The Giroux reader /
Giroux, Henry A.

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  • The Giroux reader /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The Giroux reader // by Henry A. Giroux ; edited and introduced by Christopher G. Robbins.
    作者: Giroux, Henry A.
    其他作者: Robbins, Christopher G.
    出版者: Boulder :Paradigm Publishers, : c2006.,
    面頁冊數: xxvii, 335 p. ;24 cm.
    叢書名: Cultural politics & the promise of democracy
    內容註: Contents -- Introduction -- Sociology of education -- Theories of reproduction and resistance in the new sociology of education : toward a critical theory of schooling and pedagogy for the opposition -- Border pedagogy in the age of postmodernism -- Cultural studies and cultural politics -- Consuming social change : the "united colors of Benetton" -- Doing cultural studies : youth and the challenge of pedagogy -- The war against youth -- Nymphet fantasies : child beauty pageants and the politics of innocence -- Disposable youth and the politics of domestic militarization : mis/education in the age of zero tolerance -- From critical pedagogy to public pedagogy -- Is there a role for critical pedagogy in language/cultural studies? An interview with Henry A. Giroux -- Cultural studies, critical pedagogy, and the responsibility of intellectuals -- Mouse power : public pedagogy, cultural studies, and the challenge of Disney -- The politics of higher education -- Racial politics, pedagogy, and the crisis of representation in academic multiculturalism -- Youth, higher education, and the crisis of public time : educated hope and the possibility of a democratic future -- Public intellectuals and their work -- Paulo Freire and the politics of postcolonialism -- The promise of democracy and Edward Said's politics of worldliness : implications for academics as public intellectuals -- Index.
    標題: Education - United States. -
    ISBN: 1594512299
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
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GW0030156 六樓西文書區HC-Z(6F Western Language Books) 01.外借(書)_YB 一般圖書 LC191.4 G57 2006 一般使用(Normal) 編目移送中 0
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