluh September.; Partai Komunis Indonesia.; McGregor, Katharine E.
The road from authoritarianism to democratization in Indonesia
Indonesia; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Carnegie, Paul J.
The Sumatra railroad : = final destination Pakan Baroe, 1943-1945 /
Indonesia; Hovinga, Henk.
The Indonesian revolution and the Singapore connection, 1945-1949 /
Indonesia; Yong, Mun Cheong.; Singapore
In search of middle Indonesia : = middle classes in provincial towns /
Indonesia; Klinken, Geert Arend van.; Berenschot, Ward.
Indonesian dreams : = reflections on society, revelation of the self : cerminan masyarakat, pembukaan diri /
Indonesia; Djumini, Tino.
Religion and architecture in premodern Indonesia : = studies in spatial anthropology /
Indonesia; Domenig, Gaudenz, (1935-)
Workers and intellectuals : = NGOs, trade unions and the Indonesian labour movement /
Ford, Michele.; Indonesia
Heirs to world culture : = being Indonesian 1950-1965 /
Indonesia; Liem, Maya H. T. (1957-); Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Lindsay, Jennifer, (1951-)
Decentralization and governance in Indonesia
Indonesia; Wittek, Rafael.; Woltjer, Johan.; SpringerLink (Online service); Holzhacker, Ronald L.
Bridges to new business : = the economic decolonization of Indonesia /
Indonesia; Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie.; Lindblad, J. Thomas.
Sumatraans sultanaat en koloniale staat : = de relatie Djambi-Batavia (1830-1907) en het Nederlandse imperialisme /
Netherlands; Locher-Scholten, Elsbeth, (1944-); Jambi (Indonesia : Province); Indonesia
Of self and injustice : = autobiography and repression in modern Indonesia /
Indonesia; Watson, C. W.
New challenges in the modern economic history of Indonesia : = proceedings of the first Conference on Indonesia's Modern Economic History, Jakarta, October 1-4, 1991 /
Indonesia; Lindblad, J. Thomas, (1949-)
Java in a time of revolution : = occupation and resistance, 1944-1946 /
Indonesia; Anderson, Benedict R. O'G. (1936-)
Het geheim van Paleis Kneuterdijk : = de wekelijkse gesprekken van koning Willem II met zijn minister J.C. Baud over het koloniale beleid en de herziening van de grondwet 1841-1848 /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Baud, Jean Chrétien, (1789-1859.); Hugenholtz, W. R. (1952-)
Mijn aardse leven vol moeite en strijd : = Raden Mas Noto Soeroto, Javaan, dichter, politicus 1888-1951 /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Karels, René B., (1945-)
Minorities, modernity and the emerging nation : = Christians in Indonesia, a biographical approach /
Indonesia; Klinken, Geert Arend van.
Indonesia etc. : = exploring the improbable nation /
Indonesia; Pisani, Elizabeth.
Politiek-politioneele overzichten van Nederlandsch-Indië : = bronnenpublikatie /
Indonesia; Poeze, Harry A.; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Dutch East Indies., Dienst der Algemeene Recherche.
Exhibiting modernity and Indonesian vernacular architecture = hybrid architecture at Pasar Gambir of Batavia, the 1931 Paris International Colonial Exhibition and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah /
Lukito, Yulia Nurliani.; Indonesia; SpringerLink (Online service)
Verguisd en vergeten : = Tan Malaka, de linkse beweging en de Indonesische revolutie, 1945-1949 /
Poeze, Harry A.; Indonesia
Surviving against the odds : = village industry in Indonesia /
Dunham, S. Ann; Indonesia; Dewey, Alice G.; Cooper, Nancy I.
For profit and prosperity : = the contribution made by Dutch engineers to public works in Indonesia, 1800-2000 /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Ravesteijn, Wim.; Kop, Jan, (1930-)
Images of the tropics : = environment and visual culture in colonial Indonesia /
Protschky, Susie.; Indonesia; Tropics; Netherlands
Dutch authors on Asian history : = a selection of Dutch historiography on the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie /
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie; Indonesia; Netherlands; Opstall, Margot E. van.; Schutte, G. J.; Meilink-Roelofsz, M. A. P.
Realia : = Register op de Benerale resolutiën van het kasteel Batavia, 1632-1805.
Indonesia; Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.
Wisseling van de wacht : = Indonesiërs over de Japanse bezetting, 1942-1945 /
Indonesia; Maier, Hendrik M. J.; Minde, Don van.; Poeze, Harry A.
The encyclopedia of Indonesia in the Pacific War /
Indonesia; Frederick, William H.; Post, Peter, (1953-); Heidebrink, Iris.; Horton, William Bradley.; Kwartanada, Didi.; Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie.; Sato, Shigeru, (1950-)
Herinneringen in beeld : = fotoalbums uit Nederlands-Indië /
Ouwehand, Liesbeth.; Indonesia
Dagh-register gehouden int Casteel Batavia vant passerende daer plaetse als over geheel Nederlandts-India, anno 1624-[1682]
Indonesia; Heeres, J. E. (1858-1932.); Netherlands., Departement voor Uniezaken en Overzeese Rijksdelen.; Lembaga Kebudajaan Indonesia.
Socialisme in Indonesië : = de Indische Sociaal-Democratische Vereeniging, 1897-1917 /
Partai Komunis Indonesia; Indonesia; Tichelman, Fritjof.; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); International Institute of Social History.
A lifelong passion : = P.J. Veth (1814-1895) and the Dutch East Indies /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Velde, Paul van der.
The lion and the gadfly : = Dutch colonialism and the spirit of E.F.E. Douwes Dekker /
Van der Veur, Paul W.; Indonesia
To nation by revolution : = Indonesia in the 20th century /
Indonesia; Reid, Anthony, (1939-)
Islam, nationalism, and democracy : = a political biography of Mohammad Natsir /
Indonesia; Kahin, Audrey.
In Leijdeckers voetspoor : = anderhalve eeuw bijbelvertaling en taalkunde in de Indonesische talen /
Indonesia; Swellengrebel, J. L.
Indonesian communism under Sukarno : = ideology and politics, 1959-1965 /
Partai Komunis Indonesia; Indonesia; Mortimer, Rex, (1926-1979.)
Met ons alles goed : = brieven en films uit Nederlands-Indië van de familie Kuyck /
Indonesia; Steijlen, Fridus.; Kuyck-Smit, Rien.; Willems, Erik.
Treasures : uit de collecties van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde te Leiden = Treasures : from the collections of the KITLV/Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies in Leiden = Treasures : dari koleksi Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde di Leiden /
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Indonesia; Rosmalen, Jan van.
Indonesia in the Soeharto years : = issues, incidents, and images /
Indonesia; McGlynn, John H.; Sulistyo, Hermawan.
History in uniform : = military ideology and the construction of Indonesia's past /
Indonesia; McGregor, Katharine E.
Indonesia 2010.
Indonesia; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Empire of reason : = exact sciences in Indonesia, 1840-1940 /
Indonesia; Pyenson, Lewis.
Economic crises and the breakdown of authoritarian regimes = Indonesia and Malaysia in comparative perspective /
Indonesia; Pepinsky, Thomas B.{me_controlnum}; Malaysia
Imagining Indonesia : = cultural politics and political culture /
Indonesia; Schiller, James William.; Martin-Schiller, Barbara.
Perspectives on Traditional Settlements and Communities = home, form and culture in Indonesia /
Indonesia; SpringerLink (Online service); Wiryomartono, Bagoes.
China and the shaping of Indonesia, 1949-1965
Liu, Hong, (1962-); Indonesia; China; Project Muse.
China and the shaping of Indonesia, 1949-1965 /
Indonesia; China; Project Muse.; Liu, Hong, (1962-)
Contemporary demographic transformations in China, India and Indonesia
China; Indonesia; SpringerLink (Online service); India; Guilmoto, Christophe Z.; Jones, Gavin W.
Beginning to remember : = the past in the Indonesian present /
Indonesia; Zurbuchen, Mary Sabina.
Indonesian archaeological photographs : = photo collection of the National Research Centre of Archaeology of the Republic of Indonesia 1901-1956 at the Kern Institute, University of Leiden.
Indonesia; Pusat Penelitian Arkeologi Nasional (Indonesia); Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden., Instituut Kern.; Inter Documentation Company.
The Economic and administrative history of early Indonesia /
Indonesia; Naerssen, F. H. van (b. 1904.); Iongh, R. C. de,
Islam, nationalism and democracy = a political biography of Mohammad Natsir /
Indonesia; Project Muse.; Kahin, Audrey
Islam and the making of the nation : = Kartosuwiryo and political Islam in twentieth-century Indonesia /
Indonesia; Formichi, Chiara, (1982-.)
The Journal of Olof Eriksson Willman : = from his voyage to the Dutch East Indies and Japan, 1648-1654 /
Japan; Indonesia; Blomberg, Catharina.; Willman, Olof Eriksson.
Culture, power, and authoritarianism in the Indonesian state : = cultural policy across the twentieth-century to the reform era /
Indonesia; Jones, Tod, (1977-); Politics and culture
Kinship, gender and the cosmic world : = ethnographies of birth customs in Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia /
Philippines; Taiwan; Yamaji, Katsuhiko, (1942-); Indonesia
Indonesia- Politics and government.
Birth customs- Taiwan.
Indonesia- Social life and customs.
Philippines- Social life and customs.
Communists- Indonesia
Civil-military relations- Indonesia.
Wives- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Indonesia- Politics and government- 20th century.
Lumber trade- Government policy- Indonesia.
Müller, Kal,
Indonesia- Economic conditions- 20th century.
Malaysia- Economic policy.
Graaff, Nicolaus de,- Travel- Indonesia.
Java (Indonesia)- History, Military- 20th century.
Christian biography- Indonesia.
Industrial policy- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Jambi (Indonesia : Province)- History.
Art, European- 20th century.
Public works- History- 19th century.- Indonesia
Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
Bible- In literature.
Partai Komunis Indonesia- History.
Communism- History.- Indonesia
Science- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie.
Indonesian language- Discourse analysis.
Singapore- Languages.
Civil-military relations- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Natsir, M.,
Human rights- Indonesia.
Politics and culture- Indonesia.
Kartosuwirjo, Sekarmadji Maridjan,
Islam and politics- 20th century.- Indonesia
Abused women.
Area Studies.
Indonesia- Economic conditions
Political sociology.
Birth customs- Philippines.
Nationalists- Indonesia
Dutch- Indonesia.
Women slaves- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Dutcu- History.- Indonesia
Indonesia- Social conditions- 20th century.
Free trade- Indonesia.
Islands- Description and travel.- Indonesia
Investments, Foreign- Indonesia.
Indonesia- Politics and government- 1966-1998.
United States- Foreign relations- Southeast Asia.
Nationalism- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Noto Soeroto.
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie- History.
Art, European- 19th century.
Labor movement- History.- Indonesia
Labor unions- Indonesia.
Public opinion- Indonesia.
Religious pluralism- Islam.
Material culture.
Politicians- Indonesia
Social change- Indonesia.
Women musicians.
Pisani, Elizabeth- Travel- Indonesia.
Java (Indonesia)- Description and travel.
Political Science and International Relations.
Economic Policy.
Architecture and society- Indonesia.
Human Geography.
India- Population.
Indonesia- Civilization.
Taiwan- Social life and customs.
Bonga, Dieuwke Wendelaar.
World War, 1939-1945- Concentration camps- Indonesia
World War, 1939-1945- Prisoners and prisons, Japanese.
Revolutionaries- Indonesia
Islam and state- Indonesia.
Nationalism- History.- Indonesia
Mistresses- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Concubinage- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Civil society- Indonesia.
Blacksmithing- Indonesia.
Madurese (Indonesian people)- Commerce.
Economics- Indonesia.
Investments, Foreign- Government policy- Indonesia.
Malaysia- Foreign relations- Indonesia.
Exhibitions- France.
Violence- Indonesia.
Political violence- Indonesia.
Authors, Javanese- 20th century- Netherlands
Orientalism in art.
Tropics- History.
Kuyck-Smit, Rien
Malayan languages- Discourse analysis.
Poverty- Indonesia.
Education- Religious aspects- Islam.
POLITICAL SCIENCE- Political Process
China- Foreign public opinion, Indonesian.
Indonesia- Civilization- 20th century.
Muslim scholars- Indonesia
Culture - Religion.
History, general.
China- Population.
Indonesia- Population.
Indonesian provinces- Economic policy- 21st century.
Birth customs- Indonesia.
Prisoners of war- Biography.- Indonesia
Islam and politics- Indonesia.
Sex role- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Rural industries- Indonesia.
Democratization- Indonesia.
Indonesia- Economic policy.
Philippines- Politics and government- 1973-1986.
Southeast Asia- Foreign relations- Great Britain.
Exhibitions- Netherlands.
Christians- Political activity- Indonesia.
Art, Dutch- 19th century.- Indonesia
Brainwashing- Indonesia.
Indonesia- Politics and government
China- Relations- 20th century.- Indonesia
Indonesia- Politics and government- 1950-1966.
Architecture, Prehistoric- Religious aspects.- Indonesia
Cultural Studies.
Poor women- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Marginality, Social- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Partai Golkar.
Shipping- Indonesia.
Praus- Indonesia.
Zach, Paul- Travel- Indonesia.
Southeast Asia- Foreign relations- United States.
International economic integration.
Soeharto,- Resignation from office.
Art, Dutch- 20th century.- Indonesia
Civil engineering- History- 19th century.- Indonesia
Executives' spouses- Netherlands
Veth, Pieter Johannes,
Douwes Dekker, E. F. E.,
Science- History- 19th century.- Indonesia
Coen, Jan Pieterszoon,
Non-governmental organizations- Indonesia.
Education and state- Indonesia.
Political Science.
Indonesia- Politics and government- 1998-
Ethnology- Philosophy.
Indonesia- Relations- 20th century.- China
Indonesia- History- 1950-1966.
Chinese- Indonesia
Lawyers- Indonesia
Social change- Malaysia.
Willman, Olof Eriksson- Travel- Japan.
Sacred space- Indonesia.
Middle class- Indonesia.
City and town life- Indonesia.
Social classes- Indonesia.
Democracy- Social aspects- Indonesia.
Women musicians
Muslim women- Political activity- Indonesia.
Decentralization in government- Indonesia.
Democracy- Indonesia.
Authoritarianism- Indonesia.
Authoritarianism- Malaysia.
Malaysia- Politics and government- 20th century.
Voyages and travels.
Exhibitions- Indonesia.
France- History- House of Valois, 1328-1589.
Photography- Indonesia.
Public works- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Partai Komunis Indonesia.
Notosusanto, Nugroho.
Islamic education- Indonesia.
Politics and government.
Ethnology- Fieldwork.
Ex-prime ministers- Indonesia
Social Sciences.
Public Policy.
Population Economics.
Competition- Provinces.- Indonesia
Malaka, Tan.
Golongan Karya (Organization)
Hollander, Inez,
Women- Social conditions- 18th century.- Indonesia
Indonesia- History- 20th century.
Metal-work- Indonesia.
Political parties- Indonesia.
Intellectuals- Political activity- Indonesia.
Japan- Armed Forces
Great Britain- Foreign relations- Southeast Asia.
Baud, Jean Chrétien,
Javanese (Indonesian people)- Netherlands
Christianity and politics- History.- Indonesia
Science- Dutch influences.- Indonesia
Art- Indonesia.
Gerakan Tigapuluh September.
National liberation movements- Indonesia.
Yap, Thiam Hien,
Malaysia- Civilization.
Vernacular architecture- Religious aspects.- Indonesia
Abused women
Sumatra (Indonesia)- Description and travel.
Local government- Indonesia.
Economic development- Provinces.- Indonesia
Political culture- Indonesia.
Netherlands- Civilization.
World War, 1939-1945- Indonesia
Sjahrir, Sutan,
Bali Island (Indonesia)- History.
Japan- Armed Forces- Indonesia.
Malaysia- Economic conditions- 20th century.
Burma- Politics and government- 1962-1988.
Indonesia- Foreign relations- Malaysia.
Ethnic conflict- Indonesia.
Railroads- Indonesia
Art- Political aspects- Indonesia.
Civil engineering- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Language and culture- Indonesia.
Prime ministers- Indonesia
Memory- Political aspects- Indonesia.
Ethnology- Indonesia.
Civilization, Modern.
Architecture and religion.
Europeans- Indonesia
Indonesia- Description and travel.
Development Economics.
Vernacular architecture- Indonesia.