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... 9572126229 (平裝附磁片) 1.數值分析 2.工程數學-資料處理 3.C (電腦程式語言) 310.107 基礎微積分/新埔技術學院數學教學研究會編著.一臺北市:臺灣東華, 8808. - 352 面; 24 公分,一 ISBN 9574830071 (平裝) NT $ 320 1.微積分 312.9 最新實用電腦概論 ...
9572126229 from books.google.com
Custom CodeLab: CodeLab is a web-based interactive programming exercise service that has been customized to accompany this text. It provides numerous short exercises, each focused on a particular programming idea or language construct.
9572126229 from books.google.com
This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding the design of wireless multimedia communications systems.
9572126229 from books.google.com
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
9572126229 from books.google.com
In this second edition of his best-selling book, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C, Mark Allen Weiss, continues to refine and enhance his innovative approach to algorithms and data structures.