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Works: 1 works in 46 publications in 4 languages
A history of the English parish = the culture of religion from Augustine to Victoria / by: England; Pounds, N. J. G.{me_controlnum} (Electronic resources)
How to murder the man of your dreams / by: England; Cannell, Dorothy. (Language materials, printed)
Lowry and the painting of modern life / by: England; Wagner, Anne Middleton, (1949-); Tate Britain (Gallery); Clark, T. J.; Lowry, Laurence Stephen, (1887-1976.) (Language materials, printed)
The love of a king / by: England; Dainty, Peter. (Language materials, printed)
Moving histories of class and community = identity, place and belonging in contemporary England / by: England; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Rogaly, Ben.; Norwich (England); Norwich.; Taylor, Becky, (Dr.) (Electronic resources)
Ethics and power in medieval English reformist writing by: England; Craun, Edwin D.{me_controlnum} (Electronic resources)
Accommodating Poverty = the Housing and Living Arrangements of the English Poor, C. 1600-1850. by: McEwan, Joanne.; England; Sharpe, Pamela. (Electronic resources)
A Fine romance : = falling in love with the English countryside / by: England; Branch, Susan. (Language materials, printed)
Brideshead revisited : = the sacred and profane memories of Captain Charles Ryder / by: Waugh, Evelyn, (1903-1966.); England (Language materials, printed)
Vital accounts = quantifying health and population in eighteenth-century England and France / by: England; Rusnock, Andrea A.{me_controlnum}; France (Electronic resources)
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Immigrants England- Social life and customs Magic- Fiction. Schools- Fiction. Wizards Dee, John, Flamel, Nicolas, Alcatraz Island (Calif.) Hermetism- History- 17th century. Women Mothers and sons World War, 1914-1918- England Miracles- History of doctrines- Middle Ages, 600-1500. Christian saints- Cult- England. Christian shrines- England. Travel, Medieval. Man-woman relationships Rhodenbarr, Bernie (Fictitious character) Ghost stories. Journalists Aesthetics, Chinese- History- 18th century.- England Privacy- History.- England Church decoration and ornament- England. Liturgics. Wales- Population. England- Social conditions- 17th century. Great Britain- History- Civil War, 1642-1649 Great Britain- Politics and government- 1603-1649. Households- History- 18th century.- England England- Civilization- 20th century. Social ethics- History- 19th century.- England Social movements- History- 19th century.- England England- Moral conditions. England- Church history- 17th century. Great Britain- History- 19th century. Crime- History.- Great Britain Law- History.- Great Britain Wales- Social conditions- 20th century. England- Social life and customs- 19th century. Christmas Hermits- Social conditions.- England England- Religious life and customs. Shakespeare, William, Manners and customs in literature. Gentry- England 1066-1485. Letter writing. Religion. BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY- Historical. Social Science. Cognition and culture- History- 16th century.- England Philosophy. Poverty- England. Gruppenidentit�at. Great Britain- Politics and government- 19th century. Poverty in literature. Christian women- Religious life- England Smell- History Scots- England Mystery and detective stories. London (England)- Social life and customs- 18th century. Brothers and sisters. Detective and mystery stories. Princesses. City and town life in art. Tuberculosis- Patients Ocean travel Jesuits- Missions- 17th century.- Vietnam Young women- England Great Britain- History- 1485- Bonde, William,- Criticism and interpretation. England- Church history- 16th century. Witches Trade. History of Britain and Ireland. England- Commerce- To 1500. Trinidadians- Fiction.- England City and town life- Fiction. England- Social life and customs- 16th century. Young adult fiction. Bears Readers for new literates. Renaissance- England English literature- History and criticism.- Middle English, 1100-1500 Popular culture- Religious aspects English language Children Dickens, Charles,- Indexes. China Duff Gordon, Lucie, Villages- England Material culture. Nationalism- History.- England Architecture and society- History- 16th century.- England Mortality- History- 18th century.- France Families- History- 18th century.- England Friendship- History- 18th century.- England Kinship- History- 18th century.- England Industrialization- History- 19th century.- England England- Church history- 19th century. Authors, English- 18th century Nationalism- History- 18th century.- England Social stratification- History.- Ireland Christian literature, English (Middle)- History and criticism. Parishes- History- 20th century.- Wales England- Social conditions- 20th century. France- Relations English drama (Comedy)- History and criticism. Correspondence. Gentry. Literary art. Paston, Margaret. Social life and customs. To 1500. Low-income housing- History- 18th century.- England Low-income housing- History- 19th century.- England England- Economic conditions- 18th century. Memory- Religious aspects. Communities- England SOCIAL SCIENCE- Social Classes. Transsexuals- Fiction. Social problems in literature. Impressment World War, 1939-1945- Veterans Identity (Philosophical concept) Theater- History- 17th century.- England Branch, Susan- Travel- England. Social classes. Castles Dissenters, Religious- England. Jeeves Upper class- England Women- Crimes against History of Medieval Europe. Women- England Women interior decorators- Fiction. Great Britain- History- Elizabeth, 1558-1603. Clergy Humorous fiction. Fathers and daughters Courtship Social classes Bloodborne infections Adoptees Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages- England. Readers (Adult) Kings and rulers Consumption (Economics)- Social aspects- 18th century.- England Women- Biography.- Egypt Upper class- History- 19th century.- England Household employees Male friendship England- Civilization. England- Church history- 1485- Public health- History- 18th century.- England England- Population. National characteristics, English, in literature. Church discipline- History- To 1500. Parishes- History- 18th century.- England Great Britain- Politics and government- 1603-1714. Great Britain- Foreign relations- Europe. Recluses- Social conditions.- England Express highways- Social aspects- England Great Britain- History- Charles II, 1660-1685. England- Economic conditions- 19th century. PHILOSOPHY- History & Surveys HISTORY- Social History. Siedlung. Literature and society- History- To 1500.- England English literature- History and criticism- Middle English, 1100-1500 Church and state- History- 19th century.- England England- Social conditions- 1066-1485. Human body- Religious aspects Austen, Jane,- Knowledge Literature and history- History- 19th century.- Great Britain Calvinism- History- 18th century.- England Social classes- History- England Farmers- History- 16th century- England Great Britain- Commerce- To 1500 Trinity- History of doctrines- 17th century. Transmission of texts- History- 16th century.- England Witches. Scotland- Antiquities Valets- England Ireland- Civilization Social History. England- Social life and customs- 19th century England Fantasy. Machiavelli, Niccolo, Occult fiction. England- Intellectual life- 17th century. Single-parent families Sisters Young women Vampires- Romania Children of the rich Popular culture- England. Reading comprehension Popular culture- History- 18th century.- England Social history. Symbolism in architecture- England. Mortality- History- 18th century.- England France- Statistics, Medical- 18th century. England- Church history- 1066-1485. Fertility, Human- History.- England Fertility, Human- History.- Wales Social classes- History.- Wales Industries- History- 20th century.- England Moral development- History- 19th century.- England Voluntarism- History- 19th century.- England England- Social conditions- 19th century. Social stratification- History.- England Admonition- History- To 1500. Church renewal- History- To 1500.- England England- Social conditions. Adultery- History.- England England- Social life and customs- 17th century. Authors, English- Political and social views.- Early modern, 1500-1700 English literature- History and criticism.- Early modern, 1500-1700 Politics and literature- History- 17th century.- Great Britain England- Civilization- 17th century. Industrial revolution- England. England- Economic conditions. Local elections Culture conflict in literature. Dissenters, Religious- History- To 1500.- England English poetry- History and criticism.- 16th century Cultural landscapes- England. M1 Motorway (England)- Design and construction Great Britain- History- Restoration, 1660-1688. Literature and society- History- 16th century.- England Paston, Margaret, Paston family England. England- Social life and customs- 1066-1485 Social classes- History- 20th century.- England Communities- England. England- Civilization- 1066-1485. Spirituality- History.- Europe Spirituality- History.- England Sailors Warships Reformed Church- Doctrines- 18th century. Gay men Siblings Detective and mystery stories Women authors Wessex (England) West Indians. Translating and interpreting- History- 16th century.- England England- Intellectual life- 16th century. England- Economic conditions- 16th century. Bridgettines- History- 16th century.- England Religion and religious literature- History- 16th century.- England Millennium (Eschatology) National characteristics, English. Space in economics- History. Swindlers and swindling Financial History. England- Fiction. Young women- Fiction.- England Wizards- Fiction. Haskell, Ellie (Fictitious character) Supernatural Friendship Inheritance and succession Orphans- England Cousins Female friendship Mate selection Ex-convicts Windsor, Wallis Warfield, Knowledge, Sociology of. Church buildings- England. Medical climatology- History- 18th century.- England Smallpox- Vaccination- 18th century.- England Smallpox- Vaccination- 18th century.- France England- Statistics, Medical- 18th century. Liturgical language- Latin. Family size- History.- England Infants- Mortality- Wales. Violence- History- 17th century.- England Great Britain- History- Early Stuarts, 1603-1649. Industries- Social aspects- England. Industries- History- 19th century.- England Wales- Church history- 19th century. England- In literature. Social reformers- History- 19th century.- England Wales- Social conditions- 18th century. Parishes- History.- England Schools Great Britain- History- Victoria, 1837-1901. City and town life- England Gay men- Fiction. Hermits- Social life and customs.- England Recluses- Social life and customs.- England Letter writing- History- To 1500 History. HISTORY. Arbeiterklasse. Nobility Sex role- Fiction. Church and state in literature. Poverty- Religious aspects- Middle Ages, 600-1500. Civilization, Medieval, in literature. Women authors, English- Religious life- Europe Europe- Church history. Perfumes- History.- England Religion and culture- History- 18th century.- England England- Religion- 18th century. Documentary films- Production and direction. Missing persons. Dramatists, English- Homes and haunts- England. Married people Remarried people Blacks Tuberculosis- Patients. Young women. Fewterer, John- Criticism and interpretation. Christianity and politics- History- 19th century.- England Gardens Americans. Orphans. Wooster, Bertie Schools- Juvenile fiction. Scrooge, Ebenezer (Fictitious character)- Fiction. River life Paddington Bear (Fictitious character) Young men- Fiction. Human cloning Ex-convicts- England Eyre, Jane (Fictitious character) Governesses- England Hospital patients Dracula, Count (Fictitious character) Man-woman relationships- England Country homes Uncles Austen, Jane, Poor children Witches- England Magicians Intercultural communication- History- 18th century.- England Guardian and ward Women- Biography.- England Privacy. Public health- History- 18th century.- France Family size- History.- Wales Infants- Mortality- England. Forests and forestry- History- 17th century.- England Patronage, Political- History- 18th century.- England England- Intellectual life- 18th century. Religious disputations- History- 17th century.- England Criminal law- History.- Great Britain Parishes- History- 18th century.- Wales Great Britain- Politics and government- 1642-1660. England- Population Christianity and culture- History.- England Engels Ghosts Recluses- History- To 1500.- England Israel- In literature. England- Civilization- 17th century Literary form- History- 16th century. Paston, Margaret,- Religion. Paston family. Poor- History- 18th century.- England Distributed cognition- England. England- Religion- 16th century. Group identity- England. Group identity- England Migration. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,- Political and social views. Austen, Jane,- Family. Setting (Literature) Rogues and vagabonds Theology- History- 17th century.- England England- Civilization- 18th century. Conscientious objectors Documentary films Manners and customs. Castles. Criminals- England Credit- History- To 1500.- England Finance. Financial Accounting. England- Civilization- To 1066 Coming of age Magic- Juvenile fiction. National characteristics, English- Literary collections. Alchemists Twins Fludd, Robert, Catholics Reincarnation Occultism- History- 17th century. Country life Birds Contests Organ donors English literature- History and criticism- Early modern, 1500-1700 Governesses Benefactors Windsor, Edward, New York (N.Y.) Ambivalence- Social aspects- 18th century.- England Illegitimate children Conduct of life. Imperialism- History. National characteristics, English- History. Social classes- History.- England Land use, Rural- History- 17th century.- England Industrialization- History- 20th century.- England England- Civilization- 19th century. Christian sociology- History- 19th century.- Wales Power (Social sciences)- History.- Ireland Ireland- Social conditions- 17th century. Great Britain- History- James I, 1603-1625. Wales- Social conditions- 19th century. Normans- France. England- Civilization Europe- Foreign relations- Great Britain. Cities and towns- Growth- England Christian sociology- History.- England Hermits- History- To 1500.- England Lollards. English poetry- Appreciation. England- Social life and customs. English poetry- Early modern, 1500-1700. Festivals in literature. 1423-1484. Biography. Sources. PHILOSOPHY- Religious. Social classes- History- 21st century.- England England- Emigration and immigration Historical criticism (Literature) Coleridge, Samuel Taylor,- Religion. England- Intellectual life- 19th century. Pecock, Reginald, Theology- History- Middle Ages, 600-1500.- England Seward, Anna,- Criticism and interpretation. Literature and society- History- 19th century.- England Names in literature. Calvinism- History- 17th century.- England Enthusiasm- Religious aspects- 18th century. Economics- Religious aspects- 18th century. Veterans' hospitals Missing persons Hardy, Thomas, Cornwall (England : County) West Indians- England Terminally ill Young men- Fiction.- England Merchants- History- 16th century- England Early printed books- 16th century. Millennialism- History- 19th century.- England Orphans Emotions- History. Great Britain- History- Anglo-Saxon period, 449-1066 Wessex (England)- Fiction. Social classes- England Brothers and sisters Magic Cabala- History- 17th century. Animals Donation of organs, tissues, etc. Cults- England Young men Thieves Family- England Egypt- Antiquities. NOVELAS INGLESAS. Civilization, Modern. Privacy in literature. Church architecture- England. Hunting- History- 17th century.- England England- Social life and customs- 18th century. Christian sociology- History- 19th century.- England Power (Social sciences)- History.- England England- Social conditions- 16th century. Sociological jurisprudence. Parishes- History- 19th century.- England Parishes- History- 20th century.- England Parishes- History- 19th century.- Wales England- Social conditions- 18th century. England- Church history- 18th century. Nobility- History- To 1515.- France England- Relations Normandy (France)- History- To 1515. England- Church history. City council members- Death Christian life- History- Middle Ages, 600-1500.- England Christianity and literature- History- 17th century.- England Religion and literature- History- 17th century.- England Christianity and other religions- Judaism- 17th century. Jews in literature. England- Civilization- 16th century Automobile driving on highways- History. Paston, Margaret,- Literary art. Poor- History- 19th century.- England HISTORY- Great Britain.- Europe Poverty- England Norwich (England)- Emigration and immigration Norwich. Christianity and politics- History of doctrines- 19th century. Poverty- History- To 1500.- England Ideology in literature. Christian literature- Women authors Christian women- Religious life- Europe England- Church history- 17th century Reformed Church- Doctrines- 17th century. Theology- History- 18th century.- England Upper class families Documentary films- Production and direction Princesses Theater- History- 16th century.- England Lowry, Laurence Stephen, Television personalities Blacks. Ocean travel. Terminally ill. Whitford, Richard,- Criticism and interpretation. Southcott, Joanna, Americans- England Gardens. Lancashire (England) Criminals Criminals. Meteors