9789027289087 from books.google.com
In comparing this model to other models, this book presents a state-of-the-art of discourse relation analysis combined with detailed accounts of many examples.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
This volume identifies current issues and under-researched topics in the pragmatics of discourse coherence.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
This new edition of Introduction to Discourse Studies (IDS) is a thoroughly revised and updated version of this successful textbook, which has been published in four languages and has become a must-read for anyone interested in the analysis ...
9789027289087 from books.google.com
Presenting a field-defining overview of one of the most appliable linguistic theories available today, this Handbook surveys the key issues in the study of systemic functional linguistics (SFL), covering an impressive range of theoretical ...
9789027289087 from books.google.com
This volume contains the Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Software, Services & Semantic Technologies (S3T) held in Bourgas, Bulgaria on September 1-3, 2011.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
This book is the second part of a two-volume reader on the 'Dative'. In the first part, which appeared in 1996, eleven papers were presented providing a syntactic and semantic description of the category 'Dative' in eleven languages.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
With an innovative approach in both theme and scope, this book addresses four major competencies that are essential to ensure the effectiveness of English-medium higher education: creativity, critical thinking, autonomy and motivation.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
The opening papers set out the current understanding of Theme and explore aspects of the concept which remain controversial in the field. This is followed by an examination of thematic choices in a range of text types.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
This volume is devoted to the central cases relating to the basic oppositions between subject-object and agent-patient, viz. nominative and accusative, as well as their counterparts such as ergative and absolutive.
9789027289087 from books.google.com
Van Hoecke), French (L. Melis), Spanish (N. Delbecque & B. Lamiroy), Portuguese (R. de Andrade), Polish (B. Rudzka-Ostyn), Hungarian (G. Tóth), Pashto (W. Skalmowski), Hebrew (P. Swiggers) and Orizaba Nahuatl (D. Tuggy).