Theorizing the future of science edu...
Prain, Vaughan.

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  • Theorizing the future of science education research
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Theorizing the future of science education research/ edited by Vaughan Prain, Brian Hand.
    其他作者: Prain, Vaughan.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2019.,
    面頁冊數: vi, 196 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: 1.Introduction: Theorizing future research for the science classroom; Vaughan Prain and Brian Hand -- SECTION ONE: Mapping the Big Picture -- 2. Merging cognitive and sociocultural approaches: Towards better understandings of the processes of developing thinking and reasoning; Paul Webb and Bill Whitlow -- 3. Frameworks, Committed Testers, and Science as a Form of Life; Jim Gee -- 4. Writers in Community Model: 15 Recommendations for Future Research in Using Writing to Promote Science Learning; Steve Graham -- SECTION TWO: Theorizing Aspects of Science Learning -- 5. An Exploratory Neuroimaging Study of Argumentative and Summary Writing Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy; Richard Lamb, Brian Hand and Sae Yeol Yoon -- 6. Scientific Practices as an Actor-Network of Literacy Events: Forging a Convergence between Disciplinary Literacy and Scientific Practices; Kok-Sing Tang -- 7. Immersive approaches to science argumentation and literacy: What does it mean to "live" the languages of science?; Brian Hand, Andy Cavagnetto, and Lori Norton-Meier -- 8. Writing as an Epistemological Tool: Perspectives from personal, disciplinary, and sociocultural landscapes; Ying-Chih Chen -- 9. Scientific Literacy Practices from a concept of Discourse Space: Focusing on Resources and Demands for Learning; Sae Yeol Yoon -- 10. Future research in learning with, through and from scientific representations; Vaughan Prain -- 11. "I'm not a writer": Shaping the literacy-related attitudes and beliefs of students and teachers in STEM disciplines; Lisa Emerson -- SECTION THREE: Review -- 12. Critical dialogues for emerging research agendas in science education; Greg Kelly.
    Contained By: Springer eBooks
    標題: Science - Study and teaching -
    ISBN: 9783030240134
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