Works: | 0 works in 10 publications in 2 languages |
A lifelong passion : = P.J. Veth (1814-1895) and the Dutch East Indies /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Velde, Paul van der.
(Language materials, printed)
The Birth of modern Europe : = culture and economy, 1400-1800 : essays in honor of Jan de Vries /
Europe; Netherlands; Western countries; De Vries, Jan, (1943 Nov. 14-); Cruz, Laura, (1969-); Mokyr, Joel.
(Language materials, printed)
Koloniale inspiratie : = Frankrijk, Nederland, Indië en de wereldtentoonstellingen 1883-1931 /
Indonesia; France; Netherlands; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Bloembergen, Marieke, (1967-)
(Language materials, printed)
Buren in de koloniale tijd : = de Philippijnen onder Amerikaans bewind en de Nederlandse, Indische en Indonesische reacties daarop, 1898-1942 /
Philippines; Netherlands; Bootsma, N. A., (1927-)
(Language materials, printed)
Oost-Indise spiegel /
Indonesia; Java (Indonesia); Netherlands; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Graaff, Nicolaus de, (ca. 1617-ca. 1701.); Barend-van Haeften, Marijke.; Plekenpol, Hetty.
(Language materials, printed)
Culture and customs of the Netherlands
Roney, John B.; Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
The floracrats = state-sponsored science andthe failure of the Enlightenment in Indonesia /
Netherlands; Project Muse.; Goss, Andrew.
(Electronic resources)
In the house of war = Dutch Islam observed /
Netherlands; Europe; Cherribi, Sam, (1959-{me_controlnum})
(Electronic resources)
Debbie of the Green Gate /
Daringer, Helen Fern, (1892-); Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Dutch primacy in world trade, 1585-1740 /
Netherlands; Israel, Jonathan I. (1946-)
(Language materials, printed)
Kraton and Kumpeni : = Surakarta and Yogyakarta, 1830-1870 /
Java (Indonesia); Netherlands; Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands); Houben, V. J. H.; Surakarta (Indonesia); Yogyakarta (Indonesia : Daerah Istimewa)
(Language materials, printed)
J. A. Grothe, Archief voor de geschiedenis der oude hollandsche zending
Catholic Church; Netherlands; Grothe, J. A.; Catholic Church in the Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Culture and customs of the Netherlands /
Roney, John B.; Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Catholic identity and the revolt of the Netherlands, 1520-1635
Catholic Church; Netherlands; Pollmann, Judith.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Calvinism and religious toleration in the Dutch Golden Age
Netherlands; Hsia, R. Po-Chia.{me_controlnum}; Van Nierop, Henk.
(Electronic resources)
Archief voor de geschiedenenis der Oude Hollandsche zending, volumes 1~3 /
Netherlands; Grothe, J. A.
(Language materials, printed)
The navigator : = the log of John Anderson, VOC pilot-major, 1640-1643 /
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie; East Indies; Netherlands; Anderson, John, (17th cent.); Enthoven, V.; Williamson, Eila.; Murdoch, Steve.
(Language materials, printed)
Koloniaal dodenkabinet /
Southeast Asia; Netherlands; Koolhof, Sirtjo.; Oostindie, Gert.
(Language materials, printed)
Kruidnagelen en Christenen : = de Verenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie en de bevolking van Ambon 1656-1696 /
Knaap, G. J., (1954-); Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie; Ambon (Indonesia); Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Sumatraans sultanaat en koloniale staat : = de relatie Djambi-Batavia (1830-1907) en het Nederlandse imperialisme /
Netherlands; Indonesia; Locher-Scholten, Elsbeth, (1944-); Jambi (Indonesia : Province)
(Language materials, printed)
Dutch scholarship in the age of empire and beyond : = KITLV - the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies, 1851-2011 /
Kuitenbrouwer, M.; Netherlands; Southeast Asia; Caribbean Area; Poeze, Harry A.; Granger, Lorri.
(Language materials, printed)
The Dutch wars of independence : = warfare and commerce in the Netherlands 1570-1680 /
Netherlands; Hart, Marjolein ’t,
(Language materials, printed)
Silk for silver : = Dutch-Vietnamese relations, 1637-1700 /
Netherlands; Hoàng, Anh Tuấn.; Vietnam
(Language materials, printed)
Het geheim van Paleis Kneuterdijk : = de wekelijkse gesprekken van koning Willem II met zijn minister J.C. Baud over het koloniale beleid en de herziening van de grondwet 1841-1848 /
Netherlands; Indonesia; Hugenholtz, W. R. (1952-); Baud, Jean Chrétien, (1789-1859.)
(Language materials, printed)
The European invasion of North America = colonial conflict along the Hudson-Champlain corridor, 1609-1760 /
Laramie, Michael G.{me_controlnum}; Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.); Champlain, Lake, Region; New York (State); Canada; France; Netherlands; Great Britain; Québec (Province)
(Electronic resources)
Mijn aardse leven vol moeite en strijd : = Raden Mas Noto Soeroto, Javaan, dichter, politicus 1888-1951 /
Karels, René B., (1945-); Netherlands; Indonesia
(Language materials, printed)
An economic and social history of the Netherlands, 1800–1920 = demographic, economic and social transition /
Wintle, Michael.{me_controlnum}; Netherlands
(Electronic resources)
Acheen, and the ports on the north and east coasts of Sumatra : = with incidental notices of the trade in the eastern seas, and the agressions of the Dutch. [with a map.] /
Great Britain; Netherlands; Sumatra (Indonesia); Anderson, John, (1795-1845.); Aceh (Indonesia)
(Language materials, printed)
Governance in modern society : = effects, change and formation of government institutions /
Europe; Netherlands; Heffen, O. van (1959-); Kickert, Walter J. M.; Thomassen, J. J. A.
(Language materials, printed)
In the house of war : = Dutch Islam observed /
Netherlands; Europe; Cherribi, Sam, (1959-)
(Language materials, printed)
Empire at the periphery = British colonists,Anglo-Dutch trade, and the development of the British Atlantic, 1621-1713 /
Netherlands; Great Britain; Project Muse.; Koot, Christian J.
(Electronic resources)
For profit and prosperity : = the contribution made by Dutch engineers to public works in Indonesia, 1800-2000 /
Indonesia; Netherlands; Ravesteijn, Wim.; Kop, Jan, (1930-)
(Language materials, printed)
Images of the tropics : = environment and visual culture in colonial Indonesia /
Protschky, Susie.; Indonesia; Tropics; Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Wives, slaves, and concubines : = a history of the female underclass in Dutch Asia /
Jones, Eric; Indonesia; Netherlands
(Language materials, printed)
Dutch commerce and Chinese merchants in Java : = colonial relationships in trade and finance, 1800-1942 /
Java (Indonesia); Netherlands; China; Claver, Alexander.
(Language materials, printed)
The social world of Batavia : = Europeans and Eurasians in colonial Indonesia /
Jakarta (Indonesia); Netherlands; Taylor, Jean Gelman, (1944-)
(Language materials, printed)
Dutch authors on Asian history : = a selection of Dutch historiography on the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie /
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie; Indonesia; Netherlands; Opstall, Margot E. van.; Schutte, G. J.; Meilink-Roelofsz, M. A. P.
(Language materials, printed)
Hof en handel : = Aziatische vorsten en de VOC, 1620-1720 /
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie; Asia; Netherlands; Rietbergen, P. J. A. N.; Locher-Scholten, Elsbeth, (1944-)
(Language materials, printed)
Anne Frank : the diary of a young girl /
Netherlands; Frank, Anne, (1929-1945.); Mooyart-Doubleday, B. M.; Stevens, George.; Roosevelt, Eleanor, (1884-1962.)
(Language materials, printed)
Show more
Wives- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Muslims- Europe.
Calvinism- History.- Netherlands
Graaff, Nicolaus de,- Travel- Indonesia.
Java (Indonesia)- History, Military- 20th century.
Jambi (Indonesia : Province)- History.
Art, European- 20th century.
Public works- History- 19th century.- Indonesia
De Vries, Jan,
Western countries- Relations- Middle East.
Netherlands- History- Wars of Independence, 1556-1648
Federal aid to research- Indonesia
World War, 1939-1945
Sumatra (Indonesia)
Women slaves- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie- History.
East Indies- Commerce- 17th century.
Archives- Netherlands
Islam- Netherlands.
Yogyakarta (Indonesia : Daerah Istimewa)- History.
Noto Soeroto.
Art, European- 19th century.
Social change- History.- Europe
Netherlands- Ethnic relations.
Indians of North America- History- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.)- History.
Catholic Church in the Netherlands
Rooms-Katholieke Kerk.
Mercantile system- Great Britain.
Enlightenment- Influence.- Indonesia
Civil service- History.- Indonesia
Chinese- History.- Indonesia
World War, 1939-1945- Jews.
Mistresses- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Concubinage- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Indonesia- Civilization.
Islam- Europe.
Netherlands- Economic conditions.
Exhibitions- France.
Philippines- Relations- United States.
Authors, Javanese- 20th century- Netherlands
Orientalism in art.
Tropics- History.
Europe- Ethnic relations.
Botany, Economic- Political aspects- Indonesia.
Merchants- History.- Indonesia
Caribbean Area- Climate.
Pilgrims (New Plymouth Colony)- Fiction.
Sex role- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Jakarta (Indonesia)- Social life and customs.
Ship captains- Scotland
State, The.
Social change- Political aspects.
Demography- History.- Netherlands
Exhibitions- Netherlands.
Ambon (Indonesia)- Economic conditions.
Asia- Relations- United States.
Art, Dutch- 19th century.- Indonesia
City and town life- History.- Netherlands
Mercantile system- Netherlands.
Learning and scholarship- History.- Netherlands
Orientalism- History.- Netherlands
Netherlands- Social life and customs.
Poor women- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Marginality, Social- History- 18th century.- Indonesia
Elite (Social sciences)- History.- Indonesia
Death- Southeast Asia.
Southeast Asia- History- To 1500.
Art, Dutch- 20th century.- Indonesia
Civil engineering- History- 19th century.- Indonesia
Veth, Pieter Johannes,
City and town life- History.- Europe
Science and state- History.- Indonesia
Dutch- History.- Indonesia
Policy sciences.
Netherlands- Social conditions.
Voyages and travels.
Exhibitions- Indonesia.
France- History- House of Valois, 1328-1589.
Surakarta (Indonesia)- History.
Public works- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Vietnam- Politics and government- 1975-
Netherlands- Religion- 16th century.
Québec (Province)- History.
France- Colonies
Netherlands- Colonies
Great Britain- Colonies- America
Catholic Church- Malta.
Missions- Netherlands.
Netherlands- Colonies- Indonesia
Great Britain- Commerce- Netherlands.
Women- Social conditions- 18th century.- Indonesia
Interracial marriage- Indonesia.
Muslims- Netherlands.
Netherlands- Church history.
Baud, Jean Chrétien,
Javanese (Indonesian people)- Netherlands
Netherlands- Church history- 16th century.
New York (State)- History- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Canada- History- To 1763 (New France)
Protestants in Netherlands.
Netherlands- Commerce- Great Britain
Great Britain- Commerce- Netherlands
Botanists- History.- Indonesia
Aceh (Indonesia)
Netherlands- Commerce- Great Britain.
Netherlands- Civilization.
Naval art and science- History- 17th century
Netherlands- Population
Art- Political aspects- Indonesia.
Civil engineering- History- 20th century.- Indonesia
Catholic Church- History- 16th century.- Netherlands
Catholics- Social conditions- 16th century.- Netherlands
Iroquois Indians- History.
Champlain, Lake, Region- History.