The palgrave handbook of german idea...
Stewart, Jon.

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  • The palgrave handbook of german idealism and existentialism
  • 紀錄類型: 書目-電子資源 : Monograph/item
    正題名/作者: The palgrave handbook of german idealism and existentialism/ edited by Jon Stewart.
    其他作者: Stewart, Jon.
    出版者: Cham :Springer International Publishing : : 2020.,
    面頁冊數: xx, 576 p. :ill., digital ;24 cm.
    內容註: Part I: Anticipations of Existentialism in the German Idealists -- 1. The Stumbling Block of Existence in F. H. Jacobi; Paolo Livieri -- 2. Kant and Existentialism: Inescapable Freedom and Self-Deception; Roe Fremstedal -- 3. Fichte and Existentialism: Freedom and Finitude, Self-Positing and Striving; Steven Hoeltzel -- 4. Schelling as a Transitional Figure from Idealism to Existentialism; Zoltan Gyenge -- 5."Return to Intervention in the Life of Human Beings": Existentialist Themes in the Development of Hegel's Social and Political Philosophy; C. Allen Speight -- 6. The Existentialist Basis of Schopenhauer's Pessimism; Robert Wicks -- 7. An Early Ally of Existentialism? Trendelenburg's Logical Investigations in the Mirror of Kierkegaard's Literary Project; Heiko Schulz -- Part II: The Existentialists' Use of the German Idealists -- 8. Kierkegaard: A Transitional Figure from German Idealism to Existentialism; Jon Stewart -- 9. "The Honeymoon of German Philosophy": Nietzsche and German Idealism; Daniel Conway -- 10. Buber and German Idealism: Between Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Religion; Peter Sajda -- 11. Historicism, Neo-Idealism, and Modern Theology: Paul Tillich and German Idealism; Christian Danz -- 12. "The Last Kantian": Outlines of Karl Jaspers's Ambivalent Reception of German Idealism; Istvan Czako -- 13. Beyond the Critique of Judgment: Arendt and German Idealism; Matthew Wester -- 14. Heidegger and Kant, or Heidegger's Poetic Idealism of Imagination; David Espinet -- 15. Heidegger and German Idealism (Fichte, Schelling, Hegel): Subjectivity and Finitude; Sylvaine Gourdain and Lucian Ionel -- 16. Jacques Maritain: A Thomist Encounters Existentialism; Lee C. Barrett -- 17. The Ethics of Resistance: Camus's Encounter with German Idealism; Thomas P. Miles -- 18. Merleau-Ponty and Hegel: Meaning and its Expression in History; David Ciavatta -- 19. Hegel and Sartre: The Search for Totality; Bruce Baugh -- 20. Women, Jews, and Other Others: The Influence of Hegel on Beauvoir and Levinas; Claire Katz.
    Contained By: Springer Nature eBook
    標題: Idealism, German. -
    ISBN: 9783030445713
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