作品: | 2 作品在 70 項出版品 2 種語言 |
Carl Schmitt's international thought = order and orientation /
Hooker, William.{me_controlnum}; Germany
German-Sino business networks = using organized networks to develop business with China /
Hantzschel, Alexander.; Germany; SpringerLink (Online service)
Germany in the loud twentieth century = an introduction /
Germany; Feiereisen, Florence.; Hill, Alexandra Merley.
Armed forces in law enforcement operations? = the German and European perspective /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Lioe, Kim Eduard.{me_controlnum}; Europe
Liberty is dead = a Canadian in Germany, 1938 /
Germany; Project Muse.; Wegenast, Franklin W. (1876-1942.)
Group experiment and other writings : = the Frankfurt School on public opinion in postwar Germany /
Pollock, Friedrich, (1894-1970.); Germany; Perrin, Andrew J., (1971-); Olick, Jeffrey K., (1964-); Institut fur Sozialforschung (Frankfurt am Main, Germany); Adorno, Theodor W., (1903-1969.)
Tirpitz and the Imperial German Navy
Germany; Project Muse.; Kelly, Patrick J., (1944-); Germany., Kriegsmarine
Reunification in West German party politics from Westbindung to Ostpolitik
Kleuters, Joost.; Germany
Transnationalism in the Prussian east = from national conflict to synthesis, 1871-1914 /
Germany; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Tilse, Mark, (1977-); Prussia, East (Province); Prussia, West (Poland); Prussia (Germany); Poland
Germans and African Americans = two centuries of exchange /
United States; Germany; Project Muse.; Ortlepp, Anke.; Greene, Larry A.
Nazi policy, Jewish workers, German killers
Germany; Browning, Christopher R.{me_controlnum}
German economic and business history in the 19th and 20th centuries
Plumpe, Werner.; Germany; SpringerLink (Online service)
The Great Depression of the 1930s = Lessons for Today /
Germany; Great Britain; United States; Crafts, N. F. R.; Fearon, Peter.
The German influence on English education /
Germany; Great Britain; Armytage, W. H. G.
Fascination and enmity = Russia and Germany as entangled histories, 1914-1945 /
Germany; Soviet Union; Project Muse.; Russia; Martin, Alexander M.; Holquist, Peter.; David-Fox, Michael, (1965-)
Ecology, economy and state formation in early modern Germany
Germany; Warde, Paul.{me_controlnum}
Command culture = officer education in the U.S. Army and the German Armed Forces, 1901-1940, and the consequences for World War II /
Germany; Project Muse.; United States., Army; Muth, Jörg, (1967-)
Demographic change in Germany = the economic and fiscal consequences /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Hamm, Ingrid.; Seitz, Helmut.; Werding, Martin.
Rationality and emotion = comparative studies of the Franco-German and Sino-Japanese reconciliations /
France; Germany; China; Japan; SpringerLink (Online service); Ren, Lin.
The negotiated reformation = imperial cities and the politics of urban reform, 1525–1550 /
Germany; Close, Christopher W.{me_controlnum}
Crowns, crosses, and stars = my youth in Prussia, surviving Hitler, and a life beyond /
Germany; Project Muse.; Prussia (Germany); Niemöller, Sybil von Sell, (1923-)
Magister Ludi : = (The Glass bead game) /
Germany; Germany.; Hesse, Hermann, (1877-1962.)
Heimat, region and empire = spatial identities under National Socialism /
Germany; Szejnmann, Claus-Christian W., (1965-); Umbach, Maiken.
Soziale innovationen in Deutschland = Von der Idee zur gesellschaftlichen Wirkung /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Kopf, Hartmut.
The waning of emancipation = Jewish history,memory, and the rise of fascism in Germany, France, and Hungary /
Hungary; France; Germany; Project Muse.; Miron, Gai.
After the Wall : = confessions from an East German childhood and the life that came next /
Germany; Hensel, Jana.
The Cambridge companion to modern German culture /
Germany; Kolinsky, Eva.; Will, Wilfried van der, (1935-)
Remembering and rethinking the GDR : = multiple perspectives and plural authenticities /
Germany; Germany (East); Saunders, Anna,; Pinfold, Debbie,
Chemiker im "Dritten Reich" = die Deutsche Chemische Gesellschaft und der Verein Deutscher Chemiker im NS-Herrschaftsapparat /
Germany; Maier, Helmut.
State and society in the early middle ages = the Middle Rhine Valley, 400–1000 /
France; Germany; Innes, Matthew.{me_controlnum}; Rhine River Valley
Germany's new security demographics = military recruitment in the era of population aging /
Apt, Wenke.; Germany; SpringerLink (Online service)
Comparative politics : = an introduction to the politics of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union /
Great Britain; France; Germany; Soviet Union; Germany.; Great Britain.; Grande-Bretagne; Allemagne; France.; Soviet Union.; Jacobs, Dan N. (1925-); URSS
The magic mountain /
Germany; Mann, Thomas, (1875-1955.); Lowe-Porter, H. T. (1876-1963.)
Henry IV of Germany 1056–1106
Germany; Holy Roman Empire; Robinson, I. S.{me_controlnum}
Mathematicians fleeing from Nazi Germany : = individual fates and global impact /
Germany; Siegmund-Schultze, R.
War land on the eastern front = culture, national identity, and German occupation in World War I /
Europe, Eastern; Germany; Liulevicius, Vejas Gabriel.{me_controlnum}
Waking to danger = Americans and Nazi Germany, 1933-1941 /
United States; Germany; Rosenbaum, Robert A., (1926-)
Collect and Record! = Jewish Holocaust Documentation in Early Postwar Europe /
Germany; Jockusch, Laura.
Coping with demographic change = a comparative view on education and local government in Germany and Poland /
Germany; Poland; Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Sackmann, Reinhold.
Honor, politics, and the law in imperial Germany, 1871–1914
Germany; Goldberg, Ann.{me_controlnum}
British images of Germany = admiration, antagonism & ambivalence, 1860-1914 /
Scully, Richard.; Great Britain; Germany
Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy = converging security and defence perspectives in an enlarged EU /
Chappell, Laura, (1980-); Germany; European Union countries; Poland; Common Security and Defence Policy.
Germany divided : = Baselitz and his generation : from the Duerckheim Collection /
Germany; British Museum.; Stonard, John-Paul, (1973-)
Implementing activation policies : = an analysis of social and labour market policy reforms in continental Europe with a focus on local case studies in France and Germany /
Künzel, Sebastian, (1981-); France; Germany
Germany's future electors = developments of the German electorate in times of demographic change /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Sanchez Gassen, Nora E.
Germany's wild east = constructing Poland ascolonial space /
Germany; Poland; Project Muse.; Kopp, Kristin Leigh.
German national identity in the twenty-first century = a different republic after all? /
Germany; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Wittlinger, Ruth, (1961-); Duitsland.
Manufacturing possibilities = creative action and industrial recomposition in the United States, Germany, and Japan /
Germany; United States; Japan; Herrigel, Gary.{me_controlnum}
Re-mapping Polish-German historical memory = physical, political, andliterary spaces since World War II /
Poland; Project Muse.; Germany; Kosicki, Piotr H., (1983-); Beinek, Justyna.
Courtroom to Revolutionary Stage = Performance and Ideology in Weimar Political Trials /
Germany; Grunwald, Henning, (1975-)
Why Germany nearly won = a new history of the Second World War in Europe /
Germany; Mercatante, Steven D.
The martial ethic in early modern Germany = civic duty and the right of arms /
Germany; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Tlusty, B. Ann, (1954-)
Germany after the grand coalition = governance and politics in a turbulent environment /
Germany; Bolgherini, Silvia.; Grotz, Florian.
Demonizing the Jews = Luther and the Protestant church in Nazi Germany /
Germany; Project Muse.; Probst, Christopher J., (1969-); Bekennende Kirche
Social market economy = the case of Germany /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Muresan, Stefan Sorin.
Nurses and midwives in Nazi Germany : = the "euthanasia programs" /
Germany; Benedict, Susan, (1943-); Shields, Linda, (1950-)
Enlightened monks = the German Benedictines, 1740-1803 /
Catholic Church; Germany; Lehner, Ulrich L., (1976-{me_controlnum})
In search of "Aryan blood" = serology in interwar and National Socialist Germany /
Germany; Project Muse.; Boaz, Rachel E.
The regimes of European integration : = constructing governance of the single market /
Donnelly, Shawn.; European Union.; European Union countries; Germany; Great Britain
We are the revolutionists = German-speaking immigrants & American abolitionists after 1848 /
Germany; Project Muse.; Honeck, Mischa, (1976-)
The subtle logics of knowledge conflicts in China's foreign enterprises
Germany; China; SpringerLink (Online service); Wang, Constanze.
Media and the making of modern Germany : = mass communications, society, and politics from the Empire to the Third Reich /
Germany; Ross, Corey, (1969-)
Ostkrieg = Hitler's war of extermination in the East /
Germany; Soviet Union; Project Muse.; Fritz, Stephen G., (1949-)
The regimes of European integration = constructing governance of the single market /
European Union.; European Union countries; Germany; Great Britain; Donnelly, Shawn.{me_controlnum}
The life of Glükel of Hameln, 1646-1724
Germany; Project Muse.; Glueckel, (of Hameln,) (1646-1724.); Abrahams, Beth-Zion.
National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom
France; Germany; Ireland; Great Britain; SpringerLink (Online service); Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun.
Out of the east = from PDS to Left Party in unified Germany /
Germany; Project Muse.; Patton, David F., (1963-); Linkspartei (Germany); Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (Germany)
Hypersexuality and headscarves = race, sex, and citizenship in the new Germany /
Partridge, Damani J., (1973-); Germany; Project Muse.
Large infrastructure projects in Germany = between ambition and realities /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Kostka, Genia.; Fiedler, Jobst.
Light for the new millennium : = Rudolf Steiner's association with Helmuth and Eliza von Moltke : letters, documents and after-death communications /
Germany; Moltke, Helmuth von, (1848-1916.); Moltke, Helmuth von, (1848-1916.)
The new hegelians = politics and philosophy in the hegelian school /
Germany; Moggach, Douglas.{me_controlnum}
The Royal Navy and the German Threat 1901-1914 = Admiralty Plans to Protect British Trade in a War Against Germany /
Germany; Seligmann, Matthew S., (1967-); Great Britain., Royal Navy
Flying Tiger = international relations theory and the politics of advanced weapons /
France; Germany; Krotz, Ulrich.{me_controlnum}
Barbed wire diplomacy = Britain, Germany, and the politics of prisoners of war 1939-1945 /
Great Britain; Germany; Wylie, Neville, (1966-{me_controlnum})
The Franco-Prussian War = the German conquest of France in 1870–1871 /
France; Germany; Wawro, Geoffrey.{me_controlnum}
The German wall = fallout in Europe /
Germany; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Silberman, Marc, (1948-); Berlin (Germany)
Selling sex in the Reich = prostitutes in German society, 1914-1945 /
Germany; Harris, Victoria
The spirit of 1914 = militarism, myth, and mobilization in Germany /
Germany; Verhey, Jeffrey.{me_controlnum}
Nassau Plantation = the evolution of a Texas-German slave plantation /
Germany; Project Muse.; Kearney, James C., (1946-); Adelsverein; Fayette County (Tex.); Nassau Plantation (Tex.); Texas
Modernism and totalitarianism = rethinking the intellectual sources of Nazism and Stalinism, 1945 to the present /
Germany; Soviet Union; Shorten, Richard, (1977-)
From cooperation to complicity = degussa in the third reich /
Germany; Hayes, Peter.{me_controlnum}
Colonialism, antisemitism, and Germans of Jewish descent in imperialGermany
Germany; Project Muse.; Davis, Christian S., (1974-)
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.. Volume 2,. The peace of Westphalia to the dissolution of the Reich 1648-1806
Germany; Holy Roman Empire; Whaley, Joachim.{me_controlnum}
The American West and the Nazi East = a comparative and interpretive perspective /
United States; Germany; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Kakel, Carroll P., (1947-)
Spirit and system : = media, intellectuals, and the dialectic in modern German culture /
Germany; Boyer, Dominic.
Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.. Volume 1,. Maximilian I to the peace of Westphalia, 1490-1648
Holy Roman Empire; Germany; Whaley, Joachim.{me_controlnum}
Murder scenes = normality, deviance, and criminal violence in Weimar Berlin /
Germany; Project Muse.; Berlin (Germany); Elder, Sace.
Internationalisation theory and technological accumulation = an investigation of the multinational affiliates in East Germany /
Germany; Jindra, Bj�orn.
Soldered states : = nation-building in Germany and Vietnam /
Germany; Vietnam; Sutherland, Claire.
The Nazi revolution : = Hitler's dictatorship and the German nation /
Germany; Mitchell, Allan, (1933-.)
We all giggled = a bourgeois family memoir /
Germany; Project Muse.; Hueglin, Thomas O. (1946-)
Jewish masculinities = German Jews, gender, and history /
Germany; Gillerman, Sharon, (1960-); Baader, Benjamin Maria.; Project Muse.; Lerner, Paul Frederick.
Politics, religion, and art = Hegelian debates /
Germany; Moggach, Douglas.; Project Muse.
Of little comfort = war widows, fallen soldiers, and the remaking of nation after the Great War /
Germany; United States; Project Muse.; Kuhlman, Erika A., (1961-)
Anti-semitism and schooling under the Third Reich /
Germany; Wegner, Gregory Paul.
Transnational activities and immigrant integration in Germany = concurrent or competitive processes? /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Schunck, Reinhard.
Civil society and dictatorship in modern German history
Germany; Project Muse.; Kocka, Jürgen.
German unification = expectations and outcomes /
Germany; Shandley, Robert R.; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Caldwell, Peter C.
Shaping Europe = France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysée Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics c /
Europe; France; Germany; Krotz, Ulrich.; Schild, Joachim, (1962-)
The impact of performance budgeting on public spending in Germany's Laender
Lorenz, Christiane.{me_controlnum}; Germany; SpringerLink (Online service)
German domestic and foreign policy = political issues under debate.. Vol. 2 /
Germany; SpringerLink (Online service); Jahn, Egbert.
Germany's role in the Euro crisis = Berlin's quest for a more perfect monetary union /
Meiers, Franz-Josef.; Germany; SpringerLink (Online service)
The international migration of German Great War veterans = emotion, transnational identity, and loyalty to the nation, 1914-1942 /
Kuhlman, Erika.; Germany; United States; SpringerLink (Online service)
Jewish identities in German popular entertainment, 1890–1933
Germany; Otte, Marline.{me_controlnum}
Pleasure and power in Nazi Germany
Germany; Ross, Corey, (1969-); Swett, Pamela E., (1970-); Almeida, Fabrice d'.
Great Britain- Politics and government- 19th century.
Mathematicians- Germany
World War, 1939-1945- Refugees- Germany.
Germans- History- 20th century.- United States
Religion- Philosophy.
Art- Philosophy.
Mass media- History- 20th century.- Germany
Imperial cities (Holy Roman Empire)
Germany- Politics and government- 1517-1648.
International relations- Philosophy.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)
Militarism- History- 20th century.- Germany
Monasticism and religious orders- History- Middle Ages, 600-1600.- Rhine River Valley
Honor- History.- Germany
Germany- History- 1871-1918.
Holy Roman Empire- History- 1648-1804.
Prostitution- History- 20th century.- Germany
Manufacturing industries- Germany.
Space- Social aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Sound in literature.
Germany- Intellectual life- 20th century.
Great Britain- Economic conditions
Germany- Intellectual life.
Germany- Ethnic relationships.
Population aging- Economic aspects- Germany.
Political aspects.
Germany- Social conditions
Social Science.
Social control- History- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Politics and government
Germany- Social life and customs- 20th century.
Prussia (Germany)- History.
Group identity- History- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Relations- Great Britain.
Stalin, Joseph,- Political and social views.
Germany (East)- Historiography.
Germany- History- 20th century.
Berlin (Germany)- Social conditions- 20th century.
Fayette County (Tex.)- History- 19th century.
Germany- Emigration and immigration- 19th century.
Nassau Plantation (Tex.)- History.
Wachendorff family.
World War, 1939-1945.
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- France
Jews- History- 20th century.- Hungary
Hungary- Ethnic relations.
Immigrants- History- 19th century.- United States
Niemöller, Sybil von Sell,- Family.
Immigrants- United States
World War, 1939-1945
Germany- History- 1933-1945
Germany- Relations- Soviet Union.
Germany- Relations- Russia.
Germany- Intellectual life- 19th century.
Wegenast, Franklin W.- Travel- Germany.
War widows- Government policy- 20th century.- United States
World War, 1914-1918- Social aspects- Germany.
War widows- Government policy- 20th century.- Western countries
Collective memory- History- 20th century.- Germany
Ireland- Economic conditions- 1949-
Statistics for Social Science, Behavorial Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law.
Japan- Foreign relations- China.
Germany- Relations- United States.
Social medicine- History- 20th century.- Germany
Political Economy.
World War, 1939-1945- Atrocities.
Einstein, Albert,
Educational Policy and Politics.
Europe- Population.
Business Strategy/Leadership.
Nationalism- Germany
Germany- Politics and government.
World War, 1914-1918- Veterans- Germany.
History of Modern Europe.
United States- Emigration and immigration- 20th century.
Area Studies.
China- Foreign economic relations- Germany.
Industrial Organization.
European Union.
Immigrants- History- 20th century.- United States
Mathematics- History- 20th century.- United States
Reformation- Germany.
English language
Law enforcement- Germany.
Germany- Armed Forces.
Germany- Politics and government- 1806-1848.
World War, 1914-1918- Campaigns- Eastern Front.
Germany- Economic conditions.
Germany- Ethnic relations
Church and state- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Libel and slander- History.- Germany
Germany- Social conditions- 1933-1945.
Structural adjustment (Economic policy)- United States.
Germany- Foreign economic relations.
United States- Foreign economic relations.
Loudness- Social aspects- 20th century.- Germany
European Union countries- Economic conditions
France- Foreign relations- Germany.
Germany- Civilization.
Economic Growth.
Germany- Population
Hitler, Adolf,
Popular culture- History- 20th century.- Germany
Tyskland- intellektuellt liv- 1900-talet.
Germany- History, Military.
HISTORY- Military
Pleasure- Social aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Politics and government- 1933-1945.
Political culture- Germany.
Berlin (Germany)- History- 1990-
HISTORY- Native American.
HISTORY / Europe / Germany
Germany- Foreign relations- 1848-1870.
Hitler, Adolf,- Political and social views.
Totalitarianism- Philosophy.
Germany (East)- Social life and customs.
Civil society- History- 20th century.- Germany
Violence- History- 20th century.- Germany
Texas- Emigration and immigration- 19th century.
College teachers- Canada
Military education- History- 20th century.- Germany
Soviet Union- History- German occupation, 1941-1944.
Jews- History- 1800-1933.- Germany
Germany- Ethnic relations.
Germany- History- Revolution, 1848-1849
Soviet Union- Foreign relations- 1917-1945.
Russia- Foreign relations- 1894-1917.
Germans- History.- Poland
Foreign workers- Germany.
Race discrimination- Germany.
Political anthropology- Germany.
Racism in anthropology- History- 20th century.- Germany
Anthropology- Political aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Politics and government- 1918-1933.
United States- Social conditions- 1918-1932.
Nationalism- History- 20th century.
Collective memory- History- 20th century.- Poland
Baselitz, Georg,
Intellectual capital.
Economic Policy.
R & D/Technology Policy.
Germany- Armed Forces
Germany- Emigration and immigration.
Germany- Foreign public opinion, American- 20th century.
Law- Political aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Political crimes and offenses- History- 20th century.- Germany
Democracy- Philosophy.
Group identity- Political aspects.
Identity (Philosophical concept)
Great Britain.- History- 20th century.
Medical policy- History- 20th century.- Germany
Manpower policy- Germany.
World War, 1939-1945- Science- Germany.
Science- History- 20th century.- Germany
Social problems- Germany.
Political Theory.
Germany- Armed Forces- World War, 1939-1945.
Germany- Foreign economic relations- China.
European Integration.
Political Science and International Relations.
Germany- Science
German Politics.
Germany- Economic conditions- 20th century.
Christmas- History.- German
Readers (Adult)
National security- Europe.
World War, 1914-1918- Influence.
Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.
Holy Roman Empire- History- Henry IV, 1056-1106.
Local government- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Political culture- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Holy Roman Empire- History- 1517-1648.
Prostitutes- History- 20th century.- Germany
Great Britain- Foreign relations- Germany.
Tiger (Attack helicopter)- Design and construction- France.
Defense industries- Political aspects- Germany.
Journalism- Germany.
Group identity.
Nationale identiteit.
POLITICAL SCIENCE- Political Process
Art and society- History- 20th century.- Germany
Military ethics- History.- Germany
Germany- Militia
HISTORY- Social History.
Political stability- History- 20th century.- Germany
Power (Social sciences)- History- 20th century.- Germany
Berlin (Germany)- History
HISTORY- Germany.- Europe
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)- Europe, Eastern.
Germany- Territorial expansion.
Poland- Boundaries- Germany.
International business enterprises- Germany.
Politics and culture- History.- Soviet Union
Deviant behavior- History- 20th century.- Germany
Homicide- History- 20th century.- Germany
Murder- History- 20th century.- Germany
United States.- Officers- 20th century.
United States- Foreign relations- Germany.
Hitler, Adolf,- Military leadership.
Linkspartei (Germany)- History.
Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (Germany)- History.
Germany- Politics and government- 19th century.
France- Ethnic relations.
Germany.- History- 19th century
Luther, Martin,
Protestant churches- History- 20th century.- Germany
Soviet Union- Foreign public opinion, German.
Russia- Foreign public opinion, German.
Soviet Union- Relations- Germany.
German literature- History and criticism.- 19th century
Sex discrimination- Germany.
Subculture- Germany
Jews- Identity- Germany
Jews- History- Germany
Transnationalism- History- 20th century.
War widows- Government policy- 20th century.- Germany
Italy- Foreign relations- 1922-1945.
Jews- Germany
Soviet Union.
Education- Great Britain.
Regional/Spatial Science.
France- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Sociology, general.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)- Personal narratives- Europe
France- Foreign relations- Germany
Great Britain- Economic conditions- 1918-1945.
United States- Economic conditions- 1918-1945.
Great Britain- History, Naval- 20th century.
Political Philosophy.
Physics- History- 20th century.- Germany
Local government- Poland.
Public Administration.
Comparative Politics.
Poland- Population.
World War, 1939-1945- Germany.
Financial Economics.
Macroeconomics/Monetary Economics.
Germany- Foreign relations.
Infrastructure (Economics)- Germany.
Economic development projects- Germany.
Germany- Economic conditions
Generals- Germany
Mathematicians- History- 20th century.- Germany
Mathematicians- United States
Mathematics- History- 20th century.- Germany
Jews- Public opinion.- Germany
Reading comprehension
Hensel, Jana.
International & Foreign Law/Comparative Law.
Constitutional Law.
Geopolitics- History.- Europe
France- History- Second Empire, 1852-1870.
Germany- History- To 843.
Germany- Religious life and customs- Middle Ages, 843-1517.
Rhine River Valley- Social conditions.
Political culture- History.- Germany
Holy Roman Empire- History- Maximilian I, 1493-1519.
Germany- History- 1648-1740.
World War, 1939-1945- Causes.
Coalition governments- Germany.
Military Science.
Political culture- History- 20th century.- Germany
HISTORY- Western.- Europe
Indians of North America- Wars.
Prussia, West (Poland)- History.
Germany- Boundaries- Poland.
HISTORY / Modern / 20th Century
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / International
Germany- Foreign relations- 1990-
POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General.
Germany- Military policy.
Communism- Philosophy.- Soviet Union
Civilization, Modern- 20th century.
Collective memory- Germany (East)
Memory- Social aspects- Germany (East)
Germany- Territorial expansion
Germany- Territorial expansion- 20th century.
Antislavery movements- History- 19th century.- United States
Niemöller, Martin,
Germany- Foreign relations- 20th century.
Germany- Relations- Poland.
Minorities- Germany.
Citizenship- Germany.
Lawyers- Canada
Germany- Description and travel.
Gay men- Germany
Comparative government.
Collective memory- Europe.
Germany- Economic policy- 1990-
Nursing- Moral and ethical aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Election law- Germany.
World War, 1939-1945- Campaigns- Europe.
World War, 1914-1918- Social aspects.
Economic History.
Moltke, Eliza von,
Steiner, Rudolf,
Antisemitism- History- 20th century.- Germany
Jews- History- 1933-1945- Germany
Law enforcement- Europe.
Armed Forces- Operations other than war.
National security- Germany.
Lumber trade- History.- Germany
World War, 1939-1945- Conscript labor- Poland.
Nationalism- History- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Armed Forces- 20th century.
Elite (Social sciences)- History.- Rhine River Valley
Germany- Appropriations and expenditures.
Program budgeting- Germany.
Germany- History- Maximilian I, 1493-1519.
Germany- History- 1740-1806.
Prostitution- Social aspects- 20th century.- Germany
World War, 1939-1945- Prisoners and prisons, German.
Germany- Foreign relations- Great Britain.
Germany- Foreign relations- 1933-1945.
Manufacturing industries- United States.
Structural adjustment (Economic policy)- Japan.
Music- History and criticism.- 20th century- Germany
National characteristics, German- History- 20th century.
Tiger (Attack helicopter)- Design and construction- Germany.
Public Finance & Economics.
Mass media- Germany.
National socialism.
Group identity- Political aspects- Germany.
Political parties- Germany.
Military socialization- History.- Germany
Indians, Treatment of- United States.
HISTORY / Social History
HISTORY / Europe / General
Affiliation (Psychology)- History- 20th century.- Germany
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Government / Comparative.
Poland- Military policy.
Soviet Union- Intellectual life.
Germany (East)- Social conditions.
Germany (East)- Intellectual life.
Crime- History- 20th century.- Germany
United States.- Recruiting, enlistment, etc.- 20th century.
Germans- History.- United States
African Americans- Relations with Germans
Germany- Foreign relations- United States.
World War, 1939-1945- Campaigns- Eastern Front.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,- Influence.
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- Germany
Jews- History- 20th century.- France
Germany- History, Naval- 19th century.
Spouses of clergy- Germany
Church and state- History- 1933-1945.- Germany
Russia- Relations- Germany.
Colonies in literature.
German literature- History and criticism- 20th century
Germany- Race relations.
Germany- Ethnic relations- 20th century.
World War, 1914-1918- Women.
World War, 1914-1918- Social aspects- United States.
Collective memory in literature.
Germany- Population.
German fiction
United States- History- 1933-1945.
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)- Historiography.
Trials (Political crimes and offenses)- History- 20th century.- Germany
Agent (Philosophy)
Germany- Foreign relations- 1945-
Depressions- 1929.
Methodology and the History of Economic Thought.
Manpower policy- France.
Planck, Max,
Physicists- Germany
National socialism and science.
Education- Germany.
Germany- Social policy.
Public opinion.
Teenage girls- Germany (East)
Public Law.
Europe, Eastern- Relations- Germany.
Circus- History.- Germany
Jewish theater- History.- Germany
Jews in the performing arts- History.- Germany
Theater, Yiddish- History.- Germany
Constitutional history- Holy Roman Empire.
Holy Roman Empire- Kings and rulers
Economics/Management Science, general.
Germany- History- 1517-1648.
Germany- Moral conditions- 20th century.
Prisoners of war- Great Britain.
Benedictine monasteries- History- 18th century.- Germany
Structural adjustment (Economic policy)- Germany.
European Union countries- Economic integration.
Germany- Foreign relations- France.
Population Economics.
Politics and government.
Germany- Politics and government- 1990-
Germany- History
Masculinity- Social aspects- Germany
Men- Attitudes- Germany
Amusements- History- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Social conditions- 1990-
Massacres- History- 19th century.- West (U.S.)
Prussia, East (Province)- History.
Germany- Economic conditions- 1990-
Political psychology- History- 20th century.- Germany
European Union countries- Military policy.
Great Britain- Foreign relations- 1901-1936.
National socialism- Philosophy.
Dictatorship- History- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Social conditions- 20th century.
Adelsverein- History.
Texas- Colonization- 19th century.
Hueglin family.
Hueglin, Thomas O.- Family.
Dernburg, Bernhard,
Antisemitism- History- 19th century.- Germany
Germany- Colonies
African Americans- History.- Germany
Hitler, Adolf,- Psychology.
World War, 1939-1945- Campaigns- Soviet Union.
Germany.- History- 20th century.
Germany- History, Naval- 20th century.
Niemöller, Sybil von Sell,
Jewish converts
Bekennende Kirche- History.
Poland- Relations- Germany.
Serology- Political aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Masculinity- Germany
Jewish men- History- Germany
World War, 1939-1945- Monuments- Poland.
Institutions politiques comparées.
Political science.
France- History- House of Valois, 1328-1589.
Great Britain- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Social Sciences.
International Relations.
China- Foreign relations- Japan.
Historiography- History- 20th century.- Europe
Memorial books (Holocaust)
World War, 1939-1945- Historiography.
Sea-power- History- 20th century.- Great Britain
Love stories.
Midwifery- Moral and ethical aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Local government- Germany.
Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology.
Voting- Germany.
Emerging Markets/Globalization.
Currency crises.
Public Policy.
Vietnam- Politics and government- 1975-
Veterans- History- 20th century.
Veterans- Social conditions- 20th century.
History of Germany and Central Europe.
Investments, German- China.
European Union countries- Foreign relations- Asia, Central.
Moltke, Helmuth von,
World War, 1914-1918- Causes
Mass media- History- 19th century.- Germany
Youth- Germany (East)
World War, 1939-1945- Jews
Books and reading
Internal security- Germany.
Christianity and politics- History- 16th century.- Germany
Germany- Church history- 16th century.
Schmitt, Carl,- Political and social views.
Imperialism- History.
World War, 1914-1918- Germany.
Germany- History- 1933-1945.
Germany- Relations- Europe, Eastern.
Germany- Population policy.
Cities and towns, Medieval- Rhine River Valley.
France- Social conditions- To 987.
Economics/Management Science.
Prisoners of war- Germany.
Prisoners of war- Government policy- Great Britain.
Great Britain- Foreign relations- 1936-1945.
Germany- Intellectual life- 18th century.
Manufacturing industries- Japan.
Japan- Foreign economic relations.
German literature- History and criticism.- 20th century
Defense industries- Political aspects- France.
Social Policy.
Germany- History- Unification, 1990
World War, 1939-1945- Atrocities- Europe, Eastern.
Genocide- History- 20th century.- Europe, Eastern
HISTORY- Civil War Period (1850-1877)- United States
United States- Territorial expansion.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / General
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Freedom & Security / General.
HISTORY / Military / Other
Poland- Defenses.
Great Britain- Foreign relations- 1837-1901.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Communism & Socialism
Community life- History- 20th century.- Germany
Slavery- History- 19th century.- Texas
Germany- Politics and government- 1871-1918.
Military education- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Race relations
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- Hungary
Abolitionists- History- 19th century.- United States
German Americans- History- 19th century.- United States
Christianity and antisemitism.
Germany- Foreign public opinion, Russian.
Post-communism- Germany.
Biopolitics- History- 20th century.- Germany
Wegenast, Franklin W.
Polish literature- History and criticism.- 20th century
Holocaust memorials.
World War, 1939-1945- Monuments- Germany.
Vergleichende Regierungslehre.
Soviet Union- History- 1953-1985.
URSS- Romans.
Education- Germany.
Psychological fiction, German
Europe- Economic integration.
Sea-power- History- 20th century.- Germany
National socialism and medicine.
Planck, Max,- Family.
Education- Poland.
Cultural Management.
Nationalism- Vietnam
Mathematicians- History- 20th century.- United States
Public opinion- Germany.
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich,
Political science- Philosophy.
Aesthetics, Modern- 19th century.
Internal security- Europe.
Europe- Armed Forces.
Germany- Politics and government- 20th century.
Philosophy, German- 19th century.
Germany- History- 1918-1933.
Gold industry- History.- Germany
Germany- History, Military- 19th century.
Germany- Kings and rulers
Expenditures, Public.
Germany- Social conditions- 1918-1933.
Catholic Church- History- 18th century.- Germany
Enlightenment- Influence.- Germany
Sound- Social aspects- 20th century.- Germany
Germany- Civilization- 20th century.
European Union countries- Economic policy.
National characteristics, German.
Group identity- Germany.
Tyskland- historia- 1918-1933 (Weimarrepubliken)
National characteristics, European.
Social conflict.
HISTORY- Eastern.- Europe
Germany- History- Unification, 1990.
Common Security and Defence Policy.
Germany- Defenses.
European Union countries- Defenses.
Great Britain- Relations- Germany.
Germany- Foreign public opinion, British.
Germany- Foreign relations- 1871-1918.
Politics and culture- History- 20th century.- Germany
German Americans- History- 19th century.- Texas
Germany- Race relations
Political parties- History.- Germany (East)
Tirpitz, Alfred von,
Admirals- Germany
Aristocracy (Social class)- Germany
Prussia (Germany)
Germany- Church history.
Racism in medicine- History- 20th century.- Germany
National socialism and medicine- History.
Great Britain.
Duerckheim-Ketelhodt, Christian.
Art, German- 20th century.
Germany- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Social integration- Germany.
Scholars- Germany
Sanatoriums- Fiction.
Public opinion- History- 20th century.- United States
United States- Relations- Germany.
Holocaust survivors- History.- Europe
Identity politics.
France- Foreign relations- 1945-
Germany- Economic conditions- 1918-1945.
Euthanasia- History- 20th century.- Germany
Political Science, general.
Social Work.
World War, 1939-1945- Technology.
Corporations, German- China.
Germany- Economic policy- 21st century.
US History.
Germany- Emigration and immigration- 20th century.
Urban Studies/Sociology.
Germany- Economic conditions- 19th century.