China's soft power and international...

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  • China's soft power and international relations
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: China's soft power and international relations/ edited by Hongyi Lai and Yiyi Lu.
    其他作者: Lai, Hongyi,
    出版者: New York :Routledge, : 2012.,
    面頁冊數: xii, 216 p. :ill.
    內容註: 1. Introduction : the soft power concept and a rising China / Hongyi Lai -- 2. 'Soft power' and Chinese soft power / Yongnian Zheng and Chi Zhang -- 3. Soft language, soft imagery and soft power in China's diplomatic lexicon / David Scott -- 4. The quandary of China's soft-power rhetoric : the "peaceful-rise" concept and internal debate / Dominik Mierzejewski -- 5. China's cultural diplomacy : going for soft power / Hongyi Lai -- 6. Challenges for China's international communication / Yiyi Lu -- 7. Challenges for China's harmonious diplomacy / Cheng (Jason) Qian -- 8. Debunking the myth of China's soft power : changes in China's use of foreign assistance from 1949 to the present / Merriden Varrall -- 9. Is China rising at America's expenses? : anti-Americanism and pro-China sentiments in global public opinion / Zixiao Yang, David Zweig, and Zhengxu Wang -- 10. China's foreign policy as a rising power in the early twenty-first century : the struggle between taoguangyanghui and assertiveness / Suisheng Zhao.
    標題: China - Plateau of Tibet. -
    電子資源: here to view
    ISBN: 9780203122099 (e-book : PDF)
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