[NT 15003449]: |
Foreword; Lee S. Shulman -- 1. Introduction; Marcia Mentkowski and Paul F. Wimmers -- 2. Conceptual Elements for Performance Assessment for Faculty and Student Learning; Marcia Mentkowski, Mary E. Diez, Dena Lieberman, Desiree Pointer Mace, Margaret Rauschenberger, and Jeana Abromeit -- 3. Improving the Integration of Performance Assessments within the Curriculum Across the Professions; Ilene Harris -- 4. Beyond Authenticity: What Should We Value in Assessment in Professional Education?; Chris O'Neal -- 5. Assessing Performance in Engineering Education: Examples Across Fifty Years of Practice; John Heywood -- 6. Instruction and Assessment of Competencies: Two Sides of the Same Coin; Paul F. Wimmers, Lourdes R. Guerrero, and Susan Baillie -- 7. Performance Assessment in Legal Education; Erika Abner and Shelley Kierstead -- 8. Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Across a Curriculum; Marcia Mentkowski, Jeana Abromeit, Heather Mernitz, Kelly Talley, Catherine Knuteson, William Rickards, Lois Kailhofer, Jill Haberman, and Suzanne Mente -- 9. Assessing Across Domains of Study: Issues in Interdisciplinary Assessment; Mark Russell, Anne McKee, and Michele Russell-Westhead -- 10. Thinking Critically About the Quality of Critical Thinking Definitions and Measures; Lily Fountain -- 11. Understanding the Assessment of Clinical Reasoning; Joseph Rencic, Steven Durning, Eric Holmboe and Larry D. Gruppen -- 12. Assessment of Interprofessional Education: Key Issues, Ideas, Challenges and Opportunities; Brian Simmons, Susan J. Wagner and Scott Reeves -- 13. Incorporating Groupwork into Performance Assessments: Psychometric Issues; Noreen M. Webb -- 14. Evaluating Team Performance: A Systematic Review; Danette W. McKinley -- 15. Developing and Assessing Teams Working Collaboratively Across Professions; Anne McKee -- 16. Faculty Development in Assessment: What the Faculty Need to Know and Do; Ara Tekian and John J. Norcini -- 17. Performance Assessment in Faculty Development Programs: Value of Action Research in Leadership Training; Ming Lee, Ronald Cohn, Jodi Cohn and Dan Osterweil -- 18. Assessing Competence in Medical Humanism: Development and Validation of the ICARE Scale for Assessing Humanistic Patient Care; Ming Lee, Paul F. Wimmers and Cha Chi Fung -- 19. Evaluating the Paradigm Shift from Time-Based Toward Competency-Based Medical Education: Implications for Curriculum and Assessment; Yoon Soo Park, Brian Hodges and Ara Tekian -- 20. Assessment Challenges in Creating the Uniform Bar Examination: Politics, Practicality, and Psychometrics -- Douglas R. Ripkey and Joanne Kane -- 21. Summary and Conclusions; Paul F. Wimmers and Marcia Mentkowski. |