European defence cooperation in EU l...
Dyson, Tom.

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  • European defence cooperation in EU law and IR theory
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: European defence cooperation in EU law and IR theory/ Tom Dyson and Theodore Konstadinides.
    作者: Dyson, Tom.
    其他作者: Konstadinides, Theodore.
    出版者: Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan, : 2013.,
    面頁冊數: 1 online resource.
    內容註: Introduction: Why EU Law and IR Theory? Uncovering the Scope of European Defence Cooperation -- 1. Mapping European Defence Cooperation: Patterns of Competition and Complementarity in European Defence Cooperation -- 2. The Context of European Defence Cooperation: Changing Security Threats and the Emergence of Military Isomorphism in post-Cold War Europe -- 3. NATO in the post-Cold War Era: Developing the Capacity to Deploy Expeditionary Force Across the Conflict Spectrum -- 4. Defence Procurement Initiatives in post-Cold War Europe -- 5. Force Generation Initiatives in post-Cold War Europe -- 6. CSDP: The Growth of European Military Autonomy -- 7. Helsinki to Lisbon: Furnishing the EU with the Institutional Structures and Military Capabilities for Defence Autonomy -- 8. NATO and CSDP: Competition and Complementarity -- 9. Missing Pieces of the Puzzle: Institutional and Military Capability Gaps in CSDP -- 10. The Legal Underpinnings of European Defence Cooperation -- 11. Introduction -- 12. Historical Context -- 13. The Legal Framework of CSDP -- 14. The ESDP Prior to the Treaty of Lisbon -- 15. The CSDP and the Treaty of Lisbon -- 16. The Lisbon Treaty's Mutual Assistance Clause -- 17. The Lisbon Treaty's Flexibility Provisions -- 18. The Institutional Architecture of CSDP -- 19. The High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy -- 20. The CJEU and the Overlap Between Security and Other EU Policies -- 21. CSDP: Still an Intergovernmental Affair -- 22. The Application of EU Law in Defence Collaboration and Armament Procurement: Towards a More Systematic and Institutionalised Form of Cooperation -- 23. A State-Centric Defence Equipment Market -- 24. The EU's Defence Equipment Policy 'Package' -- 25. The Interpretation of the Exception System under Article 346 TEU -- 26. The Defence Procurement Directive 2009/81/EC -- 27. Directive 2009/43 on intra-EU Transfers of Defence Products -- 28. EU Capability Procurement Initiatives -- 29. The European Defence Agency -- 30. Collaborative Procurement Frameworks outside the EU Framework -- 31. Joint Organisation for Armaments Cooperation (OCCAR) -- 32. NATO Capability Procurement Initiatives -- 33. Defence Procurement Initiatives Outside EU/NATO Frameworks -- 34. The Letter of Intent -- 35. Conclusion -- 36. Theoretical Contestation on the Drivers and Destination of European Defence Cooperation -- 37. Constructivism and European Defence Cooperation -- 38. Towards a European Strategic Culture? -- 39. Governance and European Defence Cooperation -- 40. The Europeanisation of National Defence Policies? -- 41. Liberal Intergovernmentalism and European Defence Cooperation -- 42. Two Level Games Theory and European Defence Cooperation -- 43. Institutionalism and European Defence Cooperation -- 44. Classical Realism and European Defence Cooperation -- 45. The Neglect of Material Power in the Study of European Defence: Neorealism as a 'Straw Man' -- 46. Explaining European Defence Cooperation: Neorealism and The Contradictory Imperatives of the International System -- 47. The Core Premises of Neorealism: Consensus and Contestation in Neorealist Thought -- 48. Europe in the post-Cold War Era: Systemic Unipolarity and Regional Balanced Multipolarity -- 49. European Defence Cooperation as Reformed Bandwagoning -- 50. Understanding Differentiation in Defence: Variance in External Vulnerability and the Trade off Between Abandonment and Entrapment -- 51. France: Vulnerability to German Power and the Legacy of Empire -- 52. The UK: Dependency on US Power for Global Influence -- 53. Germany: The Vulnerabilities of Semi-Sovereignty and the European Mittellage -- 54. Conclusions: The Destination of European Defence Cooperation -- 55. The Lessons for European Defence: Enduring Uncertainty and the Limits to the Scope and Depth of Cooperation -- 56. Avenues for Future Theoretical Research: Deepening Our Understanding of Systemic Variables in Defence Cooperation -- 57. Theorising the Role of Domestic-Level Variables in European Defence Cooperation -- 58. Future Research Directions for Legal and I/R Scholarship on European Defence.
    標題: HISTORY / Military / Other -
    標題: European Union countries - Foreign relations - Asia, Central. -
    ISBN: 9781137281302 (electronic bk.)
館藏地:  出版年:  卷號: 
  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •
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  • 1 筆 • 頁數 1 •