The Handbook of Intelligent Vehicles provides a complete coverage of the fundamentals, new technologies, and sub-areas essential to the development of intelligent vehicles; it also includes advances made to date, challenges, and future ...
... 9780857290847 Pucher E (2014) Unsere Luft – Was man über die Luftbelastung wissen sollte. ÖAMTC, Wien, S 43. ISBN 978-3-200-03836-3 Jochem P, Poganietz W, Grunwald A, Fichtner W (2015) „Alternative Antriebskonzepte bei sich wandelnden ...
This book provides probabilistic, deterministic and geolocation-aware approaches for adaptive connectivity, robust security and privacy-aware communications for vehicular cyber physical systems (CPS).
Features review questions at the end of each chapter; Includes suggestions for recommended reading; Provides a glossary of ecological terms; Has a wide audience as a textbook for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students and as a ...
Students and practitioners who are eager to look beyond their own fields of interest will appreciate this book because of its depth and breadth of coverage.
This book contains 10 chapters that discuss phosphorus and calcium metabolism, efficiency of utilization, availability, requirements and excretion in livestock and environmental impact.
In part, this is because his explicitly Darwinian approach carefully distinguished between the integrated form and function of hierarchies within organisms and loosely defined, nonorganismal ecological communities.