Reddick, Christopher G.
Works: | 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages |
Beyond bureaucracy = towards sustainable governance informatisation /
United States; Paulin, Alois A.; Anthopoulos, Leonidas G.; Reddick, Christopher G.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Government e-strategic planning and management = practices, patterns and roadmaps /
Anthopoulos, Leonidas G.; Reddick, Christopher G.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Governance models for creating public value in open data initiatives
Rodriguez Bolivar, Manuel Pedro.; Bwalya, Kelvin Joseph.; Reddick, Christopher G.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Cases on public information management and e-government adoption
Reddick, Christopher G.
(Electronic resources)
Blockchain and the public sector = theories, reforms, and case studies /
Reddick, Christopher G.; Rodriguez-Bolivar, Manuel Pedro.; Scholl, Hans Jochen.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Citizens and E-government : = evaluating policy and management /
Reddick, Christopher G.
(Language materials, printed)
Human-centered system design for electronic governance
Reddick, Christopher G.; Saeed, Saqib, (1970-); IGI Global.
(Electronic resources)
Comparative e-government
Reddick, Christopher G.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Language materials, printed)
Electronic public records.
Internet in public administration- Technological innovations.
Government Web sites.
Information Systems and Communication Service.
Political Science and International Relations.
R & D/Technology Policy.
Public-private sector cooperation.
Public Administration.
Comparative Politics.
Internet in public administration
International Organization.
Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet)
Public administration- Technological innovations.
Public administration- Information technology
Electronic government information
Public administration.
Internet in public administration.
Governance and Government.
Public Policy.
United States- Politics and government.
Big data.
Electronic government information.
Computer Science.
Economics/Management Science.
Innovation/Technology Management.
Public administration- Technological innovations
Democracy- United States.
Open Data Protocol.
Blockchains (Databases)
Political participation- Technological innovations.