Sovereignty games = instrumentalizin...
European Union

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  • Sovereignty games = instrumentalizing state sovereignty in Europe andbeyond /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Sovereignty games/ edited by Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen.
    其他題名: instrumentalizing state sovereignty in Europe andbeyond /
    其他作者: Adler-Nissen, Rebecca,
    出版者: New York :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2008.,
    面頁冊數: xi, 252 p. :ill. ;22 cm.
    附註: Based on a conference on Sovereignty games, held at the University of Copenhagen, March 29-30, 2007.
    內容註: An introduction to sovereignty games / Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen and Rebecca Adler-Nissen -- The variety of sovereignty / Neil Walker -- Sovereignty before and after the linguistic turn/ Jens Bartelson -- Playing with sovereignty: examples from the theory and practice of international law / Ole Spiermann -- Play money? contemporary perspectives on monetary sovereignty/ Christoph W. Herrmann -- Organised duplicity? whenstates opt out of the European Union / Rebecca Adler-Nissen -- Federalism, confederalism, and sovereignty claims: understanding the democracygame in the European Union/ Andrew Glencross -- Sovereignty beyond borders: sovereignty, self-defense, and the disciplining of states / Tanja E. Aalberts and Wouter G. Werner -- Securing sovereignty by governingsecurity through markets/ Anna Leander -- The refugee, the sovereign,and the sea: European Union interdiction policies / Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen -- Epilogue: three layers of a contested concept / Rebecca Adler-Nissen and Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen.
    標題: Sovereignty - Congresses. -
    電子資源: to fulltext (Palgrave)
    ISBN: 0230616933
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •