Works: | 0 works in 86 publications in 3 languages |
The literary underground of the Old Regime /
France; Darnton, Robert.
(Language materials, printed)
The great cat massacre and other episodes in French cultural history /
France; Darnton, Robert.
(Language materials, printed)
Forging Napoleon's Grande Armee = motivation, military culture, and masculinity in the French army, 1800-1808 /
France; Project Muse.; Hughes, Michael J., (1972-); France., Armee.
(Electronic resources)
Under the shadow of Napoleon = French influence on the American way of warfare from the War of 1812 to the outbreakof WWII /
France; United States; Project Muse.; Bonura, Michael A., (1974-)
(Electronic resources)
The dynastic state and the army under Louis XIV = royal service and private interest 1661–1701 /
France; Rowlands, Guy.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Vital accounts = quantifying health and population in eighteenth-century England and France /
Rusnock, Andrea A.{me_controlnum}; England; France
(Electronic resources)
Political resurrection in the twentieth century = the fall and rise of political leaders /
Derfler, Leslie.; France; Argentina; Canada
(Electronic resources)
The new voter in Western Europe = France and beyond /
Europe, Western; France; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Cautr�es, Bruno.; Muxel, Anne.
(Electronic resources)
Reinterpreting the French revolution = a global-historical perspective /
France; Stone, Bailey.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
The French Revolution debate in English literature and culture
France; Crafton, Lisa Plummer, (1956-)
(Language materials, printed)
Madame Bovary /
Flaubert, Gustave, (1821-1880.); France; France.; Steegmuller, Francis, (1906-1994.)
(Language materials, printed)
Fascists and honourable men = contingency and choice in French politics, 1918-45 /
France; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Amzalak, Nimrod, (1969-)
(Electronic resources)
Romanticism, revolution and language = the fate of the word from Samuel Johnson to George Eliot /
France; Beer, John.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Remaking the Male Body = Masculinity and the uses of Physical Culture in Interwar and Vichy France /
France; Tumblety, Joan.
(Electronic resources)
Race politics in Britain and France = ideas and policymaking since the 1960s /
France; Great Britain; Bleich, Erik.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Arabs of the Jewish faith = the civilizing mission in colonial Algeria /
France; Project Muse.; Schreier, Joshua, (1969-); Algeria
(Electronic resources)
France in crisis = welfare, inequality, and globalization since 1980 /
France; Smith, Timothy B.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Rationality and emotion = comparative studies of the Franco-German and Sino-Japanese reconciliations /
France; China; Japan; SpringerLink (Online service); Ren, Lin.; Germany
(Electronic resources)
Who is Charlie? : = xenophobia and the new middle class /
Todd, Emmanuel, (1951-); France; Brown, Andrew.; Laforgue, Philippe.
(Language materials, printed)
French Foreign Legion and Indochina in retrospect /
France; Indochina; France., Armée de terre.; Kaponya, Michael.
(Language materials, printed)
The persecution and assassination of Jean-Paul Marat as performed by the inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the direction of the Marquis de Sade /
France; Peaslee, Richard.; France.; Weiss, Peter, (1916-1982,); Skelton, Geoffrey,; Mitchell, Adrian, (1932-2008.); Brook, Peter, (1925-)
(Language materials, printed)
Imperial heights : = Dalat and the making and undoing of French Indochina /
France; Jennings, Eric T. (1970-); Đà Lạt (Vietnam)
(Language materials, printed)
The Financial Decline of a Great Power = War, Influence, and Money in Louis XIV's France /
France; Rowlands, Guy.
(Electronic resources)
The waning of emancipation = Jewish history,memory, and the rise of fascism in Germany, France, and Hungary /
Hungary; France; Project Muse.; Miron, Gai.; Germany
(Electronic resources)
Decolonization and the French of Algeria = bringing the settler colony home /
Choi, Sung-Eun.; Algeria; French; France; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Islam and social change in French West Africa = history of an emancipatory community /
Africa, West; France; Hanretta, Sean.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Témoins de Sartre /
France; Sartre, Jean-Paul ((1905-1980)); Lanzmann, Claude ((1925-....).)
(Language materials, printed)
The rise and fall of theological enlightenment = Jean-Martin de Prades and ideological polarization in eighteenth-century France /
Catholic Church; France; Project Muse.; Burson, Jeffrey D.
(Electronic resources)
The second French Republic 1848-1852 = a political reinterpretation /
Guyver, Christopher.; France; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
State and society in the early middle ages = the Middle Rhine Valley, 400–1000 /
France; Innes, Matthew.{me_controlnum}; Rhine River Valley; Germany
(Electronic resources)
Comparative politics : = an introduction to the politics of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the Soviet Union /
Great Britain; France; Soviet Union; Germany.; Great Britain.; Grande-Bretagne; Allemagne; France.; Jacobs, Dan N. (1925-); URSS; Germany; Soviet Union.
(Language materials, printed)
The early modern Atlantic economy
France; Great Britain; McCusker, John J.{me_controlnum}; America; Morgan, Kenneth.
(Electronic resources)
From Valmy to Waterloo = France at war, 1792-1815 /
Thoral, Marie-Cecile.; France; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
People and politics in France, 1848–1870
France; Price, Roger.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
As French as everyone else? = a survey of French citizens of Maghrebin, African, and Turkish origin /
France; Tiberj, Vincent.; Project Muse.; Brouard, Sylvain.
(Electronic resources)
Pierre Laroque and the Welfare State in Postwar France
France; Jabbari, Eric.
(Electronic resources)
The death of French culture /
Morrison, Donald, (1946-); France; Compagnon, Antoine, (1950-); Brown, Andrew, (Dr.)
(Language materials, printed)
Bemelmans, Ludwig, (1898-1962.); France; Channing, Carol.; Chardiet, Bernice.
(Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
Madeline /
Bemelmans, Ludwig, (1898-1962.); France; Channing, Carol.; Chardiet, Bernice.
(Language materials, printed)
A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade : = with some proposals for removing the principal disadvantages of Great Britain. In a new method. /
France; Great Britain; Tucker, Josiah, (1712-1799.)
(Language materials, printed)
Homer and the politics of authority in Renaissance France
Bizer, Marc.{me_controlnum}; France
(Electronic resources)
A brief essay on the advantages and disadvantages which respectively attend France and Great Britain, with regard to trade (1753) /
France; Great Britain; Tucker, Josiah, (1712-1799.)
(Language materials, printed)
French urbanism in foreign lands
France; SpringerLink (Online service); Njoh, Ambe J.
(Electronic resources)
French orientalism : = culture, politics, and the imagined other /
France; Orient; Hosford, Desmond.; Wojtkowski, Chong J.
(Language materials, printed)
Tahiti beyond the postcard = power, place, and everyday life /
France; Project Muse.; Kahn, Miriam.; Tahiti (French Polynesia : Island)
(Electronic resources)
The Rules of the game : = a film by Jean Renoir/
France; Parély, Mila, (1917-2012.); Renoir, Jean, (1894-1979.); Renoir, Claude, (1901-1969.); Koch, Carl, (1892-1963.); Dalio, Marcel, (1900-1983.); Dubost, Paulette.; Carette, Julien, (1897-1966.); Modot, Gaston, (1887-1970.); Mayen, Anne.; Grégor, Nora, (1901-1949.); Toutain, Roland, (1905-1977.); Désormière, Roger, (1898-1963.); Criterion Collection (Firm); Janus Films.
(Projected and video material)
Re-writing the French revolutionary tradition = liberal opposition and the fall of the bourbon monarchy /
France; Alexander, Robert.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
The legacy of the French Revolutionary Wars = the nation-in-arms in French republican memory /
France; Forrest, Alan.{me_controlnum}; France. , Armée
(Electronic resources)
Bureaucrats and bourgeois society = office politics and individual credit : France, 1789-1848 /
France; Kingston, Ralph, (1976-)
(Electronic resources)
Napoleonic friendship = military fraternity,intimacy, and sexuality in nineteenth-century France /
France; Project Muse.; Martin, Brian Joseph.
(Electronic resources)
All the light we cannot see : = a novel /
France; Doerr, Anthony, (1973-.); Saint-Malo (France)
(Language materials, printed)
From state to market? : = the transformation of French business and government /
Schmidt, Vivien Ann, (1949-); France
(Language materials, printed)
Immigration, Islam, and the politics of belonging in France = a comparative framework /
Thomas, Elaine R.; France; Project Muse.
(Electronic resources)
The European invasion of North America = colonial conflict along the Hudson-Champlain corridor, 1609-1760 /
New York (State); Québec (Province); Canada; France; Netherlands; Great Britain; Laramie, Michael G.{me_controlnum}; Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.); Champlain, Lake, Region
(Electronic resources)
Colonizer or colonized = the hidden stories of early modern French culture /
Melzer, Sara E.; France; Project Muse.
(Electronic resources)
Improbable patriot = the secret history of Monsieur de Beaumarchais, the French playwright who saved the American Revolution /
United States; France; Project Muse.; Unger, Harlow G., (1931-)
(Electronic resources)
Mobilizing nature : = the environmental history of war and militarization in modern France /
France; Pearson, Chris, (1979-)
(Language materials, printed)
Implementing activation policies : = an analysis of social and labour market policy reforms in continental Europe with a focus on local case studies in France and Germany /
France; Germany; Künzel, Sebastian, (1981-)
(Language materials, printed)
Memory of war in France, 1914-45 = C�esar Fauxbras, the voice of the lowly /
France; Perry, Matt, (1967-)
(Electronic resources)
The Complete short stories of Guy de Maupassant /
France; France.; Maupassant, Guy de, (1850-1893.)
(Language materials, printed)
All the light we cannot see : = a novel /
France; Doerr, Anthony, (1973-.); Saint-Malo (France); Appelman, Zach.
(Sound recordings, nonmusical performance)
The great frontier war = Britain, France, and the imperial struggle for North America, 1607-1755 /
United States; Great Britain; France; Nester, William R., (1956-)
(Electronic resources)
Origins of the French Welfare State = the struggle for social reform in France, 1914–1947 /
France; Dutton, Paul V.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
France in Indochina : = colonial encounters /
Cooper, Nicola.; Indochina; France
(Language materials, printed)
France and "Indochina" : = cultural representations /
Indochina; France; Yee, Jennifer.; Robson, Kathryn.
(Language materials, printed)
Ruling women.. Volume 2,. Configuring the female prince in seventeenth-century French drama
France; SpringerLink (Online service); Conroy, Derval.
(Electronic resources)
The Evolution of the French courtesan novel = from de Chabrillan to Colette /
Sullivan, Courtney.; France; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Ruling women.. Volume 1,. Government, virtue, and the female prince in seventeenth-century France
France; SpringerLink (Online service); Conroy, Derval.
(Electronic resources)
Eugenie Grandet /
France; Balzac, Honoré de, (1799-1850.); Crawford, Marion Ayton.
(Language materials, printed)
French politics, society and culture
France; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Bell, David S.; Gaffney, John, (1950-)
(Electronic resources)
The cave of fontéchevade = recent excavations and their paleoanthropological implications /
France; Fontéchevade Cave (France); Chase , Philip G.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Realms of memory : = the construction of the French past /
France; Nora, Pierre.; Kritzman, Lawrence D.
(Language materials, printed)
The French second empire = an anatomy of political power /
France; Price, Roger.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
The end of the French exception? = decline and revival of the 'French model' /
France; Godin, Emmanuel.; Chafer, Tony.
(Electronic resources)
The French colonial mind.. Vol. 1,. Mental maps of empire and colonial encounters
France; Project Muse.; Africa, French-speaking Equatorial; Africa, French-speaking West; Thomas, Martin, (1964-)
(Electronic resources)
The magician /
Scott, Michael, (1959-); France; Paris (France); Scott, Michael, (1959-)
(Language materials, printed)
The French colonial mind.. Vol. 2,. Violence, military encounters and colonialism
France; Project Muse.; Africa, French-speaking Equatorial; Africa, French-speaking West; Thomas, Martin (1964-)
(Electronic resources)
Environmental imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa
France; Great Britain; Middle East; Project Muse.; Africa, North; Burke, Edmund, (1940-); Davis, Diana K.
(Electronic resources)
Koloniale inspiratie : = Frankrijk, Nederland, Indië en de wereldtentoonstellingen 1883-1931 /
Indonesia; France; Netherlands; Bloembergen, Marieke, (1967-); Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde (Netherlands)
(Language materials, printed)
History and memory in the carolingian world
Europe; France; McKitterick, Rosamond.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Brittany and the angevins = province and empire 1158–1203 /
France; Great Britain; Everard, J. A.{me_controlnum}; Brittany (France)
(Electronic resources)
Napoleon's wars : = an international history, 1803-1815 /
France; Europe; Esdaile, Charles J.
(Language materials, printed)
The life and afterlife of Isabeau of Bavaria
France; Project Muse.; Adams, Tracy, (1959-)
(Electronic resources)
Cinema in an age of terror = North Africa, victimization, and colonial history /
France; Project Muse.; Algeria; O'Riley, Michael F.; Africa, North
(Electronic resources)
The Age of structuralism : = Lévi-Strauss to Foucault /
France; France.; Kurzweil, Edith.; Francia
(Language materials, printed)
Chouannerie and counter-revolution : = Puisaye, the princes and the British government in the 1790s /
Hutt, Maurice.; France
(Language materials, printed)
Blessed Louis, the most glorious of kings = texts relating to the cult of Saint Louis of France /
France; Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia (1970-); Project Muse.
(Electronic resources)
Mademoiselle Fifi and other stories /
France; France.; Maupassant, Guy de, (1850-1893.)
(Language materials, printed)
The Complete Jacques Tati
Paris (France); France; Fregis, Lucien,; Montant, Georges,; Rumilly, France,; Tati, Jacques,; Tatischeff, Sophie,; Dolivet, Louis,; Kimberly, Maria,; Kepper, Tony,; Franval, Marcel,; Bostel, Honoré,; Ressel, Franco, (1925-1985,); Zanuelli, Mario,; Lagrange, Jacques, (1917-); Haanstra, Bert,; Dennek, Barbara,; Zola, Jean-Pierre, (1916-1979,); Servantie, Adrienne,; Pascaud, Nathalie,; Rolla, Michèle,; Camax, Valentine,; Orain, Fred,; Marquet, Henri,; Decomble, Guy, (1910-1964,); Frankeur, Paul,; Relli, Santa,; Williamses,; Veterans of Paris Hockey Club,; Sipolos,; Specta Films,; Cady-Films (Firm),; Criterion Collection (Firm),
(Projected and video material)
Liberty and locality in revolutionary France = six villages compared, 1760–1820 /
France; Jones, Peter.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
When Roosevelt planned to govern France
France; United States; Project Muse.; Robertson, Charles L., (1927-); Allied Military Government.
(Electronic resources)
National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom
France; Ireland; Great Britain; SpringerLink (Online service); Lin, Carol Yeh-Yun.; Germany
(Electronic resources)
Between crown and commerce = Marseille and the early modern Mediterranean /
France; Mediterranean Region; Project Muse.; Takeda, Junko Therese, (1976-); Marseille (France)
(Electronic resources)
Our new husbands are here = households, gender, and politics in a West African state from the slave trade to colonial rule /
France; Project Muse.; Osborn, Emily Lynn.; Guinea; Kankan (Guinea : Region)
(Electronic resources)
Conceiving the old regime = pronatalism and the politics of reproduction in early modern France /
Tuttle, Leslie, (1967-{me_controlnum}); France
(Electronic resources)
Strangers on the Western Front : = Chinese workers in the Great War /
Xu, Guoqi.; China; France; Great Britain
(Language materials, printed)
Getting into local power = the politics of ethnic minorities in British and French cities /
France; Great Britain; Birmingham (England); Wiley InterScience (Online service); Garbaye, Romain.; Lille (France); Roubaix (France)
(Electronic resources)
Kingship and politics in the late ninth century = charles the fat and the end of the carolingian empire /
France; Holy Roman Empire; MacLean, Simon.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
L'Europe reflechie : = La crise francaise, Crise des banlieues, crise des institutions, crise du systeme judiciaire : refonder la democratie /
(Language materials, printed)
The Right in France from the Third Republic to Vichy
France; Passmore, Kevin.
(Electronic resources)
Paul Ricoeur, Jacques Ellul, Jean Carbonnier, Pierre Chaunu : = dialogues /
France; Abel, Olivier.
(Language materials, printed)
Past imperfect = French intellectuals, 1944-1956 /
Europe; France; Project Muse.; Judt, Tony.
(Electronic resources)
Flying Tiger = international relations theory and the politics of advanced weapons /
Krotz, Ulrich.{me_controlnum}; France; Germany
(Electronic resources)
The french economy in the twentieth century
France; Dormois, Jean-Pierre.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
The Sarkozy Presidency = breaking the mould? /
France; Raymond, Gino.; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
The Cambridge companion to modern French culture /
France; Hewitt, Nicholas.
(Electronic resources)
A show of hands for the republic = opinion, information, and repression in eighteenth-century rural France /
France; Walshaw, Jill Maciak.
(Electronic resources)
The Franco-Prussian War = the German conquest of France in 1870–1871 /
Wawro, Geoffrey.{me_controlnum}; France; Germany
(Electronic resources)
Depths of glory : = a biographical novel of Camille Pissarro /
Stone, Irving, (1903-1989.); France
(Language materials, printed)
Journals and letters /
Great Britain; France; Troide, Lars E., (1942-.); Burney, Fanny, (1752-1840.); Sabor, Peter.
(Language materials, printed)
Sex, honor and citizenship in early Third Republic France
France; Palgrave Connect (Online service); Mansker, Andrea, (1972-)
(Electronic resources)
La France au risque de l'Europe /
Dulphy, Anne.; European Union; Union europeenne; European Union countries; France; Europe; Manigand, Christine.
(Language materials, printed)
Vietnam 1946 : = how the war began /
Vietnam; France; China; Tonnesson, Stein.
(Language materials, printed)
Open borders and international migration policy = the effects of unrestricted immigration in the United States, France, and Ireland /
Fetzer, Joel S.; United States; France; Ireland; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
A mission to civilize : = the republican idea of empire in France and West Africa, 1895-1930 /
Africa, French-speaking West; France; Conklin, Alice L.; Afrique occidentale francophone
(Language materials, printed)
Candide : = or, Optimism /
Voltaire, (1694-1778.); France; Butt, John Everett.
(Language materials, printed)
French Caribbeans in Africa = diasporic connections and colonial administration, 1880-1939 /
H�el�enon, V�eronique.; France; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
20 dissertations d'histoire et geographie economiques avec analyses et commentaires sur le theme La France et l'Union europeenne /
Union europeenne; France
(Language materials, printed)
Cosmopolitan patriots = Americans in Paris in the age of revolution /
United States; France; Project Muse.; Ziesche, Philipp.
(Electronic resources)
Geneset : = target Earth : special edition : chapters 1-3 /
France; Rennes-le-Chateau (France); Wood, David, (1928-); Campbell, I. Wallace. (1947-)
(Language materials, printed)
The Proust screenplay : = a la recherche du temps perdu /
Pinter, Harold, (1930-2008.); France; Losey, Joseph.; Proust, Marcel, (1871-1922.); Bray, Barbara.
(Language materials, printed)
Stranded in the present : = modern time and the melancholy of history /
France; Europe; Fritzsche, Peter, (1959-.)
(Language materials, printed)
The French empire between the wars : = imperialism, politics and society /
France; Thomas, Martin, (1964-)
(Language materials, printed)
Warrior pursuits = noble culture and civil conflict in early modern France /
France; Project Muse.; Sandberg, Brian, (1968-); France, Southern
(Electronic resources)
Practicing democracy : = local activism and politics in France and Finland /
Luhtakallio, Eeva.; France; Finland
(Language materials, printed)
The three musketeers /
West, Clare.; France; Roach, David; Dumas, Alexandre, (1802-1870.)
(Language materials, printed)
Victory through coalition = Britain and France during the First World War /
France; Great Britain; Greenhalgh, Elizabeth.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
The expert cook in enlightenment France
France; Project Muse.; Takats, Sean, (1974-)
(Electronic resources)
L'identite de la France et l'Europe : = actes du colloque tenu le mercedi 23 juin 2004 /
Europe; France; Jansen, Sabine.; Montbrial, Thierry de.; Fondation Singer-Polignac.
(Language materials, printed)
The politics of immigration in France, Britain, and the United States : = a comparative study /
Schain, Martin, (1940-); France; Great Britain; United States
(Language materials, printed)
Overture to revolution = the 1787 Assembly of Notables and the crisis of France's old regime /
France; Hardman, John.{me_controlnum}; France., Assembl�ee des notables (1787-1788)
(Electronic resources)
Family beyond household and kin = life event histories and entourage, a French survey /
France; Bonvalet, Catherine.; SpringerLink (Online service); Lelievre, Eva.
(Electronic resources)
The Black Count : = glory, revolution, betrayal, and the real Count of Monte Cristo /
France; Reiss, Tom.
(Language materials, printed)
Shaping Europe = France, Germany, and Embedded Bilateralism from the Elysée Treaty to Twenty-First Century Politics c /
Europe; France; Krotz, Ulrich.; Schild, Joachim, (1962-); Germany
(Electronic resources)
Accessories to modernity = fashion and the feminine in nineteenth-century France /
France; Project Muse.; Hiner, Susan.
(Electronic resources)
The Norman frontier in the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries
England; France; Power, Daniel.{me_controlnum}; Normandy (France)
(Electronic resources)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame /
France; Paris (France); Hugo, Victor, (1802-1885.); Bair, Lowell.
(Language materials, printed)
Marriage and Revolution = Monsieur and Madame Roland /
France; Reynolds, Sian.
(Electronic resources)
Queen's mate : = three women of power in France on the eve of the Renaissance /
France; Matarasso, Pauline Maud.; Queens
(Language materials, printed)
The new heretics of France = minority religions, la R{acute}epublique, and the government-sponsored "War on Sects" /
Palmer, Susan J.; France
(Electronic resources)
Embers of war : = the fall of an empire and the making of America's Vietnam /
France; Vietnam; United States; Logevall, Fredrik, (1963-.)
(Language materials, printed)
Governing and governance in France
France; Cole, Alistair.{me_controlnum}
(Electronic resources)
Napoleon : = the path to power, 1769-1799 /
Dwyer, Philip G.; France
(Language materials, printed)
Colonial metropolis = the urban grounds of anti-imperialism and feminism in interwar Paris /
France; Paris (France); Project Muse.; Boittin, Jennifer Anne.
(Electronic resources)
The Essential Jacques Demy
France; Michel, Marc, (1932-); Moreau, Jeanne, (1928-); Demy, Jacques.; Aime, Anouk, (1932-); Labourdette, Elina, (1919-); Mann, Claude.; Guers, Paul.; Deneuve, Catherine, (1943-); Castelnuovo, Nino, (1936 or 1937-); Vernon, Anne, (1925-); Dorlac, Franoise.; Darrieux, Danielle, (1917-); Perrin, Jacques, (1941-); Piccoli, Michel, (1925-); Kelly, Gene, (1912-1996.); Marais, Jean, (1913-1998.); Sanda, Dominique, (1948-); Berry, Richard, (1950-); Criterion Collection (Firm)
(Projected and video material)
Show more
Classes preparatoires- Examens d'entree.- France
United States- History- French and Indian War, 1755-1763
United States- Emigration and immigration
France- Relations- China.
Dee, John,
Flamel, Nicolas,
Napoleon- Influence.
National characteristics, French.
Indochinese War, 1946-1954.
Great Britain- Politics and government- 19th century.
France- Rural conditions- 19th century.
France- Social conditions- 20th century.
Civil-military relations- History.- France
Republicanism- History.- France
France- Commerce- 17th century.- America
Blacks- History- 20th century.- Great Britain
Monasticism and religious orders- History- Middle Ages, 600-1600.- Rhine River Valley
Democracy- France.
Homer- Influence.
France- Intellectual life- 16th century.
France- Politics and government- 1774-1793.
France- Ethnic relations
Roubaix (France)- Politics and government.
Great Britain- Ethnic relations
Historians- Political and social views.
World War, 1939-1945
Political activists- France
Voting- France.
Elections- Europe, Western.
Women's rights- History- 19th century.- France
Social & cultural history- c 1800 to c 1900- France.
Modern history to 20th century: c 1700 to c 1900- c 1800 to c 1900- France.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Leadership
Political leadership- History.- France
Algeria- Colonization- 19th century.
East and West in motion pictures.
Postcolonialism in motion pictures.
Imperialism in motion pictures.
France- In motion pictures.
Algeria- History- Revolution, 1954-1962
Africa, North- In motion pictures.
Women, White- History- 20th century.- France
Political culture- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Social conflict- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Muslims- Attitudes.- France
Plague- History- 18th century.- France
Human ecology- History.- Middle East
Great Britain- Colonies
Middle East- Environmental conditions.
Male friendship in literature.
Mandingo (African people)- History.- Guinea
Guinea- Colonization
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- France
Jews- History- 20th century.- Hungary
Hungary- Ethnic relations.
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Church and state- History- To 1500- France
Soldiers- Attitudes- 19th century.- France
Military art and science- History- 18th century.- France
Africa, French-speaking Equatorial- Colonization
Indochinese War, 1946-1954- Diplomatic history.
Carbonnier, Jean,
Intellectuals- France
Religion and state- History- 20th century.- France
Anti-cult movements- History- 21st century.- France
Ireland- Economic conditions- 1949-
Manners and customs.
Married women
Married women.
Japan- Foreign relations- China.
Revolutionaries- France
Welfare state- History.- France
Athletic ability- Social aspects- 20th century.- France
Seaside resorts- France
Families- France
Philosophers- France
Journalistes- France
World War, 1939-1945- Youth- Germany
Man-woman relationships
Novelists, English- 18th century
Rural population- Attitudes- 18th century.- France
Philosophy, French- 20th century.
Đà Lạt (Vietnam)- Colonial influence.
Afrique occidentale francophone- Politique et gouvernement- 1884-1960.
Emigration and immigration- Social aspects.
Queens- History- 17th century.- France
France- Politics and government- 17th century.
Dissertation litteraire- Examens d'entree.
France- Politics and government- 1995-2007.
Europe- Relations exterieures- France.
Queens- France
English literature- History and criticism.- 18th century
Stories in rhyme.
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.
Folklore- France.
English language
Literature and revolutions- History- 18th century.- Great Britain
France- Antiquities.
France- Politics and government- 1848-1870.
Mortality- History- 18th century.- France
France- Politics and government- 1789-1815.
France- Rural conditions- 18th century.
France- Social conditions- 18th century.
Great Britain- Military relations- France.
Jews- Social conditions- 20th century.- France
Women- Social conditions- 20th century.- France
World War, 1939-1945- Jews- France.
Equality- France.
Welfare state- France.
France- Social conditions.
France- Relations
Great Britain- Commerce- 18th century.- America
Social justice- History- 20th century.- Africa, West
Africa, West- Colonial influence.
Church and state- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Politics, Practical- France.
France- Population policy
France- Foreign relations- Germany.
Indians of North America- History- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Hudson River Valley (N.Y. and N.J.)- History.
Local elections- France
Social life and customs.
Fauxbras, C�esar.
HISTORY- Military
France- Politics and government- 2007-2012.
HISTORY- France.- Europe
European history- c 1800 to c 1900- France.
France- Politics and government- 1870-1940.
Sarkozy, Nicolas,
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Elections.
Clothing and dress- History- 19th century.- France
Fashion- History- 19th century.- France
Jews- Cultural assimilation- Algeria.
City and town life- History- 20th century.- France
Americans- History- 18th century.- France
Culture and tourism- French Polynesia
Mediators (Persons)- France
Soldiers- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
France- History- Bourbons, 1589-1789.
Muslims- Government policy- France.
France- History- 18th century.
Soldiers- History- 19th century.- France
Women- Social conditions- Guinea
Communism- History- 20th century.
Jews- History- 1800-1933.- Germany
Germany- Ethnic relations.
World War, 1939-1945- Diplomatic history.
Military morale- History- 19th century.- France
Military art and science- History- 20th century.- United States
Proust, Marcel,
Intellectual capital.
Economic Growth.
Economic Policy.
R & D/Technology Policy.
Physicians' spouses
Suicide victims
Middle class.
Psychiatric hospital patients- France
Democracy- Philosophy.
Group identity- Political aspects.
Identity (Philosophical concept)
Hulot, Monsieur (Fictitious character)
Postal service- Employees- France
Uncles- France
Performing arts- Audiences
Automobile rallies- France
Manpower policy- Germany.
East and West.
France- Politics and government- 1789-1799.
Racism- History.- France
Religion and social status- France.
Religion and sociology- France.
Political Science and International Relations.
French- History- 20th century.- Algeria
France- Relations- Algeria.
Algeria- Relations- France.
France- History- February Revolution, 1848.
Union europeenne- France.
Europe- Politique et gouvernement- 1989-
France- Relations- Great Britain.
World War, 1914-1918- France.
China- Relations- France.
Indochinese War, 1946-1954- Causes.
Readers (Adult)
France- Kings and rulers
Holy Roman Empire- History- 843-1273.
Public health- History- 18th century.- England
France- History- Louis XV, 1715-1774.
France- Ethnic relations.
France- History- 1945-1958.
Nationalism- History.- France
France- History, Military.
Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871.
Great Britain- Colonies- 18th century.
Africa, West- Religious life and customs.
France- Colonies- 20th century.- Africa
Blacks- History- 20th century.- France
Local government- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Political culture- History- To 1500.- Rhine River Valley
Exhibitions- France.
Indonesia- Civilization.
Authority- History- 16th century.
Tiger (Attack helicopter)- Design and construction- France.
Defense industries- Political aspects- Germany.
Arts, French- 20th century.
France- Civilization- 20th century.
France- Intellectual life- 20th century.
Minorities- Political activity- France
HISTORY- Social History.
France- History- 1914-1940
Elections- France.
POLITICAL SCIENCE- International Relations
Geographical perception- French Polynesia
Human geography- French Polynesia
Women- Political activity- To 1500.- France
France, Southern- Social conditions- 17th century.
Social integration- France.
Merchants- History- 18th century.- France
Marseille (France)- Social conditions- 18th century.
Immigrants- Government policy- France.
United States- History- Revolution, 1775-1783
United States- Foreign relations- France.
Louis- Cult
France.- Military life.
Ricoeur, Paul,
Soviet Union.
Sartre, Jean-Paul,- Criticism and interpretation.
Regional/Spatial Science.
France- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Physicians' spouses.
Middle-Class France- Fiction.- 19th Century
Occultism- France
Sociology, general.
Masculinity- History- 20th century.- France
France- Foreign relations- Germany
Circus performers
Foreign films.
British- History- 19th century.- France
Sedition- History- 1789-1799.- France
Morale pratique- Romans.
Républicanisme- Histoire.- France
France- Social conditions- 1995-
Sociology, Urban.
Emigration and immigration- Government policy.
History of North Africa.
France- Ethnic relations- 20th century.
Monarchy- History- 17th century.- France
Social History.
Quality of Life Research.
France- Politics and government- 19th century.
French fiction- Translations into English.- 18th century
Popular music- History and criticism.- 1961-1970- France
Individual composers & musicians, specific bands & groups.
European Union- France.
Referendum- France.
France- Politics and government- 1981-1995.
France- Relations exterieures- Europe.
France- Emigration and immigration
World War, 1914-1918- Conscript labor- Europe.
Machiavelli, Niccolo,
Puisaye, Joseph Genevieve,
Reading comprehension
Police- New York (State)
Indochina- History- 19th century.
Politics and literature- History- 18th century.- Great Britain
Excavations (Archaeology)- France
Tools, Prehistoric- France
Fontéchevade Cave (France)
France- History- Second Empire, 1852-1870.
Mortality- History- 18th century.- England
France- Statistics, Medical- 18th century.
Carolingians- Historiography.
History- Philosophy- To 1500.
Europe- History- 476-1492
Public welfare- History.- France
Social problems- History.- France
World War, 1939-1945- Women- France.
France- Intellectual life.
France- Economic conditions.
France- Race relations
Great Britain- Race relations
Germany- History- To 843.
Germany- Religious life and customs- Middle Ages, 843-1517.
Rhine River Valley- Social conditions.
Exhibitions- Netherlands.
Comparative government.
Politics, Practical- Finland.
Monarchy- History- 16th century.- France
Birmingham (England)- Politics and government.
France- Colonies- Africa
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Process / Leadership.
Motion pictures- History- 20th century.- France
Postcolonialism- French Polynesia
Ethnology- French Polynesia
Catholic Church- History- 18th century.- France
Militarism- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Nobility- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Marseille (France)- Commerce- 18th century.
Middle East- Foreign public opinion, French.
Muslims- Ethnic identity.- France
Citizenship- France.
Napoleon- Relations with soldiers.
French literature- History and criticism.- 19th century
Sociology, Military- History- 19th century.- France
France- Relations- Europe.
France- Moral conditions- 20th century.
United States- History, Military- 19th century.
Generals- Biography.- France
France- ArmeCC81e
United States
Ellul, Jacques,
Chaunu, Pierre,
Religion and state- History- 21st century.- France
Germany- Economic conditions
Sartre, Jean-Paul,
People with disabilities
Saunière, Bérenger,
Marat, Jean Paul,- Assassination
Marat, Jean Paul,
Psychiatric hospital patients.
Nationalism- History- 20th century.- France
Conservatism- History- 19th century.- France
Conservatism- History- 20th century.- France
Aron, Raymond,
Intellectuels- France
Motion pictures, French.
France- History- Louis XIV, 1643-1715
Conduct of life
Đà Lạt (Vietnam)- History.
Racisme- Histoire.- France
Africa, French-speaking West- Politics and government- 1884-1960.
Social problems- France.
France- Colonies.
National characteristics, French- History- 20th century.
Power (Social sciences)- History- 17th century.- France
Music- Genres & Styles
Popular music
France- Politique et gouvernement- 1995-2007.
World War, 1914-1918- Great Britain.
Great Britain- Relations- China.
France- In literature.
Paris (France)
France- History- Revolution, 1789-1799.
Nationalism- France.
Americans- France
Medical climatology- History- 18th century.- England
Smallpox- Vaccination- 18th century.- England
Smallpox- Vaccination- 18th century.- France
England- Statistics, Medical- 18th century.
Historiography- History- To 1500.- Europe
France- Politics and government- 1958-
Social security- History.- France
France- History- July Revolution, 1830.
Socialism- France.
France- Colonies- 17th century.
Religious communities- History- 20th century.- Africa, West
Sufis- History- 20th century.- Africa, West
Elite (Social sciences)- History.- Rhine River Valley
Political participation- Finland.
Renaissance- France.
France- Politics and government- 16th century.
Family policy- History.- France
Tiger (Attack helicopter)- Design and construction- Germany.
History- Philosophy.
War- Environmental aspects- France
France- Social life and customs- 1789-1815.
Memory- Social aspects- France
France- History- German occupation, 1940-1945
West Indians- History.- Africa
Voting- Europe, Western.
France- Politics and government- 1789-1900.
Per�on, Juan Domingo,
Argentina- Politics and government- 1943-1955.
Argentina- Politics and government- 1955-1983.
Presidents- Election- France
Women- History- 19th century.- France
Algeria- Ethnic relations.
Americans- Intellectual life- 18th century.- France
Violence- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Emigration and immigration- Religious aspects
Immigrants- Attitudes.- France
Marseille (France)- Politics and government- 18th century.
Africa, North- Environmental conditions.
Minorities- Legal status, laws, etc.- France.
Diplomats- France
Kankan (Guinea : Region)- Politics and government.
Europe- Politics and government- 1945-
France- Politics and government- 1945-1958.
Cooking- History- 18th century.- France
Cooking, French- History- 18th century.
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- Germany
Jews- History- 20th century.- France
Masculinity- History- 19th century.- France
France- Religion- 21st century.
Sartre, Jean-Paul- Critique et interprétation.
Paris (France)- Fiction.
Agent (Philosophy)
Germany- Foreign relations- 1945-
Spanish Succession, War of, 1701-1714- Economic aspects- France.
France- Economic conditions- 18th century.
Circus- France
Pantomimes with music
Technology- 20th century
Journalists- France
Manpower policy- France.
Married people
Maupin, Julie de,
Francia- Civilización.
France- Politique et gouvernement- 1870-1940.
Urban Geography / Urbanism (inc. megacities, cities, towns)
Emigration and immigration- Economic aspects.
Colonists- History- 20th century.- France
Modern History.
European History.
African History.
History of France.
Algeria- Colonization- 20th century.
Political History.
French fiction- History and criticism.- 19th century
Music- Individual Composer & Musician.
National characteristics, French
France- Relations- Europe
Union europeenne- Adhesion
Indians of North America- Government relations- To 1789.
United States- History- French and Indian War, 1755-1763.
France- History- House of Valois, 1328-1589.
World War, 1914-1918- Participation, Chinese.
China- Relations- Great Britain.
Emperors- France
Underground literature- France.
Vietnam- Politics and government- 1975-
Swordsmen- France
Love stories.
Public health- History- 18th century.- France
France- History- To 987
Welfare state.
France- Military relations- Great Britain.
France. - History.
Political culture- History.- France
War and society- History.- France
France- History- Restoration, 1814-1830.
France- Politics and government- 1814-1830.
France- Economic policy.
America- Commerce- 18th century.- Great Britain
Great Britain- Colonies- America
Social change- History- 20th century.- Africa, West
Exhibitions- Indonesia.
France.- History.
Germany- Foreign relations- France.
Québec (Province)- History.
France- Colonies
Netherlands- Colonies
Historiography- History- 19th century.- Europe
Politics and government.
France- Civilization.
France- Politics and government.
France- History- Consulate and First Empire, 1799-1815.
Europe, Western- Politics and government- 1989-
France- Politics and government- 20th century.
Women- Social conditions- 19th century.- France
SOCIAL SCIENCE- Feminism & Feminist Theory.
Bureaucracy- History.- France
Gaulle, Charles de,
Political leadership- History- 20th century.
Political leadership
Canada- Politics and government- 1945-1980.
Presidents- History.- France
France- Social life and customs- 19th century.
Motion pictures- Political aspects.
Feminism- History- 20th century.- France
Anti-imperialist movements- History- 20th century.- France
Paris (France)- Race relations- 20th century.
Cosmopolitanism- History- 18th century.- France
United States- Relations- France.
France- Relations- United States.
Tahiti (French Polynesia : Island)- Foreign relations- France.
Catholic Church and philosophy- History- 18th century.- France
Citizenship- History- 18th century.- France
Marseille (France)- Commerce- Mediterranean Region.
Human ecology- History.- Africa, North
Middle East- Foreign public opinion, British.
Africa, North- Environmental conditions
Middle East- Environmental conditions
Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de,
Dramatists, French- 18th century
Intellectuals- History- 20th century.- France
Cooks- History- 18th century.- France
France- Foreign relations- United States.
France- Colonies- America.
United States- History, Military- 20th century.
Dumas, Thomas Alexandre, - 1762-1806.
Dumas, Alexandre, - Family.- 1802-1870
Vietnam War, 1961-1975- Causes.
Protestants- France.
France- Religion- 20th century.
Institutions politiques comparées.
Political science.
Great Britain- Economic conditions- 21st century.
Manners and customs.
Short stories, French.
Middle class
Husbands & wives- Fiction.- France
France- Rennes-le-Château.
Rennes-le-Chateau (France)- Miscellanea.
Social Sciences.
International Relations.
China- Foreign relations- Japan.
Roland de La Platie`re, Jean-Marie,
Men- History- 20th century.- France
Traffic accidents
Philosophes- France
Saint-Malo (France)
Industrial policy- France.
Peasants- Attitudes- 18th century.- France
Indochina- History, Military.
Gouverneurs généraux- Histoire.- Afrique occidentale francophone
Social classes- France.
Xenophobia- France.
Ireland- Emigration and immigration
Decolonization- History- 20th century.- Algeria
Decolonization- History- 20th century.- France
Repatriation- History- 20th century.- France
Imperialism and Colonialism.
Princesses- History- 17th century.- France
Women- Political activity- 17th century.- France
Virtue- Political aspects- 17th century.- France
Courtesans- France
Satire, French- Early works to 1800.
Union europeenne- Examens
France- Conditions economiques.
France- Politique et gouvernement- 1981-1995.
Great Britain- Relations- France.
Working class- History- 20th century.- China
Foreign workers, Chinese- History- 20th century.- Europe
English literature- French influences.
Voyages and travels
Sick- Fiction.
France- History- Louis XVI, 1774-1793.
Free trade
New York (N.Y.)
Public opinion- France.
Romanticism- Great Britain.
France- History- Louis XIV, 1643-1715.
Human remains (Archaeology)- France
Stone age- France
France- History- Second Republic, 1848-1852.
France- Economic conditions- 20th century
France- History- 1789-1815.
France- History- German occupation, 1940-1945.
World politics- To 1900.
Normans- France.
America- Commerce- 17th century.- France
Africa, West- Social conditions- 20th century.
Blacks- Politics and government.- France
Blacks- Politics and government.- Great Britain
France- Race relations- 20th century.
Great Britain- Race relations- 20th century.
Cities and towns, Medieval- Rhine River Valley.
France- Social conditions- To 987.
Democracy- Finland.
Political participation- France.
Defense industries- Political aspects- France.
New York (State)- History- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.
Canada- History- To 1763 (New France)
Local elections- Great Britain
France- Social life and customs.
World War, 1914-1918
Jews- History- 19th century.- Algeria
Antilleans- History- 20th century.- France
Africans- History- 20th century.- France
Paris (France)- Intellectual life- 20th century.
Tahiti (French Polynesia : Island)- Social life and customs.
Prades, Jean-Martin de.
France- Church history- 18th century.
Elite (Social sciences)- History- 17th century.- France, Southern
Mediterranean Region- Commerce- France
Male friendship- History- 19th century.- France
Households- Political aspects- Guinea
Kankan (Guinea : Region)- History.
Europe- Relations- France.
France- Social life and customs- 18th century.
Jews- Identity- 20th century.- Hungary
Allied Military Government.
Napoleon- Military leadership.
France- History, Military- 1789-1815.
Military art and science- History- 19th century.- United States
Anti-cult movements- History- 20th century.- France
Vergleichende Regierungslehre.
Soviet Union- History- 1953-1985.
URSS- Romans.
Economics/Management Science.
Short stories, French- 19th century
Treasure troves- France
France- Intellectual life- 18th century.
Laroque, Pierre,
Bodybuilding- History- 20th century.- France
Male athletes- History- 20th century.- France
Europe- Economic integration.
Factories- France
Intellectual life.
Orientalism- History- 19th century.- France
Orient- In literature.
Vietnam War, 1961-1975.
France- History, Military- 20th century.
Islamaphobia- France.
Social Policy.
Sex role- Political aspects- 17th century.- France
Matriarchy- Political aspects- 17th century.- France
France- Population- 20th century.
France- History
France- Social life and customs
France- Politics and government- 18th century.
Europe- Relations- France
Construction europeenne.
European Union countries- Foreign relations- France.
France- Foreign relations- European Union countries.
France- Social conditions- 21st century.
France- Politics and government- 21st century.
Great Britain- Emigration and immigration
English literature- History and criticism.- 19th century
France- History- Revolution, 1789-1799
Brothers and sisters
Civilization, Modern- French influences.
Enlightenment- France.
Pissarro, Camille,- Fiction.
Literature and revolutions- History- 19th century.- Great Britain
Politics and literature- History- 19th century.- Great Britain
Antiquities, Prehistoric- France
France- History- To 987.
France- Social policy.
France- Social conditions- 19th century.
Brittany (France)- History.
Nobility- History- To 1515.- France
England- Relations
Normandy (France)- History- To 1515.
Germany- History, Military- 19th century.
Islam- Social aspects- 20th century.- Africa, West
Netherlands- Civilization.
Finland- Foreign relations- 1981-
Fertility, Human- History.- France
Iroquois Indians- History.
Champlain, Lake, Region- History.
Minorities- Political activity- Great Britain
Lille (France)- Politics and government.
World War, 1939-1945- France.
Novelists, French- 20th century
Fascism- History- 20th century.- France
SOCIAL SCIENCE- Women's Studies.
Gender studies: women- c 1800 to c 1900- France.
Trudeau, Pierre Elliott.
POLITICAL SCIENCE / Constitutions.
France- Colonies- Algeria
France- Colonies- 20th century.
Cosmopolitanism- History- 18th century.- United States
France- Foreign relations- French Polynesia
Isabella,- Public opinion.
France- History- Charles VI, 1380-1422.
France, Southern- Politics and government- 17th century.
Homosexuality in literature.
France- History, Military- 19th century.
World War, 1939-1945- Influence.
Europe- Intellectual life- 20th century.
France- Church history- 987-1515
France- Civilization
Africa, French-speaking West- Colonization
Great Britain.
France. Biographies. Sartre, Jean-Paul (1905-1970).
Germany- Economic conditions- 21st century.
France- Social life and customs- 19th century
Maupassant, Guy de,
Suicide victims.
Identity politics.
France- Foreign relations- 1945-
Right and left (Political science)- France.
Culture conflict- France
Vacations- France
Young men- France
Automobile travel
World War, 1939-1945- Youth- France
Man-woman relationships- France
Industrial management- France.
Burney, Fanny,
Great Britain- Social life and customs- 18th century.
Structuralism- History.
Philosophy, French.
France- Colonies- Asia
Governors general- History.- Africa, French-speaking West
Environmental Management.
Ethnicity Studies.
History of Early Modern Europe.
Family life surveys.
Nineteenth-Century Literature.
European Literature.
Literary History.
Piaf, Edith,- Récital 1961.
Musique populaire- Histoire et critique.- 1961-1970- France
World music.
Popular music, easy listening.