Transforming K-12 classrooms with di...
Yang, Zongkai,

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  • Transforming K-12 classrooms with digital technology /
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-語言資料,印刷品 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: Transforming K-12 classrooms with digital technology // Zongkai Yang, Harrison Hao Yang, Di Wu, and Sanya Liu, editors.
    其他作者: Yang, Zongkai,
    出版者: Hershey, Pennsylvania (701 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA, 17033) :IGI Global, : [2014],
    面頁冊數: PDFs (336 pages)
    內容註: Transforming K-12 classrooms with digital technology: a look at what works! / Robert J. Leneway -- Blended and online learning in virtual K-12 schools / Alex Kumi-Yeboah -- Fostering collaboration and digital literacy with mobile technology / Michael S. Mills -- GBL as PBL: guidelines for game-based learning in the classroom and informal science centers / Brad Hoge -- Finding and evaluating great educational games / Elisa Gopin -- Electronic performance support system (EPSS) tools to support teachers and students / Katherine Mitchem, Gail Fitzgerald, Kevin Koury -- Apple's iBooks author: potential, pedagogical meanings, and implementation challenges / Jackie HeeYoung Kim -- STEM in early childhood education: we talk the talk, but do we walk the walk? / Alper Tolga Kumtepe, Evrim Genc-Kumtepe -- Integrating computing across the curriculum: incorporating technology into STEM education / Alia Carter, Shelia R. Cotton, Philip Gibson, LaToya J. O'Neal, Zachary Simoni, Kristi Stringer, Leticia S. Watkins -- Digital play: the use of creative technologies in the early years / Jennifer Howell, Susan McDonald -- Integrating the arts into early childhood teacher education through technology: a puppetry arts project / Kevin Hsieh, Melanie Davenport -- Young people in a gallery with a digital camera: communicating ideas, inquiry, and curiosity / Narelle Lemon -- Designing an online interactive learning program to improve Chinese migrant children's internet skills: a case study at Hangzhou Minzhu Experimental School / Yan Li, Niki Y. Guo, Maria Ranieri -- A collaborative skills training program utilizing information and communications technology for 21st-century children / Nagayuki Saito -- Modeling digital work and learning: preservice teachers' digital proficiencies and teacher education / Mei Wu Hoyt -- Promoting a balanced development of high quality teacher resources with network technology: a theoretical and empirical study / Caiping Xiong, Xuejun Wang, Xiangyang He, Wenzheng Yang -- Interactive boards in schools: middle and high school teachers' uses and difficulties / Wajeeh Daher, Essa Alfahel -- The development and application of regional education informatization in China / Mingzhang Zuo, Sisi Liu, Ziyun Zhao.
    標題: Educational technology - United States. -
    ISBN: 9781466645394 (ebook)
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