Pharmacotherapy in chronic obstructi...
Celli, Bartolome R.

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  • Pharmacotherapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Pharmacotherapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / edited by Bartolome R. Celli.
    其他作者: Celli, Bartolome R.
    出版者: New York :Marcel Dekker, : c2004.,
    面頁冊數: xvii, 354 p. :ill.
    叢書名: Lung biology in health and disease ;
    內容註: Providing evidence of therapeutic benefit in clinical drug development / Steven Kesten and Theodore J. Witek -- Use of expiratory airflows and lung volumes to assess outcomes in COPD / Gary T. Ferguson -- Exercise testing/ Denis E. O'Donnell and Katherine A. Webb -- Sleep-related breathing disturbances in COPD / Walter T. McNicholas -- Airway and alveolar determinants of airflow limitation in COPD / Noe Zamel -- Gas exchange/ Antoni Ferrer, Joan Albert Barber獺, and Roberto Rodriguez-Roisin -- Genetics of COPD / Jian-Quing He, Ikuma Kasuga, and Peter D. Par矇 -- Dyspnea / Donald A. Mahler -- Exacerbations of COPD / Jadwiga A. Wedzicha -- Health status measurement in COPD/ Paul W. Jones -- Health resource utilization / Mitchell Friedman -- Anticholinergics / Peter J. Barnes -- 帣-adrenergic receptor agonist bronchodilators in the treatment of COPD/ Stephen I. Rennard -- Theophylline and phosphodiesterase inhibitors in COPD / Alicia R. ZuWallack and Richard L. ZuWallack -- Corticosteroids in COPD / Mario Cazzola, Maria Gabriella Matera, and Romain Pauwels -- Antioxidants and protease inhibitors/ Mario Cazzola and Maria Gabriella Matera -- An integrated approach to the pharmacological therapy of COPD / Bartolome R. Celli.
    標題: Lungs - Diseases, Obstructive -
    電子資源: here for the electronic version
    ISBN: 0824740297 (alk. paper)
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