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The four essays that make up this volume are based upon and expand the lectures Ricoeur delivered at Texas Christian University, 27-30 November 1973, as their Centennial Lectures.
0912646594 from books.google.com
The work of the institute and the journal make clear that people (both students and professors) seek practical guidance on how to conduct hermeneutic research. This book is a must read for this audience.
0912646594 from books.google.com
In this little volume, Anthony Thiselton makes an impassioned appeal for closer attention to the philosophy of hermeneutics.
0912646594 from books.google.com
This book is a discussion or debate with Freud. Today we are in search of a comprehensive philosophy of language to account for the multiple functions of the human act of signifying and for their interrelationships.
0912646594 from books.google.com
The essays it comprises are bound together by Ricoeur's customary concern for interpretation and language and all bear the stamp of the systematic and critical thinking which has become his hallmark in contemporary philosophy.
0912646594 from books.google.com
In the first two volumes of this work, Paul Ricoeur examined the relations between time and narrative in historical writing, fiction and theories of literature.
0912646594 from books.google.com
This lucidly written survey of hermeneutics includes a thorough examination of the extent of the contribution of philosophy to the interpretation of the Bible, as well as a detailed original treatment of the work of Heidegger, Bultmann, ...
0912646594 from books.google.com
From Text to Action is an essential companion to the now classic The Conflict of Interpretations.