Leadership through collaboration = t...
Ferren, Ann S.

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  • Leadership through collaboration = the role of the chief academic officer /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Leadership through collaboration/ Ann S. Ferren and Wilbur W. Stanton.
    其他題名: the role of the chief academic officer /
    作者: Ferren, Ann S.
    其他作者: Stanton, Wilbur W.
    出版者: Westport, Conn. :Praeger, : 2004.,
    面頁冊數: xiii, 328 p. ;25 cm.
    內容註: Academic leadership: Collaborating for institutional effectiveness -- Strategic planning: Designing institutional and academic change -- Facilities planning: Linking campus environment and academic purpose -- Technology integration: Improving learning and productivity -- Financial resources: Aligning budget with academic priorities -- Academic entrepreneurship: Marketing intellectual capital -- Program review: Pursuing academic quality and cost-effectiveness -- Continuous improvement: Enhancing value, service, and efficiency -- Faculty workload: Understanding productivity and equity -- Faculty compensation: Applying equity, market, and merit -- Improving academic decisions: Using institutional research.
    標題: College administrators - United States. -
    電子資源: http://www.ebooks.greenwood.com/reader.jsp?x=OXFERREN&p=coverhttp://www.ebooks.greenwood.com/reader.jsp?x=OXFERREN&p=cover
    ISBN: 0313039542 (electronic bk.)
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