作品: | 1 作品在 58 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Empire and memory = the representation of the Roman Republic in imperial culture /
Rome; Gowing, Alain M.{me_controlnum}
The Greek slogan of freedom and early Roman politics in Greece
Greece; Rome; Dmitriev, Sviatoslav.{me_controlnum}
Tales of the barbarians = ethnography and empire in the Roman West /
Rome; Woolf, Greg.
Epic and Empire in Vespasianic Rome = A New Reading of Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica /
Rome; Stover, Tim.
The Roman calendar from Numa to Constantine = time, history, and the fasti /
Rome; Rüpke, Jörg.; Richardson, David M. B.
The Roman Empire in context = historical and comparative perspectives /
Rome; Árnason, Jóhann Páll, (1940-); Raaflaub, Kurt A.
Conspiracy theory in Latin literature
Rome; Project Muse.; Pagan, Victoria Emma, (1965-)
Roman literary culture : = from Plautus to Macrobius /
Rome; Fantham, Elaine.; Fantham, Elaine.
Policing the Roman Empire = soldiers, administration, and public order /
Rome; Fuhrmann, Christopher J.{me_controlnum}
Latin language and Latin culture = from ancient to modern times /
Rome; Farrell, Joseph.{me_controlnum}
Readers and reading culture in the high Roman Empire = a study of elite communities /
Rome; Johnson, William A. (1956-{me_controlnum})
Ancient historiography and its contexts = studies in honour of A.J. Woodman /
Rome; Woodman, A. J. (1945-); Kraus, Christina Shuttleworth, (1958-); Pelling, C. B. R.; Marincola, John.
Roman elections in the age of Cicero = society, government, and voting /
Rome; Feig Vishnia, Rachel, (1950-)
Between empires = Arabs, Romans, and Sasanians in late antiquity /
Fisher, Greg, (1976-{me_controlnum}); Rome; Iran
Mass oratory and political power in the late Roman republic
Morstein-Marx, Robert.{me_controlnum}; Rome
The western time of ancient history : = historiographical encounters with the Greek and Roman pasts /
Rome; Greece; Lianeri, Alexandra.
Cosmopolis = imagining community in late classical Athens and the early Roman Empire /
Richter, Daniel S.{me_controlnum}; Rome; Athens (Greece); Greece; Mediterranean Region
Citizens of discord = Rome and its civil wars /
Rome; Breed, Brian W.; Damon, Cynthia, (1957-); Rossi, Andreola, (1963-)
Rome and the Mediterranean 290 to 146 BC = the imperial republic /
Rome; Rosenstein, Nathan Stewart.
The justice of Constantine = law, communication, and control /
Rome; Project Muse.; Dillon, John Noel.
Imperialism, power, and identity = experiencing the Roman empire /
Rome; Mattingly, D. J.
From the tetrarchs to the theodosians = Later Roman history and culture, 284–450 CE /
McGill, Scott.{me_controlnum}; Rome; Sogno, Cristiana.; Watts, Edward.
Children, memory, and family identity in Roman culture
Rome; Dasen, V�eronique.; Sp�ath, Thomas, (1956-)
Rome and China : = comparative perspectives on ancient world empires /
Rome; China; Scheidel, Walter, (1966-)
Race : = antiqvity and its legacy /
McCoskey, Denise Eileen, (1968- ); Greece; Rome
Reconstructing the Roman republic = an ancient political culture and modern research /
Rome; Holkeskamp, Karl-Joachim.; Heitmann-Gordon, Henry.
Constantine = dynasty, religion and power in the Later Roman Empire /
Rome; Barnes, Timothy David.
Two Romes = Rome and Constantinople in Late Antiquity /
Rome (Italy); Rome; Istanbul (Turkey); Grig, Lucy.; Kelly, Gavin, (1974-)
Traditions and contexts in the poetry of horace
Rome; Woodman, Tony.{me_controlnum}; Feeney, Denis.
Claudius Caesar : = image and power in the early Roman empire /
Osgood, Josiah, (1974-); Rome
The ancient middle classes = urban life and aesthetics in the Roman Empire, 100 BCE-250 CE /
Rome; Mayer, Emanuel.
One God = pagan monotheism in the Roman empire /
Rome; Van Nuffelen, Peter.; Mitchell, Stephen.{me_controlnum}
Religion in republican Rome = rationalization and religious change /
Rome; Project Muse.; Rüpke, Jörg.
Imperialism, Cultural Politics, and Polybius
Rome; Derow, Peter.; Rome / Civilization / Foreign influences.; Rome / History / Republic, 265-30 B.C.; Smith, Christopher John, (1965-); Yarrow, Liv Mariah,
Concrete vaulted construction in imperial Rome = innovations in context /
Rome; Lancaster, Lynne C.{me_controlnum}
The Romans in the age of Augustus
Lintott, A. W.; Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service)
Julius Caesar.
Shakespeare, William, (1564-1616.); Rome; Shakespeare, William, (1564-1616.); Rome (Empire); Wilson, John Dover, (1881-1969.); Rogers, Bruce, (1870-1957,); Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers Collection (Library of Congress)
The Passionate Statesman = Erõs and Politics in Plutarch's Lives /
Greece; Rome; Beneker, Jeffrey.
The Cambridge companion to the Age of Constantine /
Rome; Lenski, Noel Emmanuel, (1965-)
A companion to Greek democracy and the Roman republic
Greece; Rome; Hammer, Dean, (1959-)
Memory and urban religion in the ancient world /
Rome; Greece; Bommas, Martin.; Harrisson, Juliette.; Roy, Phoebe.
Strabo's cultural geography = the making of a Kolossourgia /
Rome; Dueck, Daniela.{me_controlnum}; Lindsay, Hugh.; Pothecary, Sarah.
Rome, season one = history makes television /
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Cyrino, Monica Silveira.
Heavenly realms and earthly realities in late antique religions
Rome; Greece; Boustan, Ra'anan S.{me_controlnum}; Reed, Annette Yoshiko.
A companion to the Roman Empire
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Potter, D. S. (1957-)
Bones = orthopaedic pathologies in Roman Imperial Age /
Rome; SpringerLink (Online service); Piccioli, Andrea.; Gazzaniga, Valentina.; Catalano, Paola.
A companion to the Roman Republic
Rome; Morstein-Marx, Robert.; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Rosenstein, Nathan Stewart.
Pompey the Great = a political biography /
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Seager, Robin.; Seager, Robin.
One god : = pagan monotheism in the Roman Empire /
Rome; Mitchell, Stephen, (1948-); Van Nuffelen, Peter.
Lives of the Caesars
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Barrett, Anthony, (1941-)
Being Greek under Rome = cultural identity, the second sophistic and the development of empire /
Rome; Goldhill, Simon.{me_controlnum}
Germanicus : = the magnificent life and mysterious death of Rome's most popular general /
Rome; Powell, Lindsay.
The modern cultural myth of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Rome; SpringerLink (Online service); Theodore, Jonathan.
A companion to the Roman army
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Erdkamp, Paul.
A companion to Latin literature
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Harrison, S. J.
Constructing literature in the Roman republic
Rome; Goldberg, Sander M.{me_controlnum}
Spartacus = film and history /
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Winkler, Martin M.
Polybius, Rome and the Hellenistic world = essays and reflections /
Rome; Walbank, Frank W.{me_controlnum}
Rome's religious history = livy, tacitus and ammianus on their Gods /
Rome; Davies, Jason P.{me_controlnum}
Empires of faith = the fall of Rome to the rise of Islam, 500-700 /
Sarris, Peter.{me_controlnum}; Europe; Rome; Byzantine Empire; Islamic Empire
Catullus, cicero, and a society of patrons = the generation of the text /
Rome; Stroup, Sarah Culpepper.{me_controlnum}
Manichaean texts from the Roman empire
Rome; Gardner, Iain.{me_controlnum}; Lieu, Samuel N. C.
Unreliable witnesses = religion, gender, and history in the Greco-Roman Mediterranean /
Rome; Kraemer, Ross Shepard, (1948-{me_controlnum})
Settlement, Urbanization, and Population
Rome; Mediterranean Region; Wilson, Andrew, (1968-); Bowman, Alan K.
Environmental problems of the Greeks and Romans : = ecology in the ancient mediterranean /
Greece; Rome; Hughes, J. Donald (1932-)
Shopping in Ancient Rome = The Retail Trade in the Late Republic and the Principate /
Rome; Holleran, Claire, (1979-)
The earliest Romans = a character sketch /
Rome; Project Muse.; MacMullen, Ramsay, (1928-)
Between Rome and Carthage = Southern Italy during the second punic war /
Italy; Rome; Fronda, Michael P.{me_controlnum}; Carthage (Extinct city); Italy, Southern
Whither Quo vadis?
Rome; Wiley InterScience (Online service); Scodel, Ruth.; Bettenworth, Anja.
Smoke Signals for the Gods = Ancient Greek Sacrifice from the Archaic through Roman Periods /
Greece; Rome; Naiden, F. S.
The religion of senators in the Roman empire = power and the beyond /
Rome; Várhelyi, Zsuzsanna.{me_controlnum}; Rome. , Senate
Rome- History- Empire, 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Greece- History- To 146 B.C.
Tiro, M. Tullius
Heaven- Christianity- Early church, ca. 30-600.
Rome- Religion.
Fiction- Technique.
Narration (Rhetoric)- History- To 1500.
Satire, Latin- History and criticism.
Rome- Intellectual life.
Plebs (Rome)- Political activity.
Epistolary poetry, Latin- History and criticism.
Punic War, 2nd, 218-201 B.C.- Campaigns- Italy, Southern.
Rome- Relations- Italy.
Romans- Ethnic identity.
Rome- History- Empire, 284-476
Civilization- Roman influences.
Race relations.
Christianity and other religions- Roman.
Rome- Politics and government- 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Rome- Relations- Iran.
Iran- History- To 640.
Mediterranean Region- Intellectual life.
Mediterranean Region- Ethnic relations.
Greece- Foreign relations- Rome.
Rome- History- Empire 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Rome- History- Constantine I, the Great, 306-337.
Rome- In motion pictures.
Ovid,- Criticism and interpretation.
Latin literature- Themes, motives
Valerius Flaccus, Gaius,- Argonautica.
Rome / Civilization / Foreign influences.
Rural population- History- To 1500.- Mediterranean Region
Mediterranean Region- Population
Istanbul (Turkey)- History.
Diplomatic relations.
Rome- History- Republic, 510-30 B.C.
Rome- Foreign relations
Roman provinces- Administration.
Human remains (Archaeology)
Architecture, Roman- History.
Constantine- Religion.
Ancient History.
Cultural History.
Enlightenment- Great Britain.
Rome- Historiography.
Historiography- Philosophy.
Rome- In literature.
Poverty- History.- Rome
Rome- Social conditions.
Communication- Political aspects- Rome.
Rome- History- Republic, 510-265 B.C.
Italy, Southern- History- To 535.
Elite (Social sciences)- Rome.
Rome- Politics and government- 30 B.C.-284 A.D.
Vaults (Architecture)- Design and construction- to 1500.- Rome
Sophists (Greek philosophy)
Rome- Ethnic relations.
Masculinity in literature.
Men in literature.
Race discrimination- History- To 1500. - Greece
Police- Rome.
Soldiers- Rome.
Europe- Economic conditions- To 1492.
Consuls, Roman
Rome- History- 53-44 B.C.
Mythology, Classical, in literature.
Tacitus, Cornelius- Criticism and interpretation.
Juvenal- Criticism and interpretation.
Greece- Biography
City and town life- History- To 1500.- Turkey
Rome (Italy)- Relations- Turkey
Bones- Imaging.
Greece- Economic conditions- To 146 B.C.
Marcus Aurelius,
Royal houses- History.- Rome
Rome- History- Republic, 265-30 B.C.
Slavery- Rome.
Dystonia- Rome.
Greece- Religion.
Rome- Religion
Social problems- History.- Rome
Rome- Social life and customs.
Oratory, Ancient.
Rome- Civilization
Verse satire, Latin- History and criticism.
Latin poetry- History and criticism.
Nationalism and literature- Rome.
Illyria- History.
Illyria- Politics and government.
Rome- History, Military- 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Punic War, 2nd, 218-201 B.C.- Political aspects- Italy, Southern.
Hellenism- Historiography.
Adoption- History.- Rome
Rome- Foreign relations- 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Rome- Civilization.
Social control- Rome.
Rhetoric, Ancient- Historiography.
Liberty- History.- Greece
Islamic Empire- History- 661-750.
Byzantine Empire- History- 527-1081.
Women and religion- Rome.
Women in Judaism- Rome.
History- Methodology.
Rome- History- Servile Wars, 135-71 B.C.
Heads of state- Rome
Didactic poetry, Latin- History and criticism.
Poets, Latin
National characteristics, Roman.
Argonauts (Greek mythology)
Rome- Economic conditions- 30 B.C.-476 A.D.
Animal sacrifice- Greece.
Christian sociology- History- Early church, ca. 30-600.
City and town life- History.- Rome
Elections- Rome.
Livy.- Ab urbe condita- Criticism and interpretation.
Constantine- Political and social views.
National characteristics, West European.
Dwellings- History.- Rome
Households- History.- Rome
Architecture, Domestic- History.- Rome
Rome- History- Republic, 510-30 B.C.
Latin language- Study and teaching.
Latin literature- History and criticism
Poetry- Appreciation- Rome.
Punic War, 2nd, 218-201 B.C.- Social aspects- Italy, Southern.
Ethics- Rome.
Rome- History- Empire, 30 B.C.-284 A.D.
Rome- Politics and government.
Rome- Cultural policy.
Self in literature.
Literature and history- Rome.
Social change- History.- Rome
Rome- Politics and government- 284-476.
Paganism- Relations
Emperors- Rome.
Iran- Relations- Rome.
Rome- Foreign relations- Greece.
Europe- History- 392-814.
Europe- Social conditions- To 1492.
Rome- History- Nero, 54-68.
Rome- History- First Triumvirate, 60-53 B.C.
Horace- Criticism and interpretation.
Authors, Latin
Roman law- History
Human ecology- History.- Rome
Latin language- Grammar
Rome / History / Republic, 265-30 B.C.
Urbanization- History- To 1500.- Mediterranean Region
Animal sacrifice- Rome.
Eroticism in literature.
Istanbul (Turkey)- Relations- Italy
Power (Social sciences)
Medicine & Public Health.
Imaging / Radiology.
Social classes- Rome.
Sex- History.- Greece
Festivals- History.- Rome
Gibbon, Edward,- History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.
History- Philosophy.
Historiography- Western countries.
Households- History- To 1500.- Greece
Material culture- History.- Rome
Heaven- Judaism
Public meetings- Rome.
Authors and readers- Rome.
Illyrian antiquities.
Rome- History- Julio-Claudians, 30 B.C.-68 A.D.
Manichaeism- Rome.
Concrete domes- Design and construction- to 1500.- Rome
Latin literature- History and criticism.
Church history- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.
Roman provinces.
Roman provinces- Social conditions.
Latin poetry- Historiography.
Community life- History- To 1500.- Mediterranean Region
Cultural pluralism- History- To 1500.- Mediterranean Region
Greece- Intellectual life- 146 B.C.-323 A.D.
Islamic Empire- History- 622-661.
Generals- Rome
Caesar, Julius.
Love in literature.
Rome- Army.
Suetonius,- Criticism and interpretation.
Rome- Religious life and customs.
Land settlement patterns- History- To 1500.- Mediterranean Region
Retail trade- Rome.
Shopping- Rome.
Acculturation- Rome.
Middle class- Rome.
Sex- History.- Rome
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Political culture- Rome.
Monotheism- History
Sex customs- Rome.
Catullus, Gaius Valerius.
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.
Exiles- History.- Rome
Speeches, addresses, etc., Latin- History and criticism.
Constitutional history- Rome.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)- History- To 1500.
Carthage (Extinct city)- Relations- Italy.
Philosophy, Ancient.
Adoption (Roman law)
Love poetry, Latin- History and criticism.
Rome- History- Tiberius, 14-37.
Civilization- Greek influences.
Rome- History- Mithridatic Wars, 88-63 B.C.
Rome- History- Civil War, 68-69
Greece- Politics and government- To 146 B.C.
Rome- Intellectual life
Rome- In literature
Conspiracy theories- Rome.
Roman law- History.
Mediterranean Region- History- To 476.
Animal sacrifice- History of doctrines- Early church, ca. 30-600.
Plutarch- Criticism and interpretation.
Rome- Biography
Istanbul (Turkey)- Historiography.
Rome (Italy)- History.
Greece- Social life and customs.
Rome- History
Art, Roman- History.
Rome- Kings and rulers
Calendar, Roman.
Great Britain- Intellectual life- 18th century.
Material culture- History- To 1500.- Greece
Seksuele moraal.
Sexual ethics in literature.
Sexual ethics- Rome.
Rome- Economic conditions.
Rome- Politics and government- 265-30 B.C.
Italy- Relations- Rome.
Italy, Southern- History, Military.
History, Ancient- Historiography.
Religion and politics- History.- Rome
Rome- Antiquities.
Elegiac poetry, Latin- History and criticism.
Memory- Political aspects- Rome.
Rome- History- Augustus, 30 B.C.-14 A.D.
Mediterranean Region- Social conditions.
Rome- Social conditions- 510-30 B.C.
Athens (Greece)- Intellectual life.
Rome- History- Civil War, 68-69.
Imperialism- History.
Spartacus (Motion picture : 1960)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk,- Quo vadis?
Military history, Ancient.
Rome- History, Military.
Conspiracy in literature.
Rome- History.
Justice, Administration of (Roman law)- History.
Rome- History- Constantine I, the Great, 306-337
Germanicus Caesar,
Rome (Empire)
Rome- History- Vespasian, 69-79.
Plutarch.- Lives.
Middle class- Social life and customs.- Rome
Sex in literature.
Rome- History- Marcus Aurelius, 161-180.
Comparative civilization.
Social structure- Rome.
Greece- Foreign relations- Turkey.
Emperors- Rome
Dwellings- History- To 1500.- Greece
Architecture, Domestic- History- To 1500.- Greece
Paganism- History
Romeinse oudheid.
Rome- Moral conditions.
Rhetoric, Ancient.
Poor- Social conditions.- Rome
Poverty- Moral and ethical aspects- Rome.
Poverty- Political aspects- Rome.
Language and culture- Rome.
Power (Social sciences)- Rome.
Laudatory poetry, Latin- History and criticism.
Books and reading- Rome.
Hannibal,- Military leadership.
Italy- Relations- Carthage (Extinct city).
Rome. - Religion.
Families- History.- Rome
Second Sophistic movement.
Epigrams, Latin- History and criticism.
Rome- History- Empire, 284-476.
Race discrimination- Rome.
Magistrates, Roman.
Historiography- Rome.
Rome- History- Civil War, 49-45 B.C.
Rome- History- Civil War, 43-31 B.C.
Rhetoric- Political aspects- Greece.
Women in Christianity- Rome.
Rome (Television program)
Rome- On television.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk,- Film adaptations.
Rome- History- To 510 B.C.
Religion and culture- Rome.
Roman law
Human ecology- History.- Greece
Caesar, Julius- Drama.
Orosius, Paulus.- Historiarum adversus paganos libri VII.
Rhetoric, Ancient.
Rome- Economic conditions- 510-30 B.C.
Christianity and other religions- Rome.
Plutarch- Knowledge
Politics in literature.
Social change- History- To 1500.- Turkey
Greek literature- History and criticism.
Christianity and politics- History.- Rome
Power (Social sciences)- History.- Rome
Chronology, Roman.
History of Ancient Europe.