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Thomason, Elizabeth,

Works: 0 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Shaw, Bernard,- Saint Joan. Dramatists. Miller, Jason.- Championship season. Edson, Margaret,- Wit. Conroy, Frank,- Body and soul. O'Hara, John,- Appointment in Samarra. Bowen, Elizabeth,- Death of the heart. Thackeray, William Makepeace,- Vanity fair. Hwang, David Henry,- M. Butterfly. Sherwood, Robert E.- Abe Lincoln in Illinois. Guare, John.- Six degrees of separation. Margulies, Donald.- Dinner with friends. Rabe, David.- Sticks and bones. Shaffer, Anthony,- Sleuth. Toomer, Jean,- Cane. Literature- History and criticism. Alcott, Louisa May,- Little women. James, Henry,- Ambassadors. Faulkner, William,- Absalom, Absalom! Ishiguro, Kazuo,- Remains of the day. Nicholson, William.- Shadowlands. Rebeck, Theresa.- Spike heels. Simon, Neil.- Biloxi blues. Walker, Joseph A.,- River Niger. Marlowe, Christopher,- Jew of Malta. Hardy, Thomas,- Return of the native. Stevenson, Robert Louis,- Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Fiction- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Fiction- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Warren, Robert Penn,- All the king's men. Friel, Brian.- Dancing at Lughnasa. Stoppard, Tom.- Indian ink. American drama. Drama Drama. Connelly, Marc,- Green pastures. Clark-Bekederemo, J. P.- Raft. Ellis, Bret Easton.- Less than zero. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Edible woman. Du Maurier, Daphne,- Rebecca. Fox, Paula.- Slave dancer. Updike, John.- Rabbit, run. Woolf, Virginia,- Mrs. Dalloway. Defoe, Daniel,- Fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders. Markandaya, Kamala,- Nectar in a sieve. McCullers, Carson,- Member of the wedding. Capek, Josef,- Insect play. O'Neill, Eugene,- Great god Brown. Uhry, Alfred.- Driving Miss Daisy. Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Chaika. De Hartog, Jan,- Fourposter. Moli�re,- Misanthrope. Forster, E. M.- Room with a view. Irving, John,- World according to Garp. Kosinski, Jerzy,- Painted bird. Mendez M., Miguel.- Peregrinos de Aztlan. Paton, Alan.- Too late the phalarope. Atwood, Margaret Eleanor,- Surfacing. Guterson, David.- Snow falling on cedars. Waugh, Evelyn,- Brideshead revisited. Baldwin, James,- Amen corner. Capek, Karel,- Insect play. Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States. Mamet, David.- Life in the theatre. Rice, Elmer,- Street scene. Wilson, Lanford,- Talley's folly. Zindel, Paul.- Effect of gamma rays on man-in-the-moon marigolds. Albee, Edward,- Seascape. Eliot, T. S.- Cocktail party. Stoppard, Tom.- Travesties. Power, Susan,- Grass dancer. Fiction- History and criticism. Norris, Frank,- Octopus. Welty, Eudora,- Optimist's daughter. Baraka, Imamu Amiri,- Slave ship. Theater Churchill, Caryl.- Top girls. Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich,- Revizor. Leonard, Hugh.- Da. Adams, Richard,- Watership down. Crutcher, Chris.- Crazy horse electric game. Laurence, Margaret.- Stone Angel. Shange, Ntozake.- Betsey Brown. Emecheta, Buchi.- Bride price. Tan, Amy.- Kitchen god's wife. Buero Vallejo, Antonio,- Sue�o de la raz� Chase, Mary,- Harvey. Ibsen, Henrik,- Gengangere. Drama- History and criticism. Dramatic criticism. Hofmannsthal, Hugo von,- Tower. O'Neill, Eugene,- Anna Christie. Williams, Tennessee,- Sweet bird of youth. Bonner, Marita,- Purple flower. Patrick, John,- Teahouse of the August moon. Shaffer, Peter,- Amadeus. Allison, Dorothy.- Bastard out of Carolina. Auel, Jean M.- Clan of the cave bear. Wharton, Edith,- Age of innocence. Anaya, Rudolfo A.- Bless me, Ultima. Kingsolver, Barbara.- Animal dreams. Banks, Russell,- Sweet hereafter. Baum, L. Frank- Wizard of Oz.
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